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Jerkface no more (D10, EE)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:16 pm
by Jo'ren Rath
The process had begun early that morning, and all told it would take Jo'ren 5 hours out of his day to complete the reforging. What had once been an old Lightsaber he had picked up on Korriban, full of sand, was now a thing of beauty, his own creation. Gerry had made it work initially. He wondered what his old friend would make of this new version.

The parts salvaged from the Jawa camp, bits of the old handle, a shard from the Lightsaber savant's lair, and beautiful Matt black and chrome plating had put the final touches to the handle. When he activated the blade it made a satisfying snap-hiss. He could feel it was just as deadly as his twinblade, if less suited to mass destruction.

He rose from the surviving workbench and wandered through the ruins of the Imperial compound, admiring his new creation.


D10. Reforging Darth Jerkface's Lightsaber. Average Mechanics check. Boost for reforge. Two boosts from WMK.: 2eA+3eB+2eD 1 success, 4 advantage

Success! 3 advantage used on Personalised Design, 1 to reduce cost.