by Ashla Vyliis » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:02 am
Ashla looks down. "I admit my reasons were selfish. My dad was Ruvrass Vyliis, the serial killer. He had a type. It wasn't species, sex, or even age. It was this feeling they gave off. And even when I was young could tell who he would want to kill. Now that I am becoming a Jedi, I think I was detecting Force Sensitives....." Ashla is silent for a moment. "I just want to know if my dad was crazy or if he was targeting Force Sensitives. I mean, he was crazy either way, but you know what I mean." She looks to Master Thun. "But believe me, I was never going to harm the child or let harm come to him. I was always going to let him free and choose to become a Jedi if he wanted."
Ashla continues. "But like Master Maaka says, intent and deed must be pure. I know I was being selfish. And I feel bad about it. When I saw those children's faces..... You know.... It shouldn't be about me. My dad is dead. Why he killed.... I still want to find out, but saving those kids should have been my priority. I don't regret what I did. But I do regret my purposes for doing it."
Ashla pulls something out of her bag. "Here's the slave collars control chips. I didn't want to throw them away in the garbage where someone else could use them."
Republic * "Doctor" * Unwilling Jedi Padawan * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender
Equipment: Lightsaber, Physician's Kit
Languages: Huttese, Togruti