“He went deep cover as a Sith, nearly got his way to the Dark Council before I discovered his ruse. My inability to kill him has been a lasting thorn in my flesh for decades now. Trust nothing he says apprentice, he is more Sith than he realizes and soon he will dead,” Baras says with cold rage.
He holds out a portable holo-comm and an image of a woman forms. Baras says, “Fixer 71, report.”

“My lord,” she begins with crisp Imperial calm, “I have news. I have tracked Magpie to The Dango, I tracked Sylvain entering and leaving the Hutt pleasure barge. The structure is a fortress; I can provide little else on the interior security.”
“Shaisha Vreysk has made tracking Magpie her top priority and did not go for the ruse that eliminating Torsin was the best option.”
Baras says, “She is a sentimental fool, just like Torsin. How