by Moyr Ahaya » Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:00 pm
Moyr finally made a decision. She quietly approached the target, waiting for the man to pass near Zios, then closed in. In the crucial moment the long lightsabre found a way into her hand out of nowhere. As the two bloodthirsty blades fired up, she cut the man hip to hip, then beheaded him with the second blade as the first had passed through. The cauterised parts flopped in three separate directions.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | ProfileWear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid"You can have only as much liberty as you have the instinct to want and the audacity to take."