
Rules of the Game


Postby Dapper Dog » Fri May 05, 2017 5:47 pm

Huttball is a violent sport of two teams playing a game of capture the flag with a glowing orb. The goal is get the orb from the center of the map to the goal of the opposing team. These matches are usually pretty fast about fifteen minutes on average with two teams of six. The game used to be very violent but it became hard to find players to replace the old guard so they overhauled the game with stun weapons and it has resurged with popularity though some grumble that something was lost without the average death per match.

To play Huttball requires a variety of skills and specialty roles per team. In general the best teams succeed by working together and playing to their strengths and covering a variety of skills and rolls. The game is demanding both mentally and physically and still quite dangerous even with stun weapons.

Skills for use in a Huttball match; Athletics, Brawl, Coercion, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Leadership, Melee, Perception, Ranged Light, Vigilance, Skullduggery, and Stealth. Each player on the team makes two skill rolls versus Hard difficulty.

Every success rolled is totaled up and every four successes counts as a goal. A Triumph always counts as a goal by itself. A Despair rolled means the player has suffered a game ending critical injury, roll on the critical chart and can no longer participate in the game. If the roll fails then keep track of the failures, every four failures is a goal for the opposing team.

Advantages can be used to aid you teammates, 1 advantage can be used to add a boost die to the next teammate to roll and 2 advantages can be used to aid a teammate of your choice; either option can only be used once but you can do both options for a total of 3 advantage. Advantage can also be used to recover strain.

Threat rolled does strain per each Threat rolled and if three threat are roll the opposing team scores a goal instead. If the Character rolled a Despair on their turn the strain done is converted to wounds.

At the end of each player’s turn they must make an Average Resilience check or suffer three strain. Advantage may be spent on the Resilience roll to recover strain and Threat increases the strain done. Triumph rolled allows the player to either ignore the next Resilience roll on their turn or improve the Resilience skill check of an ally by 1 upgrade. On a Despair the character takes wounds instead of strain. This Resilience skill check does not count towards the Perfect Team bonus. This roll is not affected by ally bonuses.

Perfect Team bonus if each member of the team succeeds at a different skill, for all twelve rolls, they gain 6 successes on top of whatever they scored. This means no two members can use the same skill twice every member must use two different skills out of the thirteen choices.

HuttBall Rounds

First player rolls their first skill and then makes their Resilience roll. The next player does their first skill and then resilience roll and all the way till all players have made two skill rolls apiece. You make a Resilience roll each round.

After the last player goes total up the score to figure out the number of goals.

For example... Hondo tried to use a shock sword to effectively knock down opponents but is just not very effective at making a hole for his team.! This is his first "turn" action.

Huttball - Melee: 2eP+1eA+3eD 1 failure

Now he makes his Resilience roll... and he takes 5 strain for his troubles. Hondo gets pummeled out there for his efforts.

Huttball - Resilience: 2eA+2eD 0 successes, 2 threat

Next up is Marli and she tries to rally the team to victory. She is capable of pushing the team to an advantageous position but pays for it with a strike to the shoulder! She suffers two strain.

Huttball - Leadership: 2eA+2eP+3eD 1 success, 2 threat

Now it is her Resilience roll... she succeeds but still is winded by the immense effort and suffers 2 strain due to Threat.

Huttball - Resilience: 1eA+2eD 1 success, 2 threat

Then it moves to the third player... all the way to the sixth player and then starts again until all players have made two actions. Then tally up successes and failures for the score, plus any bonuses from Triumph or Despair... or Threat and such. Remember the Resilience roll does not count towards the score.
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Dapper Dog
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Re: HuttBall

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:42 pm


Betting on a Huttball team is simple. For a given game, you must wager on which team will win at the betting booth. At the end of the game, if your team was successful, you can cash out your win with a 10% cut given to the Hutts. For example, if you bet 1000 credits and won, you would receive 1800 credits back.

While betting is technically possible outside of the official ring, it is frowned upon. You can roll Negotiation (Presence) or Streetwise (Cunning) at Hard Difficulty to find someone willing to wager with you. Any Threat in the final result means that the security forces catch on, fining you for 100 Credits per Threat and kicking you out of the arena for the day.

Note that you may bet with other player characters beneath the table without any issues from security.
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Re: HuttBall

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:22 am

I've decided to put a cap on Huttball betting. Please do not bet higher than 1000 Credits.
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Re: HuttBall

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:24 am

Rules change: Enemy team scores a goal at every 2 Failures and not 4. Should help scrub enemy teams out.
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Re: HuttBall

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:02 pm

Hutts are reviewing HuttBall gambling, no betting.
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