Starting the day by returning to the Saarai-kaar with Jitter on the speeder, the Jawa was happily chirping away about the plans he had for improving some of Shaisha's gear.
"Well, it would be nice to have a commlink in it," Shaisha agreed as they got off the speeder. "Just. Don't. Break. It."
For some reason though, Jitter insisted on not doing the work indoors at the ship, but he brought all his tools, and the junk he called parts and tools, outside and set up his own impromptu workshop. Shaisha hovered over him as he got to work on her mask, assisting and also sternly trying to keep the overeager Jawa from suddenly installing some weird stuff on it.
"Uh-oh," said Jitter.
"... Did you break it?"
Silence from the jawa.
D3 MM Jitter tries to mod again! Boost from Shaisha!:
1eP+1eA+1eB+3eD 2 failures, 3 threat, 1 Triumph