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Day 6 - News

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:40 pm
by Dapper Dog

Jerri says, “Still no news on the death of Darth Baras but our anonymous sources point to the Crescent Shadow. The Hutts have said that thee is nothing to be worried about but this is third attack of the Crescent Shadow during the peace talks.”

[Scrutiny modified by -0.2]

“The costumes at the Huttcon Cosplay Contests were amazing but the top three are a cut above,” Jerri says as they show the winners on the show and then cuts back to the anchor as he adds, “Clearly the rest should have just stayed home!”

Re: Day 6 - News

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:18 am
by Nekoinu
Later in the same day, another Crescent Shadow 'sponsor' puts himself on air. "I would like to thank Jerri Ganz for 'is recognition of us. I like to think that people 'ave started to understan' that we ah in charge 'ere."

The screen changed to a shot of an injured Evangeline Ulter crawling away from one of the insurgents. In the middle of her begging for help, the assailant pulled the trigger.

"Rememba, Uptownas. You can run, but you never escape us."

Re: Day 6 - News

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:29 am
by Nekoinu

"Did you see the live battle?!"
"It was insane! I can't believe she lived!"
"Of course! Evangeline had great help."
"To be whisked away by three hunks..."
"Oh, please, don't start on me again."


"That lady dressed up as Lucena was hot."
"You know that was a Sith dude, right?"
"Really? Guy knows how to strut it then."


"A bunch of Mandalorians just ran off."
"They supported the Republic, right?"
"Yeah. Must be planning on opposing Corso."
"You'd think they'd want to destroy the Jedi."
"It's something to do with Mandalore the Preserver."
"Guess he didn't preserve much. Ha!"