It had been easy for Shaisha to blend into the crowd at the Viper, considering how she was easily a head shorter (or more) than most of the clientele. And with the hood of her robes up, it wasn't easy to take notice of the red-skinned Sith.
That was until she won the round of sabacc with a few of the other patrons, and triumphantly stood up with her newfound winnings. "Guess the pot is mine. Better luck next time, guys," she flashed them a pearly-white grin as her hood fell back.
Looking around, she spotted the Pantoran. It wasn't everyday someone like Craw and Durasay were met with a friendly smile from a pureblood sith... but as she came closer, there it was.
"Must say, your message surprised me, Mixo." She looked to the unfamiliar man. "Shaisha Vreysk."
D6 LM Cheating at Sabacc a little first. Deception/Cunning. 1 Setback from no sleep:
1eP+3eA+1eC+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage+220 Credits, Ka-ching!