by Arali Zian » Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:16 pm
Yslane Tssilla wrote:*Horrified* take people off the street to work in Civil Service. That, that just isn't done. It goes against the system.
No, it's actually a rather simple system all its own.
You see, the way the process works is an employer publishes an ad, and then a bunch of people who are interested in said job and feel they are qualified, or feel it's worth giving it a shot, all apply for said job, and then the employer screens the application, interviews a select few prospectives, and hires the most qualified.
See? A system!
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Inventory: Two-Handed Lightsaber 'Verdant,' Heavy Clothing, Comlink, Emergency Medpac,Utility Belt, Tool Kit, Datapad, Scanner Goggles