To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:14 pm
by Nekoinu
For various reasons, said NPCs may leave their business behind on the Smuggler's Moon!
Re: To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:35 pm
by Moyr Ahaya
Vote for the Bothan purging SIS, of course.
Re: To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:56 pm
by Cole Ormont
I think I have to vote for the opportunity to run into Malto Brin and pay him back for the hurt he put on Cole
Re: To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:57 pm
by Shaisha Vreysk
Voted for Malto Brin.
I didn't have the chance to meet any of these NPCs, so I voted for the one that said "violence against the Republic".
Re: To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:50 pm
by Jo'ren Rath
Moyr Ahaya wrote:Vote for the Bothan purging SIS, of course.
Yep, purge the evil from SIS!
Re: To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:56 pm
by Remmington Thalalas
I didn't want evil to be purged from the SIS because that's no fun.
I'm going with unleashing bioweapons.
Re: To Greener Pastures - Leaving Nar Shaddaa
Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:21 pm
by Nekoinu
The slicer known as Cyan Nexu is brought into the Republic SIS. She demonstrates how she had broken into various Republic systems before, therein filling some loopholes in security. And though she may act like a freelancer, she in fact does take the job seriously.
Ex-agent Sath Kwa'to decides to remotely access what files he can rather than abandon his Crescent Shadow operation. Although he has some success, it is relatively minimal compared to what he could have accomplished if he had dedicated himself to it. Malto Brin remains as an enforcer for the Hutts, though rumor has it that he may be in line to prove himself in a Mandalorian Hunt.
Devi Linwell continues to supply chemicals to Crescent Shadow under the table. Jal Nav'loso and Zios Thran speak of leaving the Moon together for adventure as rough and tumble adventurers/gunslingers but it ultimately never comes into fruition.