Player Characters

The Cast of the Game

Re: Player Characters

Postby Layne Hoshin » Sat Jun 03, 2017 5:05 pm

Name: Layne Hoshin
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Elevated Slave
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Build: Tough

Personality & Appearance:

The first thing people usually notice about her these days is the rather impressive set of armored robes she tends to wear. Not exactly common attire, after all, but this set in particular would be rare anywhere. Those with a curiosity in history would note that though in pristine condition, the base design is ancient; predating the Great Hyperspace War by a considerable amount. The same could be said about one of the two lightsabers she carries at her side, upon closer inspection.

The second thing people often notice about Layne is the intensity in her eyes. It'd be all too easy to confuse the hatred that's always burning in them for anger.

Brief History:

Born on an out of the way world called Kabaira, Layne Hoshin's idyllic frontier childhood was brutally cut short when she ended up the property of a violent slaver group known as the Jaw of Oblivion. She travelled the outer rim for years with the group; part pet, and part... something else. Until they tired of her and sold her off to the spice mines of Kessel that is; widely regarded as the very worst place to be in the entire galaxy.

There's a few rumors floating around the Sith gossip-sphere that she ended up attracting the attention of a less than stable Sith who discovered her force affinity, took over her contract, and then decided to try and train her in the sort of way that only a deranged fool seeking a quick path to his own power could do; an act of stupidity that then quickly rewarded him with a violent death at the hands of the ignorant slave. Rather than be executed for such an act, Layne was sent to the academy on Korriban. There, despite having the deck stacked against her, she quickly managed to make a name for herself with her acts of defiance; and the unusual lightsaber she'd made her own; and became known to many as the 'Little Wrath'.

Since leaving the academy less than a year ago, the young apprentice of Darth Baras has served as his 'Sword'; fighting and killing the many people he considers a threat or enemy.

Though she previously had a frigate to serve as her base of operations, events have conspired to present her with a downgrade. Now she flies around the galaxy in the 'Shifting Wound'.



  • If you have any ties to the Jaws of Oblivion, or been around the spice mines of Kessel, you may have known a very different Layne.
  • Been to Alderaan, Nar Shaddaa, or Makeb the past year? You may have run into Layne... or the chaos she's left behind.
  • Fancy lightsabers? There's a rumor an angry young Sith has one with a unique black colored blade.
  • She may have an interest in some esoteric subjects of the force, particularly relating to force wounds.

Last edited by Layne Hoshin on Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Former Sith | Human | Elevated Slave | Little Wrath | Intimidating | Bold | Fearsome | Shii-Cho | Supposedly dead
equipment: Armored robes, Utility Belt, Stimpacks, Lightsaber(Darksaber), Lightsaber(Shoto), Communicator, Ancient Sword hilt, Glowrod
"So... Wrath of the Emperor eh? What's that about?"

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Re: Player Characters

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Sat Jun 03, 2017 5:34 pm

Name: Lord Zeno Deathwright
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Faction: Sith Empire
Background: *Imperial Noble
Marital status: Single
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165
Build: Fit
Hair: Black
Eyes: Yellow, corrupt outline

Zeno is a man with an intense stare and a somewhat violent sense of "honor", not taking well to blatant insults against the things he knows he is skilled with. He's not afraid to admit his weaknesses, because he knows they're only temporary, but does not take kindly to people mentioning such in public.

Recently graduated from the Sith Academy on Korriban at the top of his class, Zeno has capitalized on his demonstrated skill. He recently struck against the Republic and the Jedi, wiping out the enclave on Dantooine alongside his new Master. As a result of that mission Lord Zash was able to leverage gathered information to secure a position as Darth Zash, in turn promoting Zeno to the rank of Lord.

Lord Zeno has secured the support of his Noble house and now travels in his own scout ship with his own squadron. His second in command is Lt Carza Hilya. He has made his way to Nar Shaddaa to see to the interests of the Sith at the "Peace" talks, but he knows the code. The talks are a lie.

- Do you like flying and the freedom that it grants? So does Zeno.
- Do you enjoy sparring and fencing? Perhaps we could have a bout or two.
- Do you want to know more about house Deathwright? Feel free to ask, he's glad to share!
- Are you looking for a somewhat prone to violence ally? Zeno might be the buddy for you.
Last edited by Zeno Deathwright on Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade
Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya)
Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Jo'ren Rath » Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:51 pm

Name: Jo'ren Rath
Age: 17
Species: True Sith
Background: Heir to a Sith Bloodline (Sek'nos Rath)
Marital Status: Single
Height: 192cm / 6'3"
Weight: 92kg / 203lbs
Hair: Long, luxurious, reddish brown
Eyes: Golden
Build: The broad shoulders and toned muscles of a professional athlete
Face ridges: Spiked, with two sharp points jutting downwards

Jo’ren Rath is descended from a long line of Sith Warriors and Seekers that began with Sek’nos Rath, way back before the Republic during the height of the Infinite Empire. Although his ancestor began his life fighting for the Jedaii, he eventually found his true path with the Dark Side, founding a lineage of fierce warriors.

Jo’ren has inherited his ancestor’s physique and the core of his combat skills can be found in the Shii-Cho style. Since graduating from the Korriban Academy earlier this year his abilities with the Force have begun to manifest themselves, but it is his lightsaber skills that are perhaps most impressive. Many foes have fallen to his twin-blade, most recently on board his Master's flagship during the Battle of the Gorion Nebula.

The Rath family has its holdings in the heart of Imperial space, but he rarely visits these days. His time is split between the Massassi of Yavin IV and completing whatever mission Darth Vengean can only trust to his newly favoured apprentice. This means a lot of time to himself for his own projects, which he pursues diligently, seemly happy with his own company and that of the droids who crew his ship. Although Jo'ren has become more centered on creating his own legacy his recent experiences have drawn the attention of the spirit of Exar Kun. He dreams of one day setting foot on Tython at the head of a Sith army, an unstoppable warrior reclaiming his family's birthright.

To his friends Jo'ren can be relatively pleasant company, but he has little time for fools and to most he can be summed up as a bit of a jerk. That this may simply be an act might take a perceptive individual to notice...


  • If you've got any physical skill you might have something in common, although Jo'ren is hard to impress.
  • Skilled with a saber? He's interested in what you have to show for yourself.
  • Are you an attractive True Sith female? S'up?
  • Need a friend who can take a lot of punishment? Jo'ren might be worth investing some time into.
  • Know of any Lore relating to the ancient Sith? You have an audience.

