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Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:23 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
((This thread takes up two time slots per the Side Jobs rules))

It had been some time since Adrianaa worked with a corporation directly. Noticing a small blurb about some contract work needing to be completed, the Senator begins her day delving into the world of contract negotiations. Her knack for the sort of work is apparent.

D2 Side Jobs (EM+MM) Negotiation, average: 1eA+2eP+2eD 3 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph

Basic success: 100
+3 rolled successes: +150
-2 Threat: -20
+Triumph: Double result. (130x2=260)
Final Pay: 260 credits

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:23 pm
by Niriti
Near the senator, another representant had her own business going on. Niriti looked over her shoulder and smirked at the other woman as she did her own business, trying to get the attention of the men around her over the republican representant.

The Sith laughed as her attention drove many of the men away from the Republican, although she was so focused on bothering the other, that her own deals were not as strong as she would had liked.

Side Jobs (D2-EM to MM). Commercial District Negotiations. Average Difficulty: 1eA+2eP+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage

Final Pay: 135 Credits

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:22 pm
by Adrianaa Morindel
Adrianaa stretched and took a walk. Noticing another temp, she decided to make small talk.

"Good morning."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:35 am
by Niriti
"Good morning to you too." Replied Niriti as she reached to the other woman, directing smiles to the men around her as they made way for her. The sith can tell that her counter part is a woman of high class born, so she gives a kind smile towards her. Peace talk She reminded herself, they had come to bring some peace to the galaxy.

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:08 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
"My name is Adrianaa."

She smiles brightly

"Do you work here permanently? Or dod you come for the temp work as well?"

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:00 pm
by Niriti
"I am Niriti." She replied to her presentation, with diplomatic attention. "I come as a diplomat of the Empire." She added with pride, as her hand floated to her side where the shoto blade rested. "A Sith under the orders of the Emperor and his Ministers. May I ask what is it that brings you to Nar Shaddaa?"

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:55 pm
by Adrianaa Morindel
"Much the same. Though the opposite side and not tied to a religion."

She reaches into a small, hidden pocket on her dress and produces an identification card.

"I am a Republic Senator from Coruscant, here to help negotiate a peace between our two peoples."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:32 am
by Niriti
"A senator" Replied Niriti in surprise, she had not expected such person to be found there, negotiating among the lesser classed ones. The sith bowed in respect to her placement, even though it was not a position that she had to direct respect since it was of her enemy. As she stood back up she returned to her charming posture. "Well the Force is something more than a mere religion. Most of the religions tied to the Force are rather simplistic and a mediocre way of interpreting the power of those who wield the Force. Respecting those that wield this power, this I can expect and accept.

What brings someone such as yourself to the simple commercial place?" She asked with a tone that depicted that if she was there, then the Republic must be a place of low classed and weak.

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:29 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
"I appreciate the power those who can use the force wield, but if I am honest with you, I find that more often than not it causes more harm than good. The war we are involved in for example. Would it even exist if the Jedi and Sith did not wish to fight one another?"

Adrianaa stretches a little for a moment and answers the question with a smile.

"It is always good to see what is going on in the world beneath me. I lived as a Noble before I was a military officer and now Senator. If I stayed in those worlds, I wouldn't have a clue what the people truly are like and need. It's always refreshing to walk with and work with the common people so to speak. Plus, corporations have nearly as much sway on government affairs as religion does, so it is something I need to keep an eye on."

"What about you? Do Sith warriors find it relaxing to conduct paperwork in their downtime?"

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:24 am
by Niriti
"That I had always wondered about." Niriti's attention rose when the senator expressed her feeling about the religious war between sith and jedi. "In case of the Empire, we are a theocracy, so it is normal for us to have the sith and the imperial forces fighting together for the stability of our world, but I believe that somehow the jedi have used their own animosity against the sith to drag you, the Republic, to a war against our Empire. The Jedi were the tougher hands, they destroyed my home planet Taris." Her statements were expressed with withheld emotion, as she reminded the senator of the latest war acts. "We may conquer, we might dominate, but we do not destroy full planets."

Niriti took a moment to gain her emotions back under control, since the topic coming to explain was a different one.

"Oh, you got me wrong, I am no warrior. I am a force user, but not a martial one. I use the powers of the Force differently. The Force allows me to sense those around me, understand their feelings. It is something that I have learned to use and to help me in my real line of work: business and negotiations."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:05 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
Adrianaa frowns at the story.

