Day 2 MM: Lightshield

Small Jedi enclave on Nar Shaddaa

Day 2 MM: Lightshield

Postby Baesal Zyn » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:49 am

The expedition would be dangerous and it would take time to properly organise. In the meanwhile she decided she would initiate her second project

Design the Lightshield. Inventor MM: 2eA+2eP+3eD+1eB 3 successes
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister''.
"Insert here: profound sounding quote that expresses nothing more then hot air" -Baesal Zyn
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Baesal Zyn
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