The Terror Star
Darth Vengean has gifted his apprentice with a Light Freighter as his base of operations. It is not obviously adorned with Imperial sigils, and is crewed by two droids: XL-R8 (the pilot) and T0-0L (co-pilot / engineer). A third droid can also be found onboard, this is 2V-R6, previously a protocol droid at the Korriban academy.
Last edited by Jo'ren Rath on Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Force Sensitive | True Sith | Athletic | Tough | Shii-Cho | Niman | Vengean's apprentice | Action Hero
"A Sith chooses their own path, their own destiny."
Wears or carries: Red double-bladed lightsaber, red standard lightsaber, comlink, utility belt and backpack with stuff, Sith Holocron, Heavy clothing or Sith armour with impressive cloak.
Ship: The Terror Star (light freighter). Crew: XL-R8 (pilot), T0-1L (co-piloting/engineer). Passenger: 2V-R6 (Astrogation/Protocol)
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Moyr Ahaya

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:46 pm

Name: Moyr Ahaya (formerly Moyra'haya)
Aliases: The Red Wraith, Hwee Sensara, Darwi Thessala
Gender: Female
Faction: Imperial, Sith
Species: Twi'lek (Lethan)
Background: Criminal (Smuggler)
Marital Status: Make a Guess
Age: Late Teens
Height: 5'8"
Weight: How dare you?
Build: Slender, Curvaceous
Complexion: Carmine


The Twi'lek is mostly stereotypical in the appeal of her feminine graces. She has all the right things of all the right shape and pertness in all the right places at all the right angles. The grace of her posterior and the light undulation of her lekku, in addition to all else, should be banned as a cardiovascular arrest hazard. One of the things that sets her apart from the common Twi'lek stock is the rare carmine skin coloration qualifying her as a Lethan. The tips of her lekku are slightly paler than the rest of her complexion, a sign of exposure to the Dark Side, but this is usually hidden with henna drawings or decorative tapes.

She is many women, actually. In another life on a desert hole called Ryloth, she was Moyra'haya, a girl her parents feared and despised for her preternatural aura enough to sell her into slavery. Then things happened, and Moyr Ahaya, with her name now broken for parting with the community, became an audacious independent smuggler that was making deals with both the Republic and the Empire, trading war tech, materiel and supplies. She had been quite successful until her freighter fell into an Imperial trap. Unlike her Corellian partner-in-crime, she survived and was ferried to Korriban where she underwent a rigorous training to become a Sith. Her alter ego, the creature of the Dark Side calling herself the Red Wraith, rose on Yavin IV, after she had acquired the Red Mask of Yavin from the ascendant Queen of the Massassi. But only a few know that Moyr and the Wraith are the same person. And yet almost no-one knows that she and an investigative journalist Hwee Sensara that reported for GNN from Balmorra on rebellion for several months is her too. Her newest alias, Darwi Thesalla, a singer and a holonet radio anchor for the Sixth Sense broadcast, is just another convenient guise for her stay in Nar Shaddaa. She may well change aliases often, like gloves.


She used to exude a seductive demeanour even though the ostensibly soft, innocent sweetness of her timbre, pronunciation (imagine French accent) and gesticulation often belied and confused the truer image of a ruthless vixen. A proclivity to tease and play with is still a part of her, but it doesn't come up as often unless her guise allows her to channel it back. As a Sith, she's more businesslike, violent, vicious and ruthless, and does not suffer fools gladly. If a person's worth is judged by the quality of their opponents, some Hutts just might be among Moyr's if someone still remembers a slugslaughter of a Hutt slaver who was supposed to deliver an adolescent treat of a Twi'lek to become a plaything for an ephobophile with a seat in the Senate (who would prefer to stay anonymous).

Wear-wise, she prefers black. Her trademark silken black tapes and ribbons selectively wrapping her body could be called 'wear' only with a leap of imagination, but these days they rarely come into view, either hidden under a concealing cloak or done away with in favour of a less scandalous wear like leather trousers and jackets, especially in her non-Sith personas. The Red Wraith never appears without the Mask.

Originally, she's been an anarchistic, radical spirit, subversive and seditious, disrespectful of laws and regulations, spurning restrictions and bans, unrepentant in pursuing her ambitions and passions. She has had little tolerance for racial chauvinism or xenophobia, and has abhorred slavery. Her mindset is the direct opposite of a demure, pliant Twi'lek 'entertainer' even if the realisation of it tends to come only in painful hindsight for those who initially assume too much. She didn't fit on Ryloth and she is never homesick. Her dirt farmer family most likely doesn't miss her either.


As a Sith, she has built on her mental proclivities and has embraced the letter of the Sith Code wholeheartedly, finding the radical freedom it promises to be worth striving for. But her views on manumission and emancipation have... nuanced. Only those who have the brains and the guts to fight for their freedom are worth gaining it. The rest is livestock. With her dedication to the Code, it is non-coincidental that her lightsabre bears the name Passion. And just like her twinblade, her passions are concealed from most eyes and it's hard to see them coming. She may have been in love once or twice, but then got better and developed a qualified immunity.

Her other notable possessions include Virginia, a lethal if somewhat old-fashioned battle droid, and a light freighter called the Bitch. Moyr does not advertise that the Bitch is hers so making the connection requires some effort. The vessel in itself looks odd, like it could have originally been a CEC product but got hybridised in the course of an intensive Mandalorian makeover that included avionics, outer defences, floorplan, guns, etc. And there is a Mandalorian co-pilot on board to rein it all in whenever Moyr is busy. Her name is Genevieve 'Gunnie' Wren and she is an offspring of a small family within Clan Vizsla. She is as gun-happy as her moniker seems to indicate. There is also a small T3-X3 maintenance droid to take care of menial tasks on the vessel.

Last edited by Moyr Ahaya on Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

"You can have only as much liberty as you have the instinct to want and the audacity to take."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:49 pm

Shaisha Vreysk

Official Information
Race: Pureblood Sith
Height: 160cm / 5'2"
Build: Lithe, athletic
Hair: Deep red
Eyes: Golden orange
Skin: Red
Ridges: Two points extending along her jawbone

The pureblood Sith might be of small frame, but her features catches the eye. With russet-red skin-color, and distinct ridges on the sides of her face, her heritage as a true Sith is unmistakeable. Like many of her species, there is a fierce look in the golden-orange hue of her eyes, and something resembling a feline predator in her look.

She holds herself with an air of confidence, and seems to be able to adapt to most situations whether they be social or confrontational. A woman with a soldier's discipline, a socialite's charm, and a Sith's unabashed passion.

Shaisha finished her time on Korriban as one of the top three graduates of the Sith Academy, and caught the eye of Dark Council member Darth Vowrawn. Her short time with her new master has tempered her previous traditional views and while she is not yet as radical in her philosophy as Vowrawn, she has broadened her horizons to see that the Empire needs to value its traditions but not at the cost of its progress. As Vowrawn's apprentice, Shaisha has become a unknown factor for the Empire's enemies, given her secretive nature that makes her full of surprises.

