Day 5 - News
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:01 pm
"Today is a lovely day for a convention, Huttcon is in full swing and we expect all the big stars to come out today! I am looking forward to the big Cosplay Contest! I believe Jin Vaya is a guest judge! Should be a great time," Jerri says with a smile.
"... and in more somber news for the Empire the Hutt transporst Guza Vin has been lost with all hands, a terrible tragedy as a Sith dignitary by the name of Darth Baras was on board. We will stay with story all day as more information comes to us. The Hutts have issued no statement yet as to the cause of the accident," Jerri says with a somber look. (Scrutiny modified by -0.3)
"This just in Giradda has issued a statement on the alleged Huttball Game Fixing fiasco, all bets for the Valkyries game yesterday have been seized until it can be determined who is at fault for issue. Giradda has put out the word that until this matter can be resolved all bookies are to refrain from taking any bets. The games will go on though," Jerri says before moving on to the weather
OOC: Bets for the Valkyrie game have been seized, no payouts, and Betting is on hold until the Hutts solve the problem.