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(D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:11 am
by Nekoinu
Lord Haydriss stood at a raised podium in front of those who would support her side of the conflict. "This morning I sent a message to Lord Nemerosch. I suggested that we may settle our battle in single combat to avoid the unnecessary cost of waging war against our own people." A pause. "He has not yet responded. I am certain that he believes that he risks more than he gains by facing me alone. I am also certain that I do not need to inform you that that is a coward's way and not becoming of a Sith.
"All of you present are aware of my stance on our Empire's feuds. However, as I just pronounced, to refuse to face him and by extent Darth Laishen in mass combat would be a failure most foul, both as a Sith and in regards to my loyalties to Darth Malgus. Lord Nemerosch may possess greater numbers but he does not have talent, backbone, or the Dark Side's favor. Join me and we will erase this threat to the stability of our cause. Join me and we will be great."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:10 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
Wearing her mask, Shaisha listened to the brief 'speech' Lord Haydriss provided. It wasn't very inspiring, and there were plenty points she didn't care about...
... But Haydriss was willing to owe favours to other Sith, it seemed, and that always interested the ambitious pureblood. And a Kaggath? Well, she was certain she'd have her own Kaggath some day in the future, and this was good practice for both now and the future.
She'd been aching to unleash herself in combat for some time now.
Approaching Haydriss after her speech, the younger Sith gave a small bow of respect. "A Kaggath... Not something we see everyday, my lord."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:53 pm
by Nekoinu
The Sith Lord turned to address Shaisha and nodded. "Darth Laishen chose an excellent time to declare one. I am certain that my master will strike him from memory." She waved off a report from one of her sergeants and returned to addressing the pureblood Sith fully. "Is Darth Vowrawn supporting Darth Malgus or are you an independent entity?"
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:10 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
"My master allows me a lot of freedom here on Nar Shaddaa, so consider me an independant entity in this regard, Lord Haydriss," the visible mouth underneath the half-mask smirked with confidence.
"Stricken from memory? I seem to recall that is what happened to Tulak Hord's Kaggath opponent. Some would say the only fitting outcome for someone who loses a confrontation like this, considering all the resources they wasted for nothing."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:20 pm
by Nekoinu
"Noted. I am under the impression that the others are the same."
Lord Haydriss nodded. "My sentiments exactly. My master will absorb his remaining resources and we will press onward."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:23 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
"It will be yet another impressive feat to add to Darth Malgus' evergrowing list of accomplishements, no doubt. He has been one of our strongest contributors in the war... if you don't mind me asking, what is his opinion on this peace summit, seeing as you are here for the occassion?"
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:33 pm
by Nekoinu
"'Peace is a lie.' We are here to lure the Republic into a false sense of security."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:37 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
She couldn't help but to nod approvingly. "Well said."
"And thank you for your well-wishes yesterday. Even your brother dropped off a short message... honestly, it was unexpected. But appriciated."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:40 pm
by Nekoinu
"My brother spoke highly of you. He mentioned Sylvain Torsin as well." A pause. "Did he attend any of your celebrations?" A small laugh. "I have heard rumors of your escapades regarding parties."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:47 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
"One crashed party, and I'll never live it down," she said with an amused chuckle. "Encountering your brother here on Nar Shaddaa was the first time I've met him. He seems greatly... concerned for you, but that is family, I suppose..."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:24 pm
by Nekoinu
"He is often concerned for me," she noted, "But there is no merit to it. You may be correct that it is simply our familial ties."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:50 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
"Perhaps, though it is those attachements that give us the drive to do better. The Jedi foolishly disregard the strength one can draw upon from the emotions we might have for others," Shaisha gave a slight shrug, but judging from her tone she did mean it.
"If he finds strength in those emotions, all the better for him, even if he is not Sith."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:32 am
by Nekoinu
"I agree with the notion that emotion strengthens us," she admitted. Lord Haydriss stood silently and then nodded. "My brother is loyal to his family."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:01 am
by Shaisha Vreysk
"And to you," Shaisha noted with a nod directed at Haydriss.
Deciding that she is pressing that particular issue too much, she changed topics.
"Today's Kaggath will be glorious. Many of the Sith here are some of the finest students the Academy has produced - you will have your victory."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:25 pm
by Nekoinu
"I expect nothing less than total victory. The enemy posseses numerous apprentices as well but they will not compare."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:52 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
"It will be yours." Be prepared to owe favours, darling. The pureblood smirked and gave a small bow.
"By your leave, my lord..."
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:58 pm
by Nekoinu
Lord Haydriss ignited her lightsaber and pointed it out of the compound. "Through power, I gain victory! Forward!"
Re: (D3 EA) I am Lord Haydriss
Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:02 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
Shaisha nodded and drew her lightsaber as well, moving forward to rush into exciting battle.
Today would be glorious!