[D2-MA] Reforge II (Rum's room)

Imperial holdings leased from the Hutt Cartel

[D2-MA] Reforge II (Rum's room)

Postby Rumun Gol » Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:52 pm

Today Rumun has learned an important lesson. His lightsaber was not balanced for him. That nearly cost his life at Haydriss' lab.

He knew that for quite time, that's why he bought yesterday all those pieces of hardware to modify his lightsaber so it actually works for him. Reading about some ancient designs, Rumun started the process of reforging the hilt of his lightsaber.

He meditated in the force, and slowly and carefully disassembled the hilt while he attuned to the kyber crystal core. It was a hard test for Rumun, but after some minutes of concentration he managed successfully the task, greatly improving the capacity of his crystal.

His formerly doubled-bladed lightsaber turned into a single handed lightsaber with fine a crossguard.



[D2-MA] Reforging Lightsaber Hilt; Knowledge: Lore ; +2B ( 1 from own lightsaber, 1 reforge): 2eA+1eP+2eB+2eD 3 successes, 3 advantage

Used the parts I bought on D1 (150 credits worth of stuff)
Reforged to a single handed lightsaber with crossguard (+1 Defensive) with a quality mod for the Illum crystal (Vicious +1)
Sith | Duros | Darth Hoshi's Apprentice | Former Slave | Silver-Tongued | Pro-Xenos

FROM D9-EN Rumun has no ship and no crew.
Sometimes accompanied by Tikala (Twi'lek aide), 2V-T5 (Protocol droid)
Ship: The Greyspectre
description|Daily Inventory

"Only the force can free us from the chains that bind us"
I'm blue da ba dee dabba da ♪...
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Rumun Gol
Posts: 441
Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:47 pm

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