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[Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:36 pm
by Dapper Dog
Lend a Hand

Event Type: Peace Talks Arc
Participants: Any
Timeslots: Mid Morning to Mid Afternoon

Scrutiny: N/A
Description: The Peace Talks were supposed to wrap up today but the damage from the attacks has put everything on hold. Dango the Hutt has established cordons around the Moon to see rescuing of those with the money to do so and repairing those areas of the Moon that matter to her and the Hutt Cartels.

Rules: First you must decide if you are aiding the Hutts or aiding the People of Nar Shaddaa; once that is chosen you choose one of the ways to aid the people and make a skill check for that time slot. You can attempt this event a maximum of two times, once per time slot. For every 2 advantage you add a boost die to the next roll in the thread, for every 2 Threat you add a setback to the next roll regardless of who the next person is. If a Triumph is rolled the next player gets a free upgrade to their roll and a Despair upgrades the Difficulty of the next player.

A successful roll will grant a credit reward or Goodwill point if working for the Hutts or Restoration point if adding the people. The base difficulty is Hard with an Upgraded die, two difficulty dice and a challenge die for the following skill checks.

Aiding the Hutts

  • Medical Response: The Hutts have setup medical tents for those that can pay for their aid. The player can help out with a Medicine check to help these wealthy unfortunates.
  • Rally the Gangs: The Hutt Security and the Hutt controlled gangs need to maintain order, aid them by providing key leadership. This is a Leadership check to maintain order and beat down looters and do the dirty things that keep order on Nar Shaddaa.
  • Hard Labor: The Hutts have interests in many buildings and need help clearing out the rubble, this is an Mechanics or Athletics check or a Move Force Power check if you can move Silhouette 2 objects.
  • Find the Money: People are trapped in the rubble, the Hutts don’t care about most but some have money and influence and the Hutts need them saved. Survival or Streetwise check to find these people. Seek power check can be used instead.
  • Looters, Not on My Watch: The Hutts maintain order through violence when they need to. Break legs, shoot looters and make sure people understand that stealing from the Hutts is a bad idea. Make a combat skill check; Non-Sith Force users that take this option suffer 2 conflict.

For the People

  • Street Medicine: Do what you can to aid the people with medical supplies and emergency aid. The player can help out with a Medicine check to help these people.
  • Community Watch: The people need help organizing and securing their neighborhoods. This is a Leadership or Charm check to maintain order and keep the people organized in their recovery efforts.
  • Habitats for Sentients: damage is extensive all around Nar Shaddaa help the downtrodden with a Mechanics or Athletics check or a Move Force Power check if you can move Silhouette 2 objects; Sith Force users that take this option suffer 2 conflict..
  • I Lost my Dog: People are trapped in the rubble, the Hutts don’t care about most so it is up to you to help these unfortunates. Survival or Streetwise check to find these people. Seek power check can be used instead.
  • Don’t Loot me Bro: Criminal gangs and miscreants are trying to take advantage of the chaos, show them that no one is undefended as long as someone will fight for them. Make a combat skill check; Sith Force users that take this option suffer 2 conflict.

Rewards/Outcome: Aiding the Hutts will earn the player 300 credits per time slot if they are successful. Nothing if they are not. The player can forego a credit reward to build goodwill for the Empire or Republic with the Hutts, depending on their faction. If Unaligned you can choose which Faction to aid.

Aiding the People grants no tangible immediate reward; instead they earn a Restoration Point for their faction if successful. Again Unaligned can choose which Faction, or none, to support.

  • 0 to 7: No Change, but the Hutt Cartels appreciate the effort.
  • 8 to 12: Gain a Boost die to the Negotiation check with the Hutts.
  • 13 to 17: Gain a Boost Die and a Setback die for the rival Faction with the Hutts.
  • 18+: Gain 2 Boost Die and a Setback die for the Rival Faction with the Hutts.

  • 0 to 7: No Change, but the the people appreciate their efforts.
  • 8 to 12: Gain a Boost die to the Peace Talks check with the opposing Faction, the people support their efforts and give leverage to your faction.
  • 13 to 17: Gain a Boost Die to the Peace Talks check and a Setback die for the rival Faction as the people of Nar Shaddaa and the galaxy can see the role they have played at restoring order in a time of troubles.
  • 18+: Gain 2 Boost Die and a Setback die for the Rival Faction during the Peace Talks, the people rally to their cause across the galaxy.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:28 pm
by Durasay Mixo
Leadership Check for Community Watch MAD10 (Presence 4, Leadership 1, 2x Command boosts, enhanced leader, ignore 1 setback die due to Commanding Presence, vs. 1 challenge die, 2 difficulty dice): 1eP+3eA+2eB+1eF+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side

Converting the two light side pips to two more advantages. The next roller will get 2 boost die. Total 3 successes, 4 advantages

After the rough talk with Craw, Durasay went to help the people, having received a message from the Lady Cortess. Organizing the community watch groups, he coordinated them throughout the mid afternoon.

Restoration point to the Republic.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:34 pm
by Jo'ren Rath
OOC: I'm posting next (to avoid confusion over boosts etc)

Also you only earn one point regardless of number of successes Durasay, just in case you missed that but :)

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:36 pm
by Durasay Mixo
Ooc: ah well then, switch the light side pips for two more advantages, so you'll get 2 boosts!

