We Meet Again, for the First Time (D1 LA, Arali's room)

Republic Holdings leased from the Hutt Cartel

Re: We Meet Again, for the First Time (D1 LA, Arali's room)

Postby Yslane Tssilla » Sun Jun 18, 2017 11:00 am

"There are members of the Council who are as long lived as the Hutts," Yslane points out, "But I understand what you are saying."

"I'm not sure I find your reasoning as a good reason to provide the Hutts with a blanket indulgence." She frowns, "Cultural differences are one thing, but the Hutts views can and have endangered their fellow sentients. Something we tolerate because we must...but I'm not sure we should continue to do so if it no longer becomes necessary. Real people suffer from this, that the Hutts don't see them as such just makes it more dangerous."

"But I assume you speak in generalities? And that not all of their number follow these trends?"
Republic • Force Sensitive • Jedi Shadow • Shien Student • Thy's Padawan

Equipment: Comlink, Datapad, Hold-Out Blaster, Lightsaber(usually hidden)
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Yslane Tssilla
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