Peace Talks Rules

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Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:59 am

Peace talk events will aid the delegate heads in their negotiations, the players will be involved in the low level discussions that set the stage for the major talks between Darth Xevious and Senator Herresh; the players will be able to boost and reduce their rolls for the peace talk resolutions at the end but there will be some randomness in this since it will be a series of rolls.

Each event may add a boost die, or a setback, or upgrade the roll or the difficulty the event will have the basic reward. Think of this as your characters finding information or flaws in the other side’s argument that gives your delegate head more leverage in the talks. Below you will find the base stats for each Head Delegate and this is the baseline for them.

There will also be two polls in the respective Imperial and Republic chats to determine the goals of the talks, these will go up later but not before mid game. There will be three rolls at the end one Opposed Check between the Head Delegates and then each head Delegate will make a roll versus the Hutts a Negotiation check, the purpose of the Negotiation will be determined by a Poll in the respective private chats.

We will roll 1d100, 1 to 50 the Darth Xevious rolls and Senator Herresh opposes, if 51 to 100 then Senator Herresh rolls and Darth Xevious opposes. This will happen on Day 11 as part of the resolution of the Talks.

The Hutt Cartels have a Difficulty of Daunting with three Upgraded Dice and 2 Setback dice. That is 3 red dice, 2 purple dice, and 2 black dice for the difficulty. Some events the side will have to choose if they want an advantage versus their rival or the Hutts.

Stats are below.

Darth Xevious

Force Rating: 3; Cunning 4, Willpower 5, Presence 3; Charm 2, Coercion 4, Discipline 4, Deception 3, Negotiation 2; Dark Lord's Sway may add his Force rating to Deception and Coercion skill checks.

Senator Herresh Seir'oto

Cunning 3, Willpower 4, Presence 5; Charm 4, Coercion 2, Discipline 3, Deception 1, Negotiation 3; Pure Soul gains 2 boost dice to Charm checks and Nobody's Fool increases the difficulty by 2 for Deception, Charm, and Negotiation checks done against him.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:09 pm

Both Republic and Empire will gain a boost die to their Negotiations, due to Triumph the Empire will gain an additional free Advantage on the roll as well.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:10 pm

Republic earned 4 points: If 4 or higher points are earned then the Negotiation check receives one Upgrade to the roll.

Empire earned 3 points: If 3 points are earned then the Negotiation check is improved with 2 Boost dice.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:51 am


OOC: Republic will gain a Boost die on the Diplomacy with the Empire.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:56 am


Republic gains a boost die on the Peace Talks check.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:05 am

Empire Side
Political Prisoners: The Hutt Cartels recognize that some of their people are being held in prisons of the respective faction. They would like to broker the release of select individuals in the name of friendship. Going this route will grant the Faction a boost die if successful in Negotiation rolls with the Hutts but a setback die on the Peace Talks roll at the end for their faction, regardless of success or failure.
If 4 or higher points are earned then the Peace Talks check receives one Upgrade to the roll.

Republic Side
We can Make this Issue go Away: The Hutt Cartels get all kinds of seedy information and they are willing to make some of these problems go away on account of the great relationship they hope to form with your faction. Going this route if successful will grant your rival Faction a setback die in the Peace Talks, if successful, but also a setback die with Negotiating with the Hutts as you owe them regardless of success or failure.
If 2 points are earned then the Peace Talks check is improved with a Boost die.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:40 am


OOC: Empire and Republic suffer a setback on their Peace Talks checks.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Nekoinu » Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:58 pm

Various interactions have led to the Empire gaining 3 Bonus Dice to be used as Dapper pleases.

Prodigal Daughter
Another Misfortune for Alderaan
Fish in a Barrel

OOC: these will be used for Hutt Negotiations.
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Re: Peace Talks Rules

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:47 pm

Peace Talks: 1d100 35 - Darth Xevious rolls Coercion versus Senator Herresh's Discipline.

Stronger together. The Empire and the Hutts and form an alliance, the side effect is that crime rises in the Republic and that Darth Hoshi becomes stronger with a greater influx of alien forces in the Empire.

Stay neutral, my friends. The Negotiation is to keep them from taking a side, if successful they stay neutral no matter the Empire choice.

There is Peace, but the Empire will suffer a minor loss in resources due to the 2 threat during the two year break.

Darth Xevious Coercion vs. Herresh Discipline: 5eP+1eB+3eF+3eC+1eA+7eS 1 success, 3 threat, 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

The Hutts will not align with the Empire, but the Empire will suffer a major setback due to the Despair but will benefit somewhat from this attempt due to the 2 advantage.

Darth Xevious Negotiation vs. Hutts: 3eC+2eD+2eS+2eP+1eA+7eB 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Despair

The Republic convinces the Hutts to stay neutral in the affairs will benefit greatly due to the Triumph!
Senator Herresh Negotiation vs. Hutts: 3eC+2eD+3eS+3eP+2eA+3eB 2 successes, 1 Triumph
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