"It's because she doesn't trust you, Syl," she replied as if it was obvious. "I sensed her mind; she is a ruthless killer underneath that prim and proper noble lady veneer. And she senses you are not."
It was a hunch, of course. She took a gamble, to test her will against Sylvain's for a moment as she reached out with the Force... what was truly there...?
Ugh...The Light gave her pause, blinding her from gaining a reading on Sylvain's true leanings.
D5 EN Sense power on Syl to see his icky Lightness:
1eF+2eP+1eA+3eC+1eD 2 successes, 3 threat, 1 Light SideShaisha takes 3 strain from getting Light-side cooties.