Cole's hand automatically goes to his hip, forgetting that he's taken off the belt ahead of the game. He snags his kit from under the bench, and switches on the mediscanner. His lips press together and he looks at the data, "looks like you took a pretty bad knock, how's your vision? seeing double, black spots, fuzziness?"
He falls easily into his bedside manner, explaining himself as he works, "I'm going to place these electrodes just behind your ears here," he indicates on himself what he intends, "you might feel a faint vibration against the skin, but it will help you focus." He applies the small devices and switches them on, they buzz, barely detectable, but shooting little electric tingles down the sith's spine.
"I want to give you something to take down the swelling in your joints. This should loosen you up a bit, but you'll need that leg looked at again in the morning."
[D6 ME] Jo'ren Rath (Medicine): 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 Triumph
Removes critical: Scattered Senses