As word got around, and more people began approaching him for help, the more...
confused? frustrated? Cole was becoming. More often than not, these people needed real hospitals.
If Jedi Cortess was a soldier, I could have ordered her back to the frigate for a week of dedicated care.Thus, it was unsurprising that Layne had contacted him that morning. Unable to simply have the Sith come by his quarters, he'd come down to the Red Light District, a sort of 'neutral territory' for the Empire and Republic. He'd located something akin to a drop-in Clinic this morning, and forwarded the coordinates on to the young woman before preparing to set up shop for the morning.
[D8 MM] Locating Another Clinic (Know: Underworld): 1eP+3eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
[D8 MM/LM] Side Job (Medicine): 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 4 advantage
Credits Earnt: 190 [100 + (2x 25) + (4x 10)]