Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Seedier Side of the Seedy Side

Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:40 pm

Stifling a yawn, Shaisha took extra precautions to make sure she wasn't being tailed before returning to the Section IX safehouse. It had been a long day; she was feeling sore and tired now, and the injury from yesterday's Huttball game was starting to flare up a little... probably shouldn't have strained herself so soon after feeling better, but the Kaggath had been a welcome challenge.

Hopefully this shouldn't take long, she thought and headed inside.
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Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:04 pm

The interior is active with people looking at various screens and reading information. Paz is having a conversation with a few agents who then turn and go and then gives his attention to Shaisha and says, “My lord, welcome.”

She sees Fixer 71 moving towards them and Paz adds, “Fixer 71 thinks she has a breakthrough, been hard at it for the last sixteen hours. I am not sure she sleeps.”
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:17 pm

"Sometimes I'm not sure you sleep either," she comments, a little surprised at how busy the place is at this hour. "What is the breakthrough?"
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:50 pm


Paz says, "I can sleep when I am dead, and even though maybe not."

Fixer stops and says in an excited tone, “So I took the financial data and did a lot of analyzing and comparing that to movements of Raven Torsin and the Torsin family and found a pattern. So I followed the bread crumbs and well… AI will spare you the details but I found three apartments owned by a shell company called Ignition Inc, and although not owned directly by Lady Torsin thanks to Vosk, she holds all the majority shares in the company through some… yadda yadda yadda, she has the reigns.”

“But more importantly is that I found she has a commanding interest in a Hutt Pleasure barge, and her partner is Dango the Hutt.”
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:05 pm

Shaisha listens attentively to the eager Fixer.

"Wow... didn't think that ledger would prove that useful," she nods approvingly. "That is interesting."

"The situation is also growing more complicated. Raven Torsin being a student of Darth Baras and now moving the whole thing into a Sith power-play with her master, most likely when he arrives on Nar Shaddaa. Keep monitoring and investigating, but also try to keep off their radar." She wasn't saying it outright, but it was obvious she was concerned for Paz and the others getting dragged into a messy Sith-affair.
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Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:13 pm

Paz nods and says, “We shall obey, my lord.”

“We shall obey,” Fixer 71 echoes. She adds, “I doubt Dango the Hutt actually knows Raven, or that she cares overly much. I am still digging, but she has sizable interests here, looks like she has co-opted parts of Baras’ information network. I have to agree this is going to be a Sith power play, which puts Sylvain Torsin at the middle of this.”

“As a critical point, removing him from the equation would probably take both off-balance. I can alert Imperial Intelligence and he could be removed in a few hours, quick and clean. Not exactly protocol, given the circumstances.”

Paz counters, “Assuming he is actually critical to their plans. We need more information before I pull that trigger, Fixer.”
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:20 pm

"It could possibly throw both off-balance, but the mess could potentially be much bigger than what it will be if we just allow it to play out. Raven, I imagine, would become much more volatile if her only son is killed... she is not without resources herself, after all, and you guys could suddenly have a Sith of considerable deadly skills on your heels."

Shaisha shakes her head. "We're not going to order a hit on Sylvain Torsin."

"But you say she has tapped into Baras' network here?"
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Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:28 pm

Paz adds, "It's a theory."

“It’s a good one, and the evidence would suggest that this Magpie or Raven, has access to his networks… or part of it. It’s a diffuse network I doubt they really know who they are working for as long as they get paid, why would they care? It would explain how Raven has access to sensitive files to alter her information,” Fixer 71 responds.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:34 pm

She nods, acknowledging that it makes sense.

"Makes sense. Any trace yet of where she might be on the Moon?"
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:47 pm

“Not yet,” Paz says.

“Doubtless she isn’t here as Lady Torsin, she’s a spy, a Sith trained spy, which means she has conventional and unconventional means to remain undetected. I got everyone on this one.”

Fixer 71 adds, “I am trying to track down her agents within Imperial Intelligence, which is not proving easy.”
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:01 pm

"I don't imagine it will be." Especially if they were Baras' first.

"Just be careful with this one. I'm keeping close tabs on Sylvain myself... or rather, as much as I'm able to with all the Sith-related business that is taking my attention. Do we have an ETA for Baras' arrival on Nar Shaddaa?"
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:05 pm

"ETA not yet, but it should be simple to deduce with all traffic being monitored by the Hutts, we will keep you informed," Paz says.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:09 pm

Great. Knowing him, he'll probably arrive off-schedule too to possibly avoid Raven.


Well, at least she had warned them of the danger of getting too entangled in the mess that was Raven vs Baras now. And for the moment put Syl off the targets that needed to be eliminated.

"Anything else I should know before I head back?"
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:11 pm

“We had a request from aspirant Lana Beniko to get some information on a local nikto cult. I passed what we knew along which was not much, cults are not on our radar but it’s good to play nice with an apprentice to Darth Xevious,” Paz responds.
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Re: Stand Alone Complex? (D3, MN)

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:16 pm

"Hm," she tilts her head slightly. "I've caught word of some of that going on, though I got the impression people were on it, so not something I had time to look into. Good call though."

She briefly considers the matter of the kidnapping of children, but figures they have enough on their plate and best not to spread them out even further than they already are.

"I will keep you updated if anything comes my way. Chances are high I might have to attend some more of this peace talk-stuff tomorrow too, make sure I don't get Xevious on my neck for just hanging around."
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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