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Endgame and You

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:05 pm
by Dapper Dog
Each character will be bale to complete two goals over the two year interim, these can include building a power base or perhaps closing a thread started in the game that went unresolved. In general these will not be items or gear but more role play events such as being pivotal in a battle or diplomatic negotiations or maybe setting a rival back.

Only one of the goals can be used for Power Base if they so choose. If you have questions make a thread in your PF for your after game goals, there will also be forum setup for Q & A if people feel the need for such.

Re: Endgame and You

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 10:36 am
by Dapper Dog
Advancement or promotion is a valid goal as well in the interim such as becoming a full fledged Jedi or Sith Lord or appointed a position of power within your faction.

Next game will be Republic and allow for Unaligned but very much suppoeting yhe Republic.