Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Seedier Side of the Seedy Side

Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Niriti » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:44 am

After last days encounter, Niriti needed to recover, and for her that meant making money, or at least trying to.

Gambling (D4-EM). Cool, Medium Difficulty, 100 Credits Bet: 1 success, 1 threat, Benefit 90
NIRITI: Force Sensitive | Human | Sith | Provocative Charm | Breathy Voice | Ministry of Logistics

Equip: Padded Armor, Hand Scanner, ComLink, Datapad, Glow Rod, Truncheon, Lightsaber Shoto, Backpack

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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Vec Gunnar » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:07 pm

With the start of the morning, Vec found himself in the Red Light District. He was just starting his morning and settled down at the tables with a mug of caf. It seemed that gambling as the activity of choice, regardless of the hour. He watched the game as the players and deal packed away their earnings.

"Is the luck better at this hour?" he asked as he settled at a seat beside Niriti.
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422
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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Niriti » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:59 am

Niriti shifts towards the other man that questions her. "I would had hoped so, that it would had brought some benefit, but seems like everyone is high today and business is clumsy and slow. The machines seem to be worn out from last night, and aren't giving as much as I would like."

An Imperial soldier, she thought as she saw the man and remembered seeing him around the Imperial compound. "Have you come to play as well, soldier?"
NIRITI: Force Sensitive | Human | Sith | Provocative Charm | Breathy Voice | Ministry of Logistics

Equip: Padded Armor, Hand Scanner, ComLink, Datapad, Glow Rod, Truncheon, Lightsaber Shoto, Backpack

Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility.
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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Vec Gunnar » Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:01 pm

Vec gave the woman a lift of his brow, he meant it to be a simple question but it seemed she was either an expert or had been here all night. He smirked faintly at her and nodded. "All right, I'll take your word for it, miss."

He reached inside his coat pocket and fished out a few credits, laying them on the table in a short stack. "I was thinking about it, not really good at it. Other than staring at the sky or getting shot, it seems what passes as a hobby around here, heh."
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422
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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Niriti » Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:41 am

"Well, even if it's just a time passer, since there is not much else to be doing around her and not getting yourself killed, it is a fun activity to take into, and sometimes addictive." Niriti picks up her meager earnings and points the way to the bar. The shabby place doesn't seem to have any decent drinks, but anything will do to clear off her mind. Anyway, at this time of the day, a strong drink is out of the question. "My name is Niriti, by the way, I am a graduate of the Academy. Would you like to join me for some coffee?"
NIRITI: Force Sensitive | Human | Sith | Provocative Charm | Breathy Voice | Ministry of Logistics

Equip: Padded Armor, Hand Scanner, ComLink, Datapad, Glow Rod, Truncheon, Lightsaber Shoto, Backpack

Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility.
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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Vec Gunnar » Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:05 am

Vec gave a slight snicker, "I don't know if gambling is all that harmless to be honest. I may not be much of a gambler but there's been plenty of tales where blaster fire find themselves added to that stakes to a simple game. But, I figured that the Hutts around here would like to keep their customers alive. Security's good."

He glanced over to the bar after a quick stroke of his chin. With the moon perpetual twilight, he wouldn't have blamed the lady if she wanted to get a drink. "Sure, Lady Nirti, just lead the way. I'm sergeant Vec Gunnar."
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422
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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Niriti » Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:00 pm

The sith walks with her usual sway to one of the booths of the side of the casino. It is a comfortable place, though tacky, but enough to get them the intimacy to talk between them. As they walk, she lifts her hand to the waiter, ordering the two typical morning drinks, although in Nar Shaddaa nobody would say that the galactic time was morning. It is the 33rd hour of the planet, and fog covers everything.

"Why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself, Sgt. I have little knowledge of the imperial soldiers life."
NIRITI: Force Sensitive | Human | Sith | Provocative Charm | Breathy Voice | Ministry of Logistics

Equip: Padded Armor, Hand Scanner, ComLink, Datapad, Glow Rod, Truncheon, Lightsaber Shoto, Backpack

Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility.
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Re: Golden Nuggets (D4-EM)

Postby Vec Gunnar » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:19 pm

Vec gave a casual glance at the place but didn't pay any mind to the choice of venues he found himself in. He wasn't the picky sort when it came to bars and even less so when it came to offered drinks. He settled into the booth only after Niriti sat down.

He smirked faintly as he brushed his chin, probably one of the ways he could tell the time of day without a sun with an average orbit. "Heh, where do I start? I can't say you're exactly missing all that much or something of a great mystery. We live a pretty routine life, mostly consisting of training, exercising, patrols and combat. Sometimes, we don't even see combat as much as you'd think, the galaxy is a large place, yeah? However, if you're good enough, sometimes you get shipped from place to place. Perhaps part of the reason I went from a mudball planet to here."
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422
Carries on Duty: Heavy Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Combat Knife, Grenades, Laminate Armour, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Stimpack x2, and likely even more.

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