Participants: All Republic (Optional)
Timeslots: Any One Timeslot before LA.
Scrutiny: See Reward/Outcome
Description: Senator Herresh Seir'oto has decided that it would be prudent to make a public declaration against insurgent organizations. He needs members of his delegation to help him spread the word. At the culmination of it, he plans on making a speech before supper.
Rules: This event is composed of three stages that must be done in order. Each participant does them individually and cannot assist one another. Every 2 Advantage/Threat can/must be spent to give the next roll a Boost/Setback Die. Any remaining Threat is converted to Strain.
- Finding the Right People: Underworld (Intellect) or Streetwise (Cunning) at Average Difficulty. This represents knowing whom you are working with. Success grants a Boost Die and Failure grants a Setback Die on the next roll.
- Using your Words: Charm (Presence), Deception (Cunning), Negotiation (Presence), or Leadership (Presence) at Hard Difficulty. This represents your rhetoric! Each Success is added to the final roll while every Failure subtracts from it. A Triumph here allows you to succeed if you failed or give another player a reroll on this check if they failed it.
- Show your Moves: Any Combat Check at Hard Difficulty. This represents a publicity stunt to show your fighting skills! You only make this roll if you succeeded on the last one. Success here does not add anything to the final tally. Instead, if you fail, your final tally is deducted by that amount. This can go into the negatives! Any Threat here is converted to Strain. Like before, a Triumph here allows you to succeed if you failed or give another player a reroll on this check if they failed it.
As noted, you may choose any time slot before LA. Please note which one you are using at the top of your post.
- 0 to 6 Successes: The Republic is considered a laughing stock. -0.5 Scrutiny.
- 7 to 13 Successes: Senator Seir'oto's final speech comes off as pure PR. No reward.
- 14 to 20 Successes: Some of the lower dregs believe in the cause. +0.3 Scrutiny and each participant is awarded 100 credits as a stipend..
- 21 to 27 Successes: Uptown begins to openly praise the initiative. +0.6 Scrutiny and 250 credits as a stipend.
- 28+ Successes: Kingpins and similar people of power start to pour funding into the Senator's anti-terrorism act. +1.0 Scrutiny and 500 credits as a stipend.