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Day 4 Weather (June 19th to June 21st)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:37 pm
by Dapper Dog
Nar Shaddaa Weather

Day 4 begins at the 33rd Hour of the Nar Shaddaa day, it is a bit warmer today at 26 degrees Celsius, and it is foggy but there is no rain until the night hours when it begins to pour quite heavily on Nar Shaddaa.

Nal Hutta Weather

Day 4 begins at the 33rd hour of the day and it is a hot one jumping to 27 degrees Celsius with high humidity but no rain. The region around Jiguuna is wet and muddy but otherwise bright and hot. Most people stay indoors if they can where the temperature is controlled.

Y'toub System Weather

The system is calm today, nothing out of the ordinary.

Scrutiny: 0.3 at start of Day - There is no penalty to skills and no increase to fees across Nar Shaddaa, the Hutts feel everything is good and calm.


Day 4 - MA - Spirit Quest
Day 4 - EE - Space Diplomacy
Day 4 - Up to LE - Tread Carefully (Neutral)

Daily News

Day 4 News