Perhaps showing a weakness for luxury and decadance like her master, she is always well-dressed in fashionable and well-tailored clothing. Except when the circumstances require for her to get more physical, she dons a custom-made suit of stealth-armor, and a half-mask.


SIS Database
Report #72518E, classified 'Crimson Wolf'
Female, Pureblood Sith
Age unknown. Appears to be late teens. No record of birth
Assessement: High-risk, based on accomplishements and lack of sufficient data.

Shaisha Vreysk is one of the top graduates from the Sith Academy on Korriban this year. Reports say that she, along with the other two who were at the top of the class, were responsible for killing a gigantic beast (report #45924L, classified 'Vermillion Stalker') that had decimated Imperial patrols in the area for a long period (This is factored into the analysis of the threat she will pose to Republic Agents. See also report on Lord Zeno Deathwright and Khalim Tsaizu).
Raised in the household of Minister Torsin, the former Minister of War (report #61483J, Imperial Military), and now the newest apprentice of a member of the Dark Council, Darth Vowrawn (report #3616B, classified 'Ochre Shadow'), SIS analysis considers it likely that she is on the fast-track to becoming a major player in the Empire.
As deducted from Imperial News, she had a hand in eliminating the resistance group known as Children of Revan (#89137H, classified 'Ivory Peregrine').

Imperial Intelligence Database
[WARNING: The following content is under restricted access]

Sith Liaison to Public Security Section IX
Master: Darth Vowrawn
DOB: [classified]
Family: [Classified]; Lord Scourge, father

Shaisha Vreysk is the only living known relative of Lord Scourge, the Emperor's Wrath.
There are no records in official databases of her birth and details of her past is classified.

Records from 10 years ago show that the family of the late Minister of War, Aramis Torsin, were given status as her guardians and she was raised in their household. She seems to have cut her ties with the Torsin family following her graduation from the Korriban Academy as one of the top students.

Shaisha is the newest apprentice of Darth Vowrawn, and was recently appointed as his official liason on behalf of the Dark Council to the newly formed Public Security Section 9 because of her actions in rooting out the terrorist group the Children of Revan. Their leader, known only as the Eagle, escaped their confrontation, but Shaisha saw to that the Children of Revan would bring no further harm to the Empire.

She recently disappeared off the radar, last seen on Deathwright Station before leaving on an unknown mission.

Suitable to a rising star of the Sith in service to a Dark Council member, the young femme Sith travels in a X-70B Phantom Class ship. While its main-pilot is Anthy "Snow" Zhin, a rookie by all appearances, the ship's well-being rests in the hands of a chatty Jawa by the name Jitter, who also serves as Anthy's co-pilot. Both the crewmembers are treated well by Shaisha, and she takes pride in looking after the two of them.
Last edited by Shaisha Vreysk on Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Kristal Serasai » Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:19 pm

Name: Kristal Serasai
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Imperial Nobility
Age: 17
Height: 5'3" / 162cm
Build: Athletic
Hair: Blonde, Cut Short
Eye Color: Brown

Data File:
Kristal Serasai is a formidable woman, that much is clear. Something that should not come as a surprise given her position as Darth Marr's apprentice. Now the last member of a Noble house, the Serasai, with her father executed for treason and her mother now missing she is the only Serasai to remain in the public eye. It is to be noted of her resilience, a testament to that truth may be found in the Cybernetic arm that has now replaced one she lost when engaging with a Jedi Knight upon the Yavin moon.

Kristal Serasai is a prime example of the virtues that the Serasai name stands for, regardless of how their lineage may have been marred by the apparent crimes of her Father. Despite this, Marr's decision has allowed the young woman some credence to the belief that she is unlike what many believe her father to be. It is no secret to any in the Empire that where Kristal Serasai appears, whatever Darth Marr intends will soon be revealed.

Last edited by Kristal Serasai on Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Force Sensitive | Human | Imperial Noble | Champion of Marr | Disciplined | Jedi Killer | "Traitor's" Daughter
On Person: Armored Robes, Comlink, Combat Knife, Lightsaber

"Cowardice is beneath me."

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Re: Player Characters

Postby Remmington Thalalas » Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:40 pm

Name: Remmington Thalalas
Race: Human
Age: 17
Marital Status: Single
Height: 178cm / 5'10"
Weight: 70kg / 154lbs
Hair: White, long braid
Eyes: Brown
Build: Athletic

Remmington is a descendant of Darth Balmung, who centuries ago rose to power and was named the Herald of the Emperor. Working directly under the Emperor, the Herald's duty was the rout traitors within the Sith. He formed a powerful House but as much is the Sith way became an object of fear and jealousy. House Balmung never produced any individuals at their founder's level and steadily lost power to the machinations of other Houses over the centuries. The last descendant of the House to have any real talent was Remmington's father who was considered a genius tactician. With his fall the House was finally buried.

Those left that carry the bloodline of the former Herald are shadows of their former prestige and power. Remmington is no exception to this and prefers a quiet life honing his skills and working on various contraptions. Recently he has taken an interest in the healer arts. If asked why, he will mention something about the Mechanics of Life. He manages to graduate from Sith Academy on Korriban as probably one of the least ambitious of the students.

He is apprenticing under Jaina Von and sometimes helps out with her classes as an assistant instructor. He spent some time after graduation travelling around the galaxy.

As of D8, Remmington has a scar over his eye. Though the eye still appears to be functional.
As of D10, Remmington is an honourary Mandalorian of the Fett Clan

- Remmington enjoys swordplay and refining his skill
- Need a mechanic? Remmington may be your man.
- Have a thing for hanging out with a member of a Fallen House?
- Remmington has taken an interest in medicine. Maybe you attended the same seminar?
- Maybe you are familiar or know of Remmington's master, ex-Jedi, Jaina Von.
- Remmington has been travelling around the galaxy in the recent months. Maybe you ran into him at a spaceport.


Jaina made travel arrangements for Remmington in the form of a freighter, the Skidbladnir. The crew consists of a pair of sisters from Remmington's homeworld of Sikurd. Verandi is the pilot/co-pilot and Skuld serves as the medical officer.

Last edited by Remmington Thalalas on Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sith | Force Sensitive | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Duelist | Mechanic | Charming | Hutt Ball Team: Valkyrie | Honourary Fett | Exp
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

Carries: Backpack, Comlink (Handheld), Datapad, Glow Rod, Laminate Armour (Mandalorian), Lightsaber - Gram, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Utility Belt

Ship: Skidbladnir
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Baesal Zyn » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:03 pm

Name: Baesal Zyn
Gender: female
Species: Togruta
Background: Prisonner
Marital status: Single
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Build: lithe

Taken from the republic moon of Mtir where she had helped her father fight the advancing Sith Empire despite her very young age, Baesal was likely spared from execution because she was talented enough to be useful as a mechanic. The slave life did not last long though for she was discovered to be force sensitive and thus sent to the Academy on Korriban. Since then she has defected from the Empire to the Republic and serves as the padawan of Master Raji Xen.

