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[D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:38 am
by Alysele Cortess
Aly stop early in the morning.... well, whatever time it was. She was getting used to the timelessness of space, but it was still not pleasant. She was an alderaani girl at heart, and she liked to see the sunrise, the stars, but only at night... and that is not going to happen for a while.
She punched a button next to her next victim's door. "Jedi Knight Alysele Cortess, routine checkup on Yslane Tssilla."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:43 am
by Yslane Tssilla
The door opened, "Master Jedi."
Peering out...and down from the door was the tired face of one Republic bureaucrat. "Can I help you?" She smiled a bit nervously.
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:47 am
by Alysele Cortess
"Just a routine check up." She frowned a bit, as she was looking up to her conversation partner. Even in heels, Yslane was taller. "Making sure nothing untoward has happened here.... may I come in? Just to check the room and such." She did seem tired.... not that hyperspace did any good for your sleep pattern.
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:54 am
by Yslane Tssilla
"Of course Master Jedi," Yslane stepped back allowing the other woman into her room. "I hope everything has gone alright so far on your own room is probably pretty boring. For most at any rate. Unless you like regulation data and requisition forms."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:56 am
by Alysele Cortess
"No dead bodies, or hidden explosives yet." Not that she could find one if it didn't have a sign next to it.
She moved forward with an elegance step. "Boring is good. Boring is safe." When inside she turned around, her face frowning. "Have trouble sleeping?"
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:01 am
by Yslane Tssilla
The tiredness evaporates shortly after the door closes, "Not really. But it gives the impression I am overworked and stressed." She stands a bit straighter and smiles, "You'd be surprised how much that keeps people from bothering you. Or at least bothering you in a manner that well...matters."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:08 am
by Alysele Cortess
"Heh, smart." She smiled at Yslane, her mood improving. "Though I'm glad. My first few nights in hyperspace were... well, terrible. And then I had to go down to a jungle and duel a sociopathic Zabrak." Never have I regretted wearing heels more.
"The trip alright for you? Anything that you need?"
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:21 am
by Yslane Tssilla
Yslane takes a seat, "Well enough....paperwork." She nods to a table with her datapad and other bits scattered on it. Her own choice in footwear was considerably flatter.
"Duel a Sith Zabrak?" Yslane asks, "An exciting story I take it?" She muses with a smile.
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:28 am
by Alysele Cortess
"Yeah, I know the feeling." She raised her own datapad. "Though mostly been reviewing delegate records. Bureaucratic aide? Nice."
She leaned against the wall, shrugging. "Not really... it was dank, muddy, he was a big brute waving his saber around, and full of openings. Getting away from his troops was more difficult. Running in a jungle is hard, and it's not like I'm good against blasters"
There was a small beep from her communicator. Pulling it out, she saw new incoming messages. Those can wait. "What's been up with you?"
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:39 am
by Yslane Tssilla
"Since Courscant?" Yslane canted her head at that, "Well enough I suppose." She waved a hand, "Reviewing regulations and diplomatic precedence. I suppose it lucky I have family history in this realm of the government. Nepotism and all that."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:13 am
by Alysele Cortess
"Sounds exceedingly exciting... then again, you always had patience." She placed the datapad down on Yslane's desk, possibly upsetting the Current Room Order.
"Anything that you think I should know? Been behind regulations lately... not sure what's the latest word from the Order on things is." A small frown slipped out as she talked about the Jedi order, before mastering her emotions again.
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:54 am
by Yslane Tssilla
"Regulations and precedence. For my job at the Foreign Office." Yslane smiles, leaving the datapad as it is. " know there is some unofficial blanket fix the Civil Service calls the 'Poltamir Solution'? Its not really something you need to know...really its all bureaucratic minutiae, sanctions imposed here...procedures for doing this bit of government business...the acceptable color of hat for a gala held after mid-day but before night in an outdoor venue that is mostly grass as opposed to say a stadium or pavilion."
"Anyway, the Jedi Order on Courscant seemed well enough when I left." She shrugs, "Jedi Temple politics isn't really something I would be privy to."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:03 am
by Alysele Cortess
"Yeah, hopefully they have an idea what they want us to do here." She was doubtful about that, but at least Satele's presence would help.
"Beige, purple or light gold I assume? At least that is what was drilled into me 10 years ago." She smiled brightly at the woman opposite of her. "Etiquette and protocol.... just don't ask me about legal regulations. Those I am not familiar with."
A stray hair came untucked, so Aly raised her left hand to deal with the unruly rebel. "What do you think, what can we expect?"
