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Space Travel

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 7:30 pm
by Dapper Dog
Space Travel

At sublight speeds for sake of my sanity a ship can reach any location in a system in a single time slot short of a trip from Nal Hutta to Nar Shaddaa. So if you decide to travel from say Nar Shaddaa to Seven Devils in the Early Evening you arrive at Seven Devils in the Late Evening, takes one extra time slot.

If you arrive in a system via hyperspace then you can arrive at your destination in the next avilable time slot. So for example you travel to Makeb space which takes six hours due to your Astrogation and ship and you leave in the Early Morning you arrive in system in Late Afternoon, and then on Makeb in the Early Evening.

Hyperspace Travel

Travel between star systems tends to be far farther than sublight engines can provide in a timely manner. Thus ships rely on Hyperspace lanes and travel and to do this requires Astrogation (Intellect), now you do not have to roll you can rely on the systems and basic calculations to get you there in the standard time for some ships this could be a whole day of travel in hyperspace for distances in this game. If you are trying a jump in combat or in a dramatic situation you always have to roll.

  • Travel to the Makeb System takes 4 hours and the difficulty is Average.
  • Travel to Singularity TY-564 takes 4 hours and the difficulty is Hard.
  • Travel to the Koros System is 6 hours and the difficulty is Average.
  • Travel to the Kintan System is 2 hours and the difficulty is Easy.

Remember these times are for a x1 hyperdrive, so if you have a x3 hyperdrive triple the times, so travel to Makeb would take 12 hours at a standard roll. Now if you choose to roll you have the possibility of arriving faster or even landing on target so when you arrive you are in orbit of the target planet.

A single success is needed to be in the target system, failure… well… you end up somewhere, just not where you want to be. The GMs will confer and find you a fun spot. A Despair on this roll, even if successful will trigger something fun. If you get three successes or higher you arrive in orbit, if you arrive in Late Morning you can begin your thread on the target world in Late Morning instead of Early Afternoon.

A Triumph on this check cuts the final travel time in half after all reductions from Advantage or increases from Threat. Each Advantage can reduce the final travel time by 1 Hour and each Threat increases that time by 1 Hour, down to a minimum of 2 Hours, at least a time slot.

So for example Kruzbacca decides he needs to go to Kintan and makes an Astrogation check and gets three successes. He has a x3 Hyperdrive and arrives in orbit of Kintan in 6 hours time.

Astrogation roll to get to Kintan: 2eA+2eP+1eD 3 successes