[D4 MA, Zeno's Room] Not Much Left

Imperial holdings leased from the Hutt Cartel

[D4 MA, Zeno's Room] Not Much Left

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:14 am

He could sense the end of his project was nearing. He could feel the excitement and couldn't stop smiling.
Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade
Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya)
Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
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Zeno Deathwright
Posts: 1284
Joined: Wed May 31, 2017 8:49 pm

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