"Personally, I wish the Jedi would stay to their own devices. Leave the Republic to rules. I appreciate their help, but often times it seems they are manipulating the universe far too much. I know it means little, but I am sorry about Taris. If it was my decision to make, it never would have happened."

"That certainly does sound helpful. Negotiation and business is often times all about reading the other person. I can imagine having a power that lets you know for certain is quite the boon."

She smiles

"And a bit unfair"

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:46 am
by Niriti
"I Thank you for your thoughts, senator." The sith is gladly surprised at the thoughts of the woman before her. If this was the type of senators that ruled in Coruscant, then peace would be so much easier between both galactic entities. The war was a strain on both of them, and in peace they could thrive and even commerce could flow between them, bringing more prosperity to them, and to those who knew how to make a profit. "We, the Empire, hold no grudge against the people of the Republic, it is only the jedi who are our enemies, and yet we see that they control the Republic in their benefit, for it if were not because of the sith in the Empire, this war would had not happened."

"The power to sense feelings is of use in business, but I rarely use it, since I prefer to use my own skills in negotiation, it may be more fair, but I do it because it is more fun. Playing with chance is much more fascinating than controlling the odds. My power is mostly directed towards peace talks, like when we talked the massassi against war a couple years back."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 11:29 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
Adrianaa smiles and nods.

"I am glad to have met you then. I hope your skills and experience can guide the Darth here in representation of your Dark council. The more advisors both side has that are pushing for peace, the more likely it will be achieved"

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:43 am
by Niriti
"The more advisers as well as their intention of finding peace in a common ground. Since many yapping mouths can only make busy talk and more conflict among opposed positions. But I see that already there are some decent represents of the Republic. Maybe enough to make my mind change on them being the evil of the Galaxy."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:21 pm
by Adrianaa Morindel
"That is one thing that can be tiresome. The Senate for example has representatives from thousands of worlds, and coming to a common consensus is difficult. But, at the end of the day, I find having many viewpoints to ponder over better than just one."

Adrianaa frowns a little at the last part of Niriti's statement.

"I hope you can change your mind. There may be evil that happens, but we are not as a whole evil. I see the same with your Empire."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:47 am
by Niriti
"We have a different political way, and religious view. We believe in strength and power, as have the civilizations. We work in the same manner that the Republic does, but we don't hide the facts and acts, we are honest to what we are and aim for. What was the excuse of the Jedi when they attacked my planet? I don't think a marsh can be of any threat... no, when the Empire attacks, it is honest to its cause."

She was always going back to her own cause, the one she knew, the one she could describe vividly. The only way to show that she defended the Empire for its essential bases.

"The Empire is an Order that is stable all around, we have no problem unless other external forces come into our systems and planets to bring havoc and hate."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:07 pm
by Adrianaa Morindel
"I cannot speak for the Jedi, but I do admire your outlook. It is the same I see for the Republic I represent. So, if we could, you'd be agreeable to drawing a line and saying 'dont cross'? Leave each government free to rule as they see fit, as long as we stayed out of each others business?"

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:16 am
by Niriti
"I would expect that a peace truce among us would allow some trade and exchange between us." She added to the Senator's state. "We can't be just two separate entities with no mix between them, this will only cause disdain and hate between the separated parts. Interactions should be allowed, as well as represents and ambassadors from one and the other group to maintain this peace. Other than that, we would not intervene in the others business."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:23 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
Adrianaa nods and smiles brightly, hope in her eyes.

"That sounds quite agreeable. Now if we can convince the rest of our delegations the same."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:24 am
by Niriti
"That would be a delight. This war has gone for far too long already. We need peace, we need to reconstruct, we need to find comfort, which is what we all look for." Of course Niriti's comfort was in the deals that would come out of reconstruction and out of having commerce with the Republic.

"It was great meeting you, Senator, we should meet in some days from today to compare our work on our people."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:47 pm
by Adrianaa Morindel
"Please, feel free to be in touch any time. If you need anything while you are here as well, I am always only a call away."

She hands the woman a business card with all her contact information.

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:29 am
by Niriti
Niriti takes the card and offers her own, a black card with writings in shiny blood red that contrast with it's background. "Feel free to text or call me as well. It would be great to be in touch."

Re: Corporate Interests (D2 EM & MM)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:56 am
by Adrianaa Morindel
Adrianaa gives a nod and smiles.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, Lady Niriti."