Surprisingly she made quite a splash during her short time in the Order. This is mostly due to the Ionsaber: a unique lightsaber she designed and crafted during her time on Korriban and one the Jedi Order as failed to reproduce.

She might seem older then her age and is somewhat solitary since she came back to the republic. She rolled her eyes more then once at those tasked with her 'reducation'...some whispers that the Masters might not have gotten all the sith out of her and, despite her best effort, she does not quite fit the Jedi archetype
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister''.
"Insert here: profound sounding quote that expresses nothing more then hot air" -Baesal Zyn
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Sylvain Torsin » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:28 pm

Name: Sylvain Torsin
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Imperial Noble
Marital status: Single
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Build: Fit

Sylvain Torsin was born the son of Aramis and Raven Torsin a noble family of import in Dromund Kaas. As heir of the Torsin line which draws itself back throughout the history of the Empire, Sylvain was raised in a home that valued tradition and utilitarianism. His father was a Grand Moff in the Imperial Army and his mother is an active socialite of Noble lineage. The two of them decided to only have one child so they could devote all of their political and financial resources into his success. While Sylvain was still quite young, his family sponsored the child of an extremely influential Sith in a political move which was meant to secure his father’s position as the Empire's top non-sith official, the Minister of War, and open up greater career opportunities for Sylvain later in life.

The adoption of the influential Sith's daughter paid immediate dividends for the Torsin family. Shaisha’s presence however had an additional consequence that they had not foreseen. Shaisha’s force sensitivity as a small girl led Sylvain to experiment with his own capabilities, leading him and his parents to discover that he had not only a marginal ability, but exceptional ability.

Sylvain’s parents encouraged him to follow this path as it not only provided them with further clout and recognition, but allowed for them to possibly extend their influence into a sphere of influence non-force sensitives cannot reach. His family firmly instilled in him a strong aversion to wasting his abilities and a commitment to use his talents for the betterment of the Empire and its cohesion. His father was killed under auspicious circumstances nearly a year ago. The official record states he was murdered by Republic terrorists. Sylvain came to be the new apprentice for Darth Baras who stepped in to fill his father's shoes as the Minister of War until a new individual was picked. Sylvain has spent the last year on Dromund Kaas after graduating from Korriban and helping establish the alliance between the Massassi and the Empire.

He is a charming young man, but often is mechanical and supremely utilitarian in his speech. He normally is seen wearing a mask that he picked up on Korriban. Those with information on him will know that he works as Baras' top intelligence coordinator and has a reputation for successful 'negotiation'.

Sylvain with Mask
Sith Empire | Human | Imperial Noble | Negotiator | Hero's Son | Baras' Apprentice
Carries/Wears: 'Cool' Mask, Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak (Low Friction Coating, Enhanced Optics (Vigilance Mod), Energy Dispersion), Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), 5x Stimpacks, 3x Stun and 2x Frag Grenades, Utility Belt, Holopad
"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a leader is to look at the people he has around him." -Sylvain Torsin
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Rumun Gol » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:43 pm

Name: Rumun Gol
Gender: Male
Species: Duros
Background: Elevated Slave
Marital status: Single
Age: 18
Height: 2,1 m/6'11"
Weight: 85 kg/ 187.4 lbs
Build: Lean

Rumun is a former slave. Not much is know about this duros, except that he didn't gave a very good impression during his time at the academy, he was not a top class student, he barely graduated. In other words, he is a nobody.

Yet, somehow, he is an apprentice to Darth Hoshi, head of the Ministry of Domination and member of the Dark Council of the Sith Empire (and a Twi'lek). He was always seen around dealing with aliens corporations , imperial conglomerates, bankers and creditors during Hoshi's campaign in the Outer Rim. Some whisper that he was the reason of Hoshi's ascension in the first place. Rumours say that his web of contacts and support were crucial to Hoshi's case to get a seat on the Council.

Rumun is charming, inteligent, disciplined and quite approachable. He always tries to keep a low profile. He always treats other people with respect and he is eager to know their past stories and lives. Some say he lacks ambition, a trait that has been noticed by other sith.
Sith | Duros | Darth Hoshi's Apprentice | Former Slave | Silver-Tongued | Pro-Xenos

FROM D9-EN Rumun has no ship and no crew.
Sometimes accompanied by Tikala (Twi'lek aide), 2V-T5 (Protocol droid)
Ship: The Greyspectre
description|Daily Inventory

"Only the force can free us from the chains that bind us"
I'm blue da ba dee dabba da ♪...
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Xierreau » Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:16 am

images-35-1.jpg (9.37 KiB) Viewed 30331 times

Name: Xierreau Besaddii *X
(Aeir-roe Bah-saw-day Star-cross)
Gender: Generally Male
Species: Hutt
Background: Mercenary (No really!)
Marital status: Hutt
Age: 104
Height: 1.9 Meters
Length: 2.7 Meters
Weight: Hutt
Hair: Nope
Eyes: Gold
Build: Hutt
Complexion: Greenish-Yellow with Light Purple Marbling

Xierreau could be described best as a young adult Hutt, in his late 1st century of life and an atypical, almost progressive Hutt with little temperament for clan politics or the cutthroat society of Nal Hutta. Since he was a huttling, he dreamed of exploration and the wide universe. His heroes included such legends as Kossak Injic Ar'durv, who he admired for his courage to put his personal needs aside for those of the greater Hutt race, something that he has always felt many Hutt are lacking, and something he sometimes admires in lesser races.

About a decade ago Xierreau was gifted a ship, the “Starcross”, by his Aunt, possibly a bribe to keep him out of clan politics, possibly she was just trying to give him enough rope to hang himself and hope he would get himself killed somewhere on the outer rim. If it was the former, her plan mostly worked, if it was the later it failed pretty spectacularly. Xierreau had made a point of auditing various classes on piloting, astrogation, and marksmanship at the various Hutt mercenary and security academies his house kept for their slave races. Instead of getting himself good and lost as expected, he began exploring, finding new markets on the outer rim, and beginning opening lucrative shipping and smuggling routes for his clan.

305ce070f1da9131352239d8bc71b6a5-1.jpg (16.29 KiB) Viewed 30331 times
- Gemma

The ship came with a Zeltron slave girl pilot, named Gemma, who is still with him a decade later as his first mate. For his 100th birthday he was given a juvenile Twilek slave girl, who he put to work keeping track of ships inventory and dealing with people he didn't want to. Over time he has found that the little runt has grown on him. He has become very protective of her and referrs to her as 'Oshi' the Hutt word for 'daughter.'