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:45 pm
by Jo'ren Rath
The appearance of Jo'ren Rath in the ruins was almost enough to deter any looters straight off. Those who were foolish, brave, or both were quickly introduced to his Lightsaber.

"The Sith will not allow these people to be harmed. An attack on them will be considered an attack on the Empire."

It was all the more believable coming from someone who had defeated terrorists and assassins in the past few days, and news quickly spread that Rath was here to protect the people of Nar Shaddaa once again. He was the hero they deserved.

D10. MA. Helping Hand. Two boosts from Durasay. Helping the People. Don't loot me bro. Lightsaber. Sense to upgrade own rolls. Scrutiny penalty. Ignored one setback.: 4eP+1eA+3eB+2eC+1eD 4 successes, 1 advantage

+1 Restoration point to the Empire.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:03 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
As she had been looking around for survivors, Shaisha came across a bunch of jerks trying to rob a few kids of what little they had left from the disaster.

"Hey," the Sith called out as her shoto lightsaber ignited with a *snap-hiss*, fast approaching the group. "Back off. Pick on something your own size instead."

Due to her reversed grip, they didn't see the lightsaber right away, so when they tried to get rough with her, one of them lost an arm, and the others bolted away in sheer terror.


D10 MA Helping Hand. For the people. Lightsabering. Boost from Shoto. Scrutiny upgrade: 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eC+1eD 0 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph

Next roller gets 1 Boost and an Upgrade to their roll.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:16 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
D9 Event Fixing My Rolls Scrutiny Reroll: 3eP+1eF+2eB+2eC+1eD 1 advantage, 2 Light Side

+1 Success, +3 Advantage from Armor and influence for boost on next person

Empire point for the People.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:20 pm
by Col. Hala Moraal

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:29 pm
by Niall Organa
Niall did his best to rally the people, and keep them under control.

D10MA Helping Hand - Leadership, -2eS from talents, +2eB from Hala: 2eP+2eA+2eC+1eD+2eB 2 successes, 5 advantage

+1 point for the Republic, +2eB to next roller

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:34 pm
by Luth Khalan
Luth searched, but wasn't able to find anyone.

Streetwise (Cunning), MA 10: 2eP+1eA+2eC+1eD+2eB 2 failures, 3 advantage

+1eB to the next

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:54 pm
by Moyr Ahaya
The Red Wraith continued the Red Watch, empowering the strong to assert themselves over their neighbourhoods and seek independent paths from their Hutt overlords.

MA10. Red Watch (People). Charm. Influence. Mask. Scrutiny Upgrades. Luth's Boost.: 1eP+2eA+1eF+1eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 1 success, 3 advantage, 2 Light Side

[Dark Pip for 1 more Advantage, 2 Boosts to claim]
[+1 Restoration Point]

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:02 pm
by Kristal Serasai
Kristal did her best work in order to protect those that required it, showing off the strength of the Empire. Slaying numbers of the ilk who would harm innocents. Unfortunately, it didn't come soon enough, this time.

Day 10, MA | Don't loot me Bro, Lightsaber. Two boosts, previous roll. Scrutiny Penalty.: 2eP+3eA+2eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 1 failure, 3 advantage

One boost for next.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:06 pm
by Lt. Varra
As the burly looter tried to carry the power converter out the door, a warning shot rang over his head. “Drop it, buddy!” Varra ordered, glaring at him over the sights of her blaster. “Or the next one won’t miss.”

The looter snarled and let the machinery slide to the ground, before raising his hands in surrender.

Day 10 MA For the People, Don’t Loot me Bro. Ranged: Light (Agility) + 1 boost from Kristal vs 2 challenge 1 difficulty and scrutiny setback: 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 1 success, 2 threat
1 Restoration for the Republic.
1 Setback for the next roller.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:10 pm
by Craw Toboga
Craw wasn't at his best. His reaction time was pitiful and he didn't manage to do anything but scare off a few weak looters. Much to his chagrin... Well at least he wouldn't have to clean his armor of blood again!


IGNORE THE ABSOLUTE FAIL: 2eA+2eP+0eB+0eF+2eD+1eC+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
Boost for next guy.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:24 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
Z had work to do, and debts to pay... He didn't know much about helping people in these times of events. Honestly he'd be more likely to be the cause of something like this. But he did what he could, helped where he could, and apparently he made some kind of difference.

Lend a Hand Pro Republic For the People! Street wise MA boost from craw: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD+1eC 4 successes, 1 advantage

+1 setback from scrutiny to MA Roll: 1eS 0 successes

+1 setback from lack of sleep to MA Roll: 1eS 1 failure

3 Success 1 advantage

+1 Restoration point for the republic.

Re: [Day 10 - MA] Lend a Hand

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:21 pm
by T'Zann
Having finally dug herself out from the collapsed building, T'Zann left further rebuilding to those who knew the area better.

But it seemed that the collapsing building was not done with her yet as a casual push against a wall to steady herself left to a chain reaction of building collapses.

D10, MA, Protecting the Helpless reroll with proper pool: 3eP+1eD+2eC+1eS 2 failures, 1 Triumph, 1 Despair

OOC: I swear, Orokos wants me to be in a Looney Toons cartoon. Even after rerolling with the proper dice pool.