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:08 am
by Yslane Tssilla
"The Sith will lie and scheme to get what they want?" Yslane smirked, "The question is can the Senate and Order get what we need. If...anyone can decide on what we need."
"Biege, its usually the safe bit with Civil Service." She clicked her tongue in amusement.
"So where do you stand on all this?"
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:11 am
by Alysele Cortess
She extended her leg. "In a fashionable pair of boots, mainly. A girl has to have some standards." She smiled at the weak joke, before returning to her previous pose, her back to the wall.
First of all, she shrugged. "I... don't know. I've been traveling everywhere lately, with a little break at home. I've been fighting, and dueling, and killing. It's necessary work, but messy. It's hard for me to look at a sith, and not to assume a dueling stance out of reflex. That said, that is not a good reason to be all too willing to kill them all. Aren't we supposed to be... different?" The question was not rhetorical, and had a slight tinge of curiosity in it.
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:35 am
by Yslane Tssilla
Yslane smiled, "That is certainly the rumblings from some of the Order. I will reserve my judgment until I met the Sith."
"However, for an Empire that claims it brings order and has provided little for the Galaxy. And the history we have available show a society that equates Strength to Justice. Might to Leadership. Treachery to Ambition. They seem, to me, doomed to devour their is just unfortunate they wish to take the rest of Galaxy with them."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:08 pm
by Alysele Cortess
Aly frowned in thought. "I'll leave the history to you... cannot say that is something that I recall all too well." She looked down at her boots, for now.
"So...what are we doing here exactly then?" She continued her introspection. Being bullies was bad, but to lead, to actually lead... well, you needed to be exceptional for that. And sometimes, the Republic didn't deliver.
"It's going to be some interesting times."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:18 pm
by Yslane Tssilla
"At the very least? Keeping the Senate delegation alive and advancing the goals of the Republic...which appears to be peace for the moment." Yslane looks at her fellow Jedi, "And trust in the Force to show us the path."
"Well...I'd say its been an interesting century. Hopefully the troubles will end and the process of rebuilding can begin."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:24 pm
by Alysele Cortess
"That is why I'm here." She smiled. "Security detail... not too exciting, but apparently the council is confident enough in my skill at Makashi. As for the goals.... well, that will be interesting. Have you met the senator who's going to be leading the peace talks?"
She reached towards the datapad, absently searching for the data on him. "As for rebuilding.... yeah, we've seen enough suffering and death. Alderaan's a mess."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:29 pm
by Yslane Tssilla
"Even Courscant is a mess....and not one bomb has fallen on it," Yslane adds, "I have only in the briefest of moments. A low level bureaucrat is not something a Senator would take interest in, until needed of course."
"How are things on Alderaan? I have read some of the reports preparing for this but...they rarely tell the full picture."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:32 pm
by Alysele Cortess
"Bad." She wasn't sugarcoating it. "The leadership is in a disarray... the last few months have seen some deaths of important people. With me being a Jedi, and Niall in the military, the future generation is more uncertain." And Arsele.... somewhere. "It's sending credits, men and materials for the war, but it cannot sustain for long, is my suspicion."
She nodded at that. "Yeah, I can see that. Perhaps I can talk to him sometime... though with Master Shan here, I am breathing a bit easy."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:45 pm
by Yslane Tssilla
"Niall?" Yslane looks through something on her desk. "Ah....of the House Organa. Two scions of Alderaan on the delegation."
"But," She takes the datapad and brings up a report at random and shows it to Alysele...the report paints a grim picture of another Republic world. Yslane does this 3 more times, sufficient for her point... "Alderaan is hardly alone in this. But will the Sith truly embrace peace...or is it just a pause for more war. Is it better to continue at this rate....or risk a much higher one when our foe has more time to build up. The path of least suffering is unclear."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:48 pm
by Alysele Cortess
Aly's face hardened into a cold facade, as she looked at the pictures. "I don't know." She shook her head. "Do we have the capability to continue at this rate? Do they?" She tried to envision the whole war, every frontier... impossible. "It is a gamble either way... have you heard anything from the military?"
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:54 pm
by Yslane Tssilla
"I wonder if most Sith care...subjugation is their nature. Better to lord over a pile of stones and butchered slaves then to leave a challenge to their power standing." Yslane took the datapad back. "I...well no. I haven't really read many military reports. Most remain secret. I'd imagine they are also bleak."
Re: [D0] Papers need a shuffelin'
Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:00 pm
by Alysele Cortess
"There's not much that isn't bleak." She gave the pad back, then looked Yslane in the eye. "Is that experience talking?" Or just our usual talking points.
"Well... who knows? Perhaps there are decent people born there. Perhaps they can even lead."