Xierreau is not super picky about his jobs, he won’t knowingly take anything that works directly against other Hutts or their interests, if at all possible, but he will take jobs for either the Republic or Empire without blinking. It is known that once he gives his word, he does his best to keep it, and will not violate a client’s confidences, being considered almost trustworthy in this way. A rarity for both a Hutt and a Smuggler. Xierreau is a huge Huttball fan, he rarely misses watching a game if he has the chance to. He uses games as a perfect time to smooze with his contacts and has a long term friendly rivalry going with Evangeline Ulter.

He also has a good relationship with fellow smugglers, many of who might not even realize Xierreau is a Hutt himself, as he rarely uses video communications, many times lets crew members handle negotiations, (especially his daughter) and doesn’t act like your stereotypical Hutt in most situations. He has even gone to the trouble of learning Basic and a few other major trade languages, and actually speaks in them, instead of using a translator to deal with “lesser races." If his daughter is doing deals and they require to speak to the Hutt he is not above letting her continue while pretending to negotiate and actually just making snide comments in Huttese.

Last edited by Xierreau on Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

* Hutt Smuggler * Besaddii Kajidic * Captain of the Starcross *

Equipment: Personal Repulser Sled, Thick Clothing, Stims, Com Unit, Mask, Rings
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Col. Hala Moraal » Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:44 am

Name: Hala Moraal
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Military
Marital status: Single
Age: 37
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150
Build: Average

Hala was the daughter of Imperial bureaucrats, administrators of a lesser spaceport on Dromond Koss. She grew up with stories of pilots and adventure and the propoganda of civic responsibility drumming in her ears.

So when time came to either become a bureaucrat like her parents or strike out like her brother already had, she took another path. Leaving her younger sister at home, she entered the military academy to serve her Empire in a way she felt exceeded her parent's contributions. With her zeal and human pedigree, she was assigned to a rapid response team that dealt with pirates, terrorists, and the like. Anything that was sensitive and likely in front of a camera. It was on one of these incidences, a daring raid to reclaim a holonet broadcast center, that her life changed.

Her troop transport performed a combat drop onto the landing pad in front of the building. Ordinarily, this would have been a normal infiltration of the area. Her troops would have swarmed out of the transport, established a perimeter, and then begun to breach the building. But these insurgents were well supplied, and the landing pad had been rigged with explosives which tore the shuttle in half. The details of the operation were fuzzy. The insurgents fought to the last man, fanatics of some unimportant anti-Imperial sect, but they stole the lives of dozens of troopers. Hala survived, but either her injuries were too grave, it took her too long to get to a medical facility, or she just received a cheap batch of bacta, but the injuries did not heal correctly.

It was after this operation that she was transferred from a combat billet to a desk job. She traded in her blaster and armor for intelligence reports and rank. Once a photogenic young officer capable of emblazoning upon a recruitment poster, the older Hala was no longer as beautiful, no longer as agile as she once was. But instead she became something of a quiet ghost. Gradually given rank, gradually given responsibility. She cultivated respect, admiration, and fear. She became a military spook, arriving at hotspots once the analysts from whose rank she had graduated made a determination. She arrived, she found the local sources of dissent, and she solved the issue. Conversion, that was ideal. But their reform, their obedience, and their silence - in order of increasing importance. That was what she asked of those around her.
Imperial * Human * Military * Intelligence * Credentialed Diplomatic Attache
Dress uniform, assortment of ribbons and medals, code cylinders, comm link, data pad, species database, holdout blaster
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Ashla Vyliis » Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:56 am

Name: Ashla Vyliis
Gender: Female
Species: Togruta
Background: Criminal
Marital status: Single
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"

The first thing you will notice about Ashla is her rare dark coloring for Togruta. Those who were up on Core World knowledge might also recognize the name Vyliis as in Ruvrass Vyliis. He was a brutal serial killer who has the distinction of being the only person executed on Corsucant in a 100 years. He also had the same coloring as Ashla. Probably just a confidence.

Once the heat got too hot Corsucant for her own crime wave (how is a poor orphan supposed to feed herself), Ashla wound up on Nar Shaddaa. And then, she became enslaved to Kidaja the Hutt. Always read the contracts with the Hutts. Always. So, after a few years of doing whatever Kidaja wanted, he began feeling a great pain. Ashla saved his life and gained her freedom.

Returning to Corsucant, she set up her own medical practice. Well, not a medical practice in the traditional sense with a licenced doctor or anything. But what she lacked in sort of knowledge or training, she made up in enthusiasm. And really, isn't that the most important thing for a doctor?

All that being said, she did quite well. Then, some thugs came after her and it all went to Hell. Jedi Master Maaka Zyl saved her from the thugs, but it ended in her arrest. After that, it gets kinda difficult to know what happened. The Jedi are hush hush about it, but her testimony led the casting out, arrest, and escape of a Jedi Knight by the name of Sashto Sin.

For her part, it was recognized that she was an unknowing Force wielder. Her saving of Kidaja and surprising success as a doctor was the Force guiding. There was some debate of what to do with her, but eventually it was decided would become a padawan and that the Jedi Master who saved her, Maaka Zyl, would become her master. She's not happy.

Ashla does have a ship named The Endless Slaughter. But for some reason the Jedi felt it was best she left it back in Corsucant.

Art by GhostWolfe
Last edited by Ashla Vyliis on Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Republic * "Doctor" * Unwilling Jedi Padawan * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender

Equipment: Lightsaber, Physician's Kit

Languages: Huttese, Togruti
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:29 am

Name: Durasay Mixo
Gender: Male
Species: Pantoran
Background: Military Training (a former captain of the Pantora Defense Force)
Marital status: Single
Age: 31
Height: 1.97 Meters
Weight: 89.9 kG
Hair: White
Eyes: Yellow-Amber
Build: Lithe
Complexion: Pale Blue, with distinguishing yellow tattoos on upper cheeks and forehead

Languages: Basic, Huttese, Mando'a, Pantoran

Durasay is a proud (one could easily say arrogant) man in his early thirties. Coming from a long line of military members, he mustered out of the Pantoran Defense Forces about seven years ago, finding himself into the line of a gun for hire, partnering up with (Flession's character here) and his crew. He always had a way with words, an almost preternatural talent for either turning people to his side, or knowing just how to frame his arguments to come across as the best course of action.

Finding himself with (the crew) on Nar Shaddaa, he sees the conflict between the Empire and the Republic as one most detrimental to the galaxy. Idealogically, he tends to find the Republic to be on the side of justice, but isn't surprised that the Sith Empire has benefits as well.

He's beyond charming, though it's really his ability to lead that stands out. Also with a cunning mind and quick fingers, he's easily at home in the gambling dens as he is the warroom. Unfortunately, he can be a bit of a short fuse when frustrated, even with military training to hone his discipline.

