He tilted his head, "Ideally we do it the proper way... but I am not Baras, and you are not those who have come before. The wheels of progress churn slowly... and many things have a way of repeating themselves through time, but the wheel does continue to churn. We are different than those before us, and we can direct the Empire differently. I know it sounds like what everyone else says, but I know your heart... and you know mine. We are intrinsically different from the likes of Baras."
He looked into her eyes, "Even if we are unable to fully change the Empire, we lay the groundwork for future generations to do so by concerted, tenacious, and persevering effort. We take every opportunity between now and the end of our lives to make each action we take in line with our principles. This too... is in line with our principles. He is an immediate and terrible threat to the Empire. For what he plans alone... he should be removed without question. He also deserves justice for the terrible deeds he has done, and that justice would result in his execution. Even if we cannot do it the right way... I do feel we would still stand as a beacon to others. We can be that light you speak of... this is not the end of anything Kris. It is the beginning."