He chuckled softly and looked up at Jo'ren long enough to give him a lopsided smile and a cock of the eyebrow, "I appreciate it."
The scalpel caught the light from the fusion lantern and Cole paused for a heartbeat, maybe less, the faintest hint of a frown haunted his brow. With steady precision, he cut deeply into the Sith’s thigh, blood ran freely from the wound, soaking into the mat beneath Jo’ren. The medic forced the muscle tissue apart with a medical retractor, flushing the incision with a stream of saline. It was moments like these he wished for a third hand, or at least a proper surgical theatre.
Clamping the retractor, he brought the scalpel to bear once more, cutting deeper and bringing forth new freshets of blood. A dark clot washed from the wound, slithering down the surface of the drape to plop onto the mat. It was a small thing, almost black. Satisfied, Cole placed a few stitches deep in the muscle, and closed up the incision with a few more.
He finally sealed the wound with synthflesh, and began the process of cleaning up.
[D7 LA] Jo'ren Critical Injury (Medicine): 2eP+2eA+1eB+3eD 1 success