Nar Shaddaa Weather
Day 8 begins at the 42nd Hour of the Nar Shaddaa day, it continues to be warm at 27 degrees Celsius, and it is foggy from all the precipitation with a yellow white mist, it has a foul smell but otherwise is harmless. The mist adds a setback to all Perception rolls and a boost die to all Stealth rolls on Nar Shaddaa.
Nal Hutta Weather
Day 8 begins at the 42nd hour of the day and it is cooling off dropping to 27 degrees Celsius with high humidity and rain around Jiguuna; the storm has subside to a constant drizzle of acidic rain, not outright harmful to people but not drinkable either.
Y'toub System Weather
The system is bathed in radiation from a hyperactive star, this causes some blackouts in the system. Add a setback to any Computers check done in the system.
Scrutiny: -0.5 at start of Day - Things are calm but tense, all prices on Nar Shaddaa are increased by 1.1 times.
D8 LA - Diplomacy is Universal
D8 LA - Punch and Pie
D8 LE - Republic Game Ball
Daily News