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Coordinating Clean Up Crews (EN-MN10)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:55 pm
by Durasay Mixo
Using Leadership To Coordinate Clean Up Crews Into the Night (Presence 4, Leadership 1, Command 2, Commanding Presence (Ignore 1 setback die to Cool and Leadership checks), Enhanced Leader, vs. average difficulty: 1eP+3eA+2eB+1eF+2eD 2 successes, 1 Light Side

(Converting the Light Side Pip to a Success, total is 3 successes, 150 credits)

Durasay knew that there was still much to be do to help clean up the bombed areas. Working in Shadow Town, he found himself in with a late cleaning crew. Talking to the line boss, he was able to make his way to effectively coordinate the group. Calling out orders, noting ways they could move themselves to be far more efficient than they normally were.

The work was progressing rapidly, rubble and debris being cleared, to help the poorer citizens of Nar Shaddaa.

Re: Coordinating Clean Up Crews (EN-MN10)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:02 pm
by Fee Bua
Fee was on hand to help out too, doing minor repair and rubble, and ready to help any uncovered victims and take care of any injuries incurred during the work. The Mon Cal was no stranger to this sort of work, though the heavy lifting was not something performed regularly.

OOC: Already did side job, just here to help the people.

Re: Coordinating Clean Up Crews (EN-MN10)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:35 pm
by Durasay Mixo
"You were at the clinic earlier, weren't you?" Durasay called out as he approached the Mon Calamari, takinf the time to help pull some rubble out of the way.

"Glad to see horrible actions do have a way to bring out good beings."

Re: Coordinating Clean Up Crews (EN-MN10)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:36 pm
by Fee Bua
"I follow the horror, to try and piece people's lives back together," Fee replies with a nod. "This war keeps me too busy."

Re: Coordinating Clean Up Crews (EN-MN10)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:48 pm
by Durasay Mixo
"It's an honorable thing you do." He offered a smile, and then extended a hand. "Durasay Mixo. Nice to meet you."

Looking about the horror, his demeanor turned grim. "Hopefully we will be able to see peace soon..."

Re: Coordinating Clean Up Crews (EN-MN10)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:51 pm
by Fee Bua
"Hope and expectation seem to lead in two different directions in this case. I am Fee Bua." A hand is extended to the Pantoran. "A pleasure to meet you."