Obligation: High Risk - Durasay just can't help it; he has to take the most dangerous jobs and play for the highest stakes. A victim of his own pride, and his ego often lands him in trouble. Mixo has something to prove and, when challenged, he cannot help but take the opportunity to displa his bravery, even if he puts himself and his party in harms' way.

Motivatation: Reward - Moral: Sometimes helping others is a reward in itself. Altruism may be a rare virtue, but ne'er do welling attracts all sorts, and being a criminal does not mean he has no moral code. Durasay might get a kick out of helping others, or he hopes to change the galaxy one good deed at a time. Either way, he wants to feel good about himself based on his own criteria. Whether he gains recognition as a hero or not does not matter.

-Do you know when to hold them? Or when to fold them? When to walk away, or when to ruuuuun? Durasay has a little bit of a gambling habit, and loves to play pazaak, sabaac, or bet on Huttball. Maybe you are across from him at a table, or lounging in a private suite watching a match.
-Pantora has a long history with the Republic. Were you a member of the Republic Military? Perhaps you got to know each other on a joint operation in the mid-rim.
-Durasay loves politics. Spectating, or being a part of the action. Known for being a bit of a firebrand on a quest for justice. Perhaps you're down for a heated debate or cool conversation.
-Bounty Hunter? Smuggler? Ne'er-do-well? He isn't one to be afraid of being a bit... underground. Maybe you've run into each other. And he's also a big fan of the seedy side of cities. Better gambling, and more interesting company.
Last edited by Durasay Mixo on Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
Pantoran Peacekeeper | Neutral | Former Captain with Pantoran Defense Forces | Air of Command |
"Ah... the Negotiator..." | Theme

Equipped with: Smuggler's Trenchcoat (1/1 defense), Heavy Blaster Pistol (holstered to right thigh), Utility Belt, Vibrosword (+1 melee defense), Commlink, Datapad, Other items
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Aphr Ahaya » Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:49 am

Name: Aphr Ahaya (Aphra'haya)
Gender: Female
Species: Twi'lek
Marital Status: Single
Age: mid to late teens (16)
Height: 5'4
Build: Athletic, Curvaceous
Complexion: Pink

Aphr is very pretty, as typical of a Twi’lek, with generous curves and a pink skin that makes her very easy on the eyes. Her voice is often warm and friendly, a skill that she and the Hutts use to get what they need.

She was taken by the Hutts at the age of 11, because of a deal that had originally gone wrong and the family owing a debt to fulfil the previously ruined deal. Too young at that time to be a sex slave, she had a smart mind and a way of talking that made her appeal more for her voice than her body. Aphr was used as a voice, many people not taking her seriously being a huge advantage for her. She quickly picked up the language, and she spent the first year of her Hutt slavery learning how to earn the best deals for the Hutts, as well as performing missions with Hutt affiliated smugglers groups.

Eventually at the age of 12, she was assigned aboard a ship called Starcross for a Hutt called Xierreau. Or Heru, which is what she thought he said at the first time of meeting and was too nervous to ask him if it was correct. She was assigned to keep track of inventory, and talking to people for him. From this, she learnt how to count correctly and as the years went on, and how to best use her abilities to help the crew which changed as the years went on. She has formed a very close father/daughter relationship with Xierreau, and is often seem with the Hutt.

  • If you've worked with the Starcross, or with Xierreau in the last 4 years, you likely met and worked with the young pink Twi'lek!
  • Aphr has been on Nar Shaddaa for 5 years
  • Her surname does seem quite similar to a certain red Twi'lek Sith....
  • Any that come from Ryloth may have met Aphr before she was taken away
Last edited by Aphr Ahaya on Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Neutral * Twi'lek * Pretty and Charming * Adorable little sister * Force-Sensitive * Profile
Inventory: Blaster Pistol, Pretty Clothes(Average Perception check detects plating),comlink, stimpacks, Hidden Pink Sapith Gem Necklace, Hidden Lightsaber (sometimes)
Speaks: Common, Twi'lek, Hutt
(OOC note-when trying to influence Aphr with the Influence Force Power, upgrade your roll by 1 & add a setback dice)
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:33 am

Name: Zanebry Varliss (Zah neh Bree)
Known as: "Z" "Zan" "Nebry" "Zane" "Berry"
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Military Training
Marital status: Single
Age: 24 years
Height: 6'0
Build: Lean
Hair: Black
Eyes: Pale grey

Zanebry tends to stand out in a crowd, though not due to his handsome features, it's his clothing choice that draws the eye. It's a style unseen by most, consisting of dark slacks, a jacket, a vest and something he refers to as a tie, it's topped off by a rather peculiar looking hat. Most people find the whole ensemble odd, though they can't argue with the fact that he looks good in it. If asked, Z will explain that it's a type of clothing once popular on his home world, and he wears it simply because he likes it.

In the last few years the man often referred to as Z (though he answers to several different version of his name.) has become a common sight in the lower levels of Nar Shadda, and gained something of a reputation as a gambler as well as a gunman. He tends to be a bit eclectic in the jobs he chooses, perhaps due to some sort of criteria he hasn't decided to share with anyone. Whatever the circumstances may be though, it's well know that his services are for sale, and if one wants to find him they best places to look are Solmillo's or his ship Three Drinks.

Three Drinks

Z's ship the Three Drinks, is a rather unremarkable looking vessel from the outside, blending in with many of the other republic freighters already in port. He's spent more time on the inside of it then the outside, making the crew quarters as livable as possible, going so far as to splurge on a small bar, which is open to himself and any guests or passengers.

It's crew consist of Zane, and two older model droids, a old astromech droid he refers to as "A", and a repurposed battle droid named "B"


-Zanebry is from the Core Worlds, and has a past affiliation with the Republic Military, if you were in the army 6-8 years ago you might have met.
-Though retired now, those with sufficient clearance or reasons, might know that Zanebry is a former member of the SIS, his service last around 2.5 years and ended about 3.5 years ago.
-Z is a gambler, and musician though he only plays occasionally, perhaps you have seen him doing one or both at Solmillo's, he has been known to work a card table there.
-Need another gun? Or perhaps the services of someone who can be discreet? Zan might be able to help.
Last edited by Zanebry Varliss on Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Eight » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:18 am

Name: AE-T8
Known as: Eight
Species: Droid
Background: Military Training
Age: ???
Height: 2.21 M
Build: Metallic
Hair: None
Eyes: Red and Blinky

AE-T8, or Eight as he prefers to be called, Has been around in the galaxy for a long time. By part estimations, over 100 years. Eight doesn't seem to remember most of this time however, having undergone a memory wipe six years ago. This lack of information on his past doesn't seem to bother the droid at all however. Eight was obviously a custom design. judging by his appearance, though he has replaced many parts over his long existence so how much of him is original is unknown. Several months ago he accepted a position on Xierreau the Hutt's ship and has usually been seen in their company.

