(D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:14 am
Senator Seir'oto stood outside the arena for his address. "Greetings, denizens of Nar Shaddaa and the rest of the galaxy! This is Senator Herresh Seir'oto, here to present to you the following clips!"
"I would like to start with my peer and friend, Senator Morindel." He put on the display of her giving her own speech earlier in the day. "And if you'll look here, she's showing off her boxing technique! How neat is that?"
"The Republic possesses a strong and capable military force." Niall was on the big display, showing that smile. His winning shot on the dummy made the Mon Calamari smile. Next was Cole was presenting his case on the way to his healthcare clinic, a fact Herresh was sure to point out. Although as soon as the shots started going awry, he sped forward from the recordings of the doctor. Lt. Varra was next, at the cantina gambling and establishing her authority. "As you can see, officers of the Republic are capable of many duties, both social and martial."
He went forward to Nunki trying to talk up some big shots on Nar Shaddaa. The Mon Calamari coughed and then sped up to clip to her showing off her lightsaber skills. "The Jedi are the peacekeepers of the Republic. They dispense justice." He clicked the presentation forward to show Baesal delivering her talk. "They also are skilled diplomats." When her shoddy lightsaber work came up, he again skipped forward in a hurry to Ashla. "She too has been offering a relief effort to the people of Nar Shaddaa." He nodded approvingly at her work and next was Arali. "She too offers aid and relief to the system! And finally, if you liked Captain Organa's winning smile, then how about Lady Cortess?" He gave an approving nod to both women's Makashi work and general charm.
"But that is not all! Who would I be if not to give you a show?!" He tore off his uniform and revealed a Huttball uniform! "I've gathered with me several talented Jedi and we are eager to show you a great game. So come on in!"
"I would like to start with my peer and friend, Senator Morindel." He put on the display of her giving her own speech earlier in the day. "And if you'll look here, she's showing off her boxing technique! How neat is that?"
"The Republic possesses a strong and capable military force." Niall was on the big display, showing that smile. His winning shot on the dummy made the Mon Calamari smile. Next was Cole was presenting his case on the way to his healthcare clinic, a fact Herresh was sure to point out. Although as soon as the shots started going awry, he sped forward from the recordings of the doctor. Lt. Varra was next, at the cantina gambling and establishing her authority. "As you can see, officers of the Republic are capable of many duties, both social and martial."
He went forward to Nunki trying to talk up some big shots on Nar Shaddaa. The Mon Calamari coughed and then sped up to clip to her showing off her lightsaber skills. "The Jedi are the peacekeepers of the Republic. They dispense justice." He clicked the presentation forward to show Baesal delivering her talk. "They also are skilled diplomats." When her shoddy lightsaber work came up, he again skipped forward in a hurry to Ashla. "She too has been offering a relief effort to the people of Nar Shaddaa." He nodded approvingly at her work and next was Arali. "She too offers aid and relief to the system! And finally, if you liked Captain Organa's winning smile, then how about Lady Cortess?" He gave an approving nod to both women's Makashi work and general charm.
"But that is not all! Who would I be if not to give you a show?!" He tore off his uniform and revealed a Huttball uniform! "I've gathered with me several talented Jedi and we are eager to show you a great game. So come on in!"