"Well, aren't you the scrapper," the leader mocked, "But how about this?"
"He's using the Force! Take him out!" two of them yelled before going for Galen.
Leader - Unharmed
Group A - Two Men
Group C - One Man
D2 LN Round 2 Brawn 3, Defense 1 on Zanebry: 3eA+2eD+1eS 4 successes, 2 threat

7 damage before Soak on Zanebry. Spending 2 Threat to give next Group a Setback Die.
D2 LN Round 2 Brawn 2 on Galen, Setback from Leader: 2eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 4 threat

4 damage before Soak on Galen. Group A and C will receive a Setback Die for next rolls.