
Rules of the Game


Postby Dapper Dog » Tue May 09, 2017 6:29 pm


Scrutiny goes down by .5 each day naturally, this means if positive subtract .5 if negative add -.5 and this can not go down below -3.0 via this normal reduction.

  • Scrutiny Rank 4.0: Same as the previous rank but if the game day begins and ends at this rank the talks end and the Hutts send everyone home, they feel that the Republic and Empire are both plotting against them. If a day starts at this rank it will generate an Appeasement Event.
  • Scrutiny Rank 3.1 to 3.9: Imperial and Republic characters suffer two setback dice in all event threads due to increased eyes from the Hutts and all prices on Nar Shaddaa are decreased by .8 times. The Hutts are wary of events on the Smuggler's Moon. Unaligned characters suffer an upgrade to a single difficulty roll in all event threads in addition to the setback from the previous Scrutiny level due to increased Hutt paranoia.
  • Scrutiny Rank 2.1 to 3.0: Imperial and Republic characters gain a boost die to all rolls in an event and prices drop to .9 times the normal cost. The character increases the difficulty of one roll in an event by 1 in an event. Paranoia is high for the hutts. Unaligned characters suffer a single setback die in all event threads due to Hutt eyes on them.
  • Scrutiny Rank 1.1 to 2.0: Imperial and Republic characters gain a boost die to all rolls in an event and prices drop to .9 times the normal cost. But the Hutts are suspicious and players suffer a penalty of 1 setback die to any one roll in an event thread. Hutts don't like how quiet things are.
  • Scrutiny Rank 0.6 to 1.0: There is no penalty to any rolls in all threads and prices hold steady, all players may add 1 boost die to any one roll in an event. The Hutts are at ease and feel all is well.
  • Scrutiny Rank 0.0 to 0.5: There is no penalty to skills and no increase to fees across Nar Shaddaa, the Hutts feel everything is good and calm.
  • Scrutiny Rank -0.1 to -0.5: Things are calm but tense, all prices on Nar Shaddaa are increased by 1.1 times.
  • Scrutiny Rank -0.6 to -1.0: Imperial and Republic characters suffer a setback die in all event threads due to increased interference from the Hutts and all prices on Nar Shaddaa are increased by 1.2 times. The Hutts are wary of events on the Smuggler's Moon.
  • Scrutiny Rank -1.1 to -2.0: Imperial and Republic characters suffer two setback dice in all event threads due to Hutt interference and increased paranoia. Prices are increased by 1.5 times on Nar Shaddaa and certain areas are now off-limits to Imperial and Republic characters.
  • Scrutiny Rank -2.1 to -3.0: Imperial and Republic characters suffer a single setback and an upgrade to difficulty dice in all event threads. Prices are increased by 2 times on Nar Shaddaa and certain areas are off-limits to Imperial and Republic characters. The Hutts are on edge. Unaligned characters suffer a single setback die in all event threads due to Hutt eyes on them.
  • Scrutiny Rank -3.1 to -3.9: Imperial and Republic characters upgrade two dice in all difficulty rolls in all event threads and prices jump to 3 times normal on Nar Shaddaa and very few areas are accessible to the Imperial and Republic characters. Unaligned characters suffer an upgrade to a single difficulty roll in all event threads in addition to the setback from the previous Scrutiny level due to increased Hutt paranoia.
  • Scrutiny Rank -4.0: Same as the previous rank but if the game day begins and ends at this rank the talks end and the Hutts send everyone home. If a day starts at this rank it will generate an Appeasement Event.

Appeasement Events are events that are generated when the Hutts get very concerned and remove or add 2 full ranks of scrutiny to the end of the day total.

Additional Rules

Once per session a player can do one of two things; they can bribe or make gifts to the Hutt Cartels which is 250 credits per each +.1 they wish to add to the Scrutiny score this will only ever improve the score.

So for example if Scrutiny is at -1.8 and you give them 750 credits then you improve the Scrutiny to -1.5 after the bribe. This can be done once per session.

Or they can make a skill roll versus Hard difficulty with 1 challenge die and 2 difficulty dice, 1 red and 2 purple. This is considered an event roll so Scrutiny affects this as well. They can make any skill roll that they can justify will aid or hinder the Hutt Cartel, this roll takes a time slot and cannot be done in an actual event thread. It also has to be done in the Y’toub system for it to count and not in Hyperspace.

Succeeding on this roll grants .1 point they can add or subtract from the Scrutiny total. Each additional success adds another .1 point to the total. A Triumph adds .3 to the total per Triumph rolled. A Despair means that the Hutts have identified you as a target of interest, this is rarely good.

Advantages can be spent thusly, 2 advantages will grant you anonymity meaning no one knows you did this. Three advantages means you can add another .1 to the total. Threat causes strain, if 3 Threat are rolled then you have offended the Hutts and reduce the current Scrutiny by -.2 no matter the other results.

This means that a player can increase or decrease Scrutiny by the total of their roll. They have to commit before hand to either raising or lowering Scrutiny before the roll and then all points gained are either used to lower or raise the Scrutiny based on that choice.

Scrutiny cannot be increased above 3.5 or below -3.5 using this method.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Dapper Dog
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Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:16 pm

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