
Nar Shaddaa HQ building for Czerka Corp.


Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:26 am

Czerka is a mega-conglomerate and they make absolutely everything, it isn't of the highest quality but often is reliable, cheap and due to their distribution channels is readily available in Imperial and Republic space. Many of their products don't usually bear the Czerka name, they have tens of thousands of corporate shells and acquisitions to use. In public the company is just seen as another faceless corporate entity, but for those in the know Czerka is a dangerous amoral entity. They pay billions of credits to lobby in the Republic and an equal amount to influence politics in their favor in the Empire. These three massive towers form the sector HQ for Czerka in this region. Czerka security is high in addition to Hutt security being on standby at all times for any crisis.

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