Eight is a mercenary by trade, taking on whatever odd job strikes his fancy, so long as the pay is good enough. Though he seemingly has no qualms about the morality of the jobs he takes, he does have a level of integrity not terribly common in those that will accept almost any job. Once a job is taken, he will see it through to the end. He does not double dip, or double cross a client once a job is taken. Credits and combat seem to be the only two things Eight truly cares about.
Profile ¤ Droid ¤ Independent ¤ Huge ¤ For Hire ¤ On the Starcross

Carries: Heavy Battle Armor (1 Defense), Blaster Rifle On Occasion: Frag Grenades
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Niall Organa » Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:30 am

Name: Niall Organa
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Military
Marital status: Single
Age: 20
Height: 1.82 meters (6 ft.)
Weight: 72.5kg (160lbs)
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Grey
Build: Slim

Niall is not the sole heir to the Organa family, but he is the oldest son of one of its branches. He is also an officer in the Republic military. There is some amount of tension between these two duties, especially since Niall's sister Rayne was recently killed.

Having spent much of his life in prestigious boarding schools, Niall was in a position to join an elite Republic military academy at the age of sixteen. He graduated as a Lieutenant just two years later, partially due to his talents, partially due to a desperate need for officers in the war.

The first year of Niall's duty tour had only light action, but the second saw him deployed to Tatooine. He was gravely wounded in the fighting there, and had to be evacuated to a medical frigate. When he awoke, and was decanted from the bacta, he was given a medal for sustaining his injury, and promoted to captain, likely in part to replace some of the officers just lost.


Niall is friendly, often warm, and wryly humorous, but he speaks carefully, the weight of his various
responsibilities making him cautious. He often wears a serious expression on his fine, aristocratic features. Were it not for the blue Republic armored dress uniform, he might be mistaken for a scholar, with a somewhat slim build for his height. When out of uniform, he still prefers to stick to fine clothing in blue, with high collars and loose vests. And sometimes capes; Alderaanian nobles can totally pull off capes.

-Niall is willing to chat with the other side, or even have a drink with them, just so long as you aren't wild about civilian casualties. That's kinda a thing with him, now.
-Military Academy or Tatooine service is probably the best way to know Niall.
Republic Military Officer * Alderaanian Noble * Diplomat * Profile * Theme
Carries: Officer's Blaster Pistol, 4 stimpacks. Grenade when appropriate
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Alysele Cortess » Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:07 pm

Name: Alysele Cortess
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Wealthy Galactic Citizen
Marital status: Single (Jedi)
Age: 18
Height: 5'6''
Weight: You're not authorized to know that
Build: Lithe

Alysele Cortess hais from Alderaan, and her complexion reflects that. She is lithe, not obviously muscled but there is an instinct in her movement. She is trained for combat. She was trained on Coruscant, by Master Fehraro, a freed twi'lek slave who is well known for his anti-slavery views and his popularity among the general populace. Besides abolition, his other great passion was lightsaber dueling, so it is certain that Aly was well trained in that area. Her training took place on Coruscant.

She was only knighted a year ago. During her time as a full Jedi Knight, she was tasked with hunting down and confronting select Sith during the war.

- Aly is, well, was heir to House Cortess, one of the oldest noble Houses on Alderaan. Rumor is that she tried retiring afer being knighted but was denied.
- Aly trained under a renowned abolitionist duelist. Perhaps you have heard of Fehraro and his relentless campaign against slavery? Strangely, Aly's name doesn't come up often on Fehraro's many tours
- Aly was hunting select Sith during the war. Perhaps you crossed blades with her, or one of your pesky rivals met their end with her?
- Certain underworld sources whisper that House Cortess is seeking an alliance with the exiled House Thul. Perhaps you're interested in such blatant slander, or might know if t?
Republic Jedi * Force Sensitive * Arrogant Duelist * Ambitious Noble
Carries: lightsaber (blue), white robes, stimpack
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Adrianaa Morindel » Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:44 pm

Name: Adrianaa Morindel
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Wealthy Galactic Citizen
Marital Status: Single
Age: 35
Height: 5'8"/173cm
Build: Average

Adrianaa is a slender woman of agile frame. She has little fat on her, but also little muscle. She is not the most attractive woman ever, but nor is she ugly. She wears a jewel on her forehead, a symbol of her house. Her senatorial robes are black and gold and rarely is she seen without a communicator looped around her ear.

Adrianna "Swamp Dog" Morindel was brought up in the noble house of Morindel on Coruscant. Her mother and father were both heavily involved in politics and the apple did not fall far from the tree. However, when the Sith Empire attacked, Adrianaa enlisted in the Republic Navy and became a logistics officer, getting goods and supplies where they needed to go.

During her years doing this, she realized that there were many criminal organizations that could assist the Republic if they made treaty with and supplied instead of arrested and imprisoned. This led her to a secret life of smuggling, and an alias to the underworld of "Swamp Dog"

She retired from the military realizing her parents positions in politics over the years helped much more than active military campaigns and immediately ran for an open Senatorial slot. She was elected through the political sway her noble name carried, though her speeches and negotiation techniques were unusually effective, as if she had some innate ability with words and influence.

Adrianaa now uses her Senatorial power as well as her underworld contacts to convince the less than savory organizations in the Republic to conduct clandestine operations against Republic enemies. It would not be above her to fund warlords, smuggle illegal goods, or overlook crimes if it meant furthering the Republic's agenda and goals.
Republic | Retired Military Logistics Officer
Noble | Coruscant Senator | Street Smart
Owner of the starship: Night Saber

----Upgrade all Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks against Adrianaa by 1----
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lt. Varra » Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:41 pm

Name: Lt. Varra
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Background: Military
Marital status: Single
Age: 23
Height: 155cm
Weight: 51kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Light brown
Build: short and slight

Born into a lower class family in the slums of Coruscant, Varra spent much of her youth running petty errands for the local gangs. She had always dreamed of making more of her life, though, and finally Varra escaped the crowded corridors of the urbanized planet by enlisting in the Republic military.

Deemed too small to join the infantry, Varra was trained as a gunnery officer, and was subsequently deployed as a Republic “advisor” to the local militia during the disastrous Tatooine operation of 3656. Following the Republic defeats there, survivors of her unit were withdrawn and reassigned to other duties. This has led to Varra being sent to Nar Shaddaa.

