Players are provided standard lodging by their faction; some characters may have alternate accommodations those will be listed in your private folders. Characters of the Unaligned faction have to pay for lodging or can live on their ship, if they have one, keep in mind most ship accommodations are little more then a closet with a bunk and a footlocker.
Basic lodging for a session is 250 credits, this is little more then a single room with a simple bed and a connection to the Holonet and a small refresher. Moderate Lodging is 400 credits and this is much more comfortable and better security; separate room for the bed, refresher and good furnishings.
For 1000 credits a session you can live in Suite accommodations with two bedrooms, a kitchen, refreshers and luxury accommodations. For a single night the prices are 90 credits for Basic lodging, 125 credits for Moderate lodging and 350 credits for luxury lodging.
Non-droids require three consecutive slots of rest to not be fatigued. Droids require a single time slot to recharge in low power mode. Droid accommodations are cheaper too, 200 credits for a session and 75 credits for a single night.
If one does not get their rest then they suffer a setback dice to all rolls for each day they go without rest.