- Let’s face it, it’s a big galaxy and you probably don’t know Varra. Even if you were from her home planet of Coruscant, there’s like a bajillion people who live there!
- But if against astronomical odds (and/or lazy screenwriting), you somehow know Lt. Varra, it’s probably because you’re a member of the Republic Military, participated in the fighting on Tatooine (on either side), or have connections to the Coruscant underworld.
Republic Military • Plucky • Heroine
wearing: heavy clothing, glittery earrings, goggles (usually raised)
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Arali Zian » Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:59 pm

Name: Arali Zian
Gender: Female
Species: Twi'lek
Faction: Republic
Background: Scientist
Marital status: Single, seeking
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: Slight, Busty
Complexion: Lavender

Long ago, Arali was padawan to Garrick Lorne, with whom she traveled the war path for several years before he declared her a failure, primarily for being more interested in keeping her master in one piece than murdering strangers. Since then, she's come to Nar Shaddaa, helping out a number of Jedi and Republic interests, and assisting Master Thun in her advancing years. Her principal interests center around building contacts between Republic and Nar Shaddaa traders in support of humanitarian and agricultural interests.
Republic ♥ Jedi ♥ Washout ♥ Twi'lek ♥ Superfarmer ♥ Nerd ♥ Pacifist
Inventory: Two-Handed Lightsaber 'Verdant,' Heavy Clothing, Comlink, Emergency Medpac,Utility Belt, Tool Kit, Datapad, Scanner Goggles
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Craw Toboga » Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:16 pm

Name: Craw Toboga
Gender: Male
Species: Mandalorian
Background: Military Training
Marital Status: Single~ ;) (Unless a certain Chiss-Mandalorian asks you)
Occupation: Mercenary / Occasional Heartbreaker
Age: 26
Height: 184cm
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

A tall and athletic man who has an eternal overconfident smirk on his face. From your first glance he looks like your stereotypical mandalorian, and in many ways he is. He is in good shape and wears many a battle scar on his body, which he regards as marks of his past accomplishments. His hair and his beard are kept short in traditional mandalorian style.
When on "Shore Leave" as he calls it, he dresses pragmatically yet stylishly. A grey undershirt worn with a heavy leather jacket (not heavy enough to stop a knife or a punch, but enough to keep the wearer safe from stray sparks or other hazards one might encounter on a cheap spaceport).
But when on duty, or in a high threat environment in which armor and guns are not prohibited, he tends to wear his traditional mandalorian armor.
CA-CRAAAW.jpg (116.86 KiB) Viewed 30096 times

Inherited from his father, this armor has seen many battles. The paint on the armor has been chipped and even worn off at some parts, revealing the stainless metal beneath it. Some of the original parts of the armor have failed or worn out over the years, requiring mismatched replacements or makeshift repairs to be done, giving the armor a somewhat ramshackled look. Still besides all this, the armor is functional and commands a decent amount of respect from non-mandalorians. To other mandalorians however the armor looks somewhat disheveled, like it's seen better days.

Craw has been called many things in his life. An "Overconfident asshat" a "Dumbass with delusions of grandeur" and "A loyal and good soldier". He is all of these things and more. Quick with a gun, a knife and a fist. He is a skilled soldier, although not as skilled as he thinks. Many of his battle scars owe their existence to the brash and overconfident nature of their owner. He is the sort of person that will do anything to prove you wrong if you call him a chicken. His ego cannot take the hit. He speaks in a confident manner, oozing false bravado.
But if you strip away the confidence you're left with something much different. A man of conviction who will be loyal to you till the bitter end. If you're close to him, a part of his crew, a friend, or family, he will not stop at any length to keep you safe and help you if you need it. And if he's working for you, he won't jump ship at the first instance somebody offers a bigger paycheck. He despises traitors in all forms.

- Need anything killed? Roughed up? Anything else that includes violence? I'm your man!
- Want to get a drink and hear how awesome I am? Count me in!
- You a mandalorian? Hey man we should get a drink!
Last edited by Craw Toboga on Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
|Mandalorian|Neutral|Mercenary|Totally Awesome|
Carries: [OK-98 Blaster Carbine (Slung over shoulder), Vibro-Machete (In Scabbard)], Mandalorian Battle Armor (Badass), Commlink, few Stimpacks.
[Where Appropriate]
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Craw Toboga
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Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:06 pm

Re: Player Characters

Postby Arsele Girard » Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:02 pm

Name: Arsele Girard
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Faction: Unaligned
Background: Wealthy Galactic Citizen
Marital Status: Single
Age: 19
Height: 5'3" (1.6m)
Build: Like a dancer, swimmer, or gymnast
Hair: Platinum Blonde, braided
Eyes: Aqua Blue
Complexion: Pale

Arsele is a pretty enough human, a mix of grace and athleticism in an elegant package. On the shortish side, around town her most distinctive feature is her braided platinum blonde hair that is draped forward over her shoulder. This combines with her rich fashionable clothing to enhance her elegance.
In private she tends to be much more casual, either tucking her hair up or letting it down, with simple body enhancing clothing choices.

Born to the relatively minor Girard family of Alderaan, Arsele has always been a rambunctious and charming individual. Constantly causing trouble and shirking her responsibilities, few in her family were surprised when she took her small ship and left for wealth, fame, and adventure after she was done with school.
Taking her ship, the Niche Appeal, she explored the core world for a few years before ending up in Nar Shaddaa. At this point she's been in the city a few years; Her main work is as a bar and lounge singer at various dives around the city, though she also does "exotic" dancing on the side for extra credits. In her free time though, apart from seeing her at the gym or at Huttball games, few seem to know about her interests or hobbies; She certainly doesn't seem to gamble or drink much, rarely is seen reading, and only attends the most exclusive parties. This has, unintentionally, lent her a certain air of mystery.

- Are you a noble from Alderaan? It's likely Arsele either pulled you into one of her adventures or made you the unwitting victim of one of her schemes.
- Have you been around the seedier entertainment venues of Nar Shaddaa in the past couple years? It's quite possible you'd have seen or heard Arsele perform.
- Do you appreciate the finest things in life? Arsele would love to talk about art, music, dance, or theatre over some wine.
- Do you enjoy jokes, pranks, and so forth? You might be able to pull Arsele in if you know how to bring it up...

The Niche Appeal
Last edited by Arsele Girard on Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Neutral ¤ Lounge Singer ¤ Dancer ¤ Secret Life ¤ Alderaanian Noble <> Appearance; 19 y/o, 5'4", blonde hair in braid, blue eyes, pale skin
faces of Arsele: Lounge | Socialite | Around Town | Casual
Carries: concealment holster w/ 411 holdout blaster and shortened barrel, comm, datapad, stimpack.
Backpack (usually hidden on ship): static pistol, climbing gear, lock picking tools, utility belt, extra ammo, hunting goggles, fusion lantern.
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Arsele Girard
Posts: 918
Joined: Wed May 31, 2017 11:27 pm


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