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Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:15 pm
by Nekoinu
I thought it might be prudent to make a separate thread than the OOC for people looking to make connections, either for crew or just plot points.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:22 pm
by Remmington Thalalas
Thanks Neko!

Looking for possible partners for bounty hunting.

Also looking for more HuttBallers to make a team.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:23 pm
by Nekoinu
Ah yes, Huttball teams. That'll be interesting <3

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:29 pm
by Layne Hoshin
Putting it out here again; for anyone who wasn't at Korriban (and thus already knows Layne): if anyone wants to forge background/history ties, let me know!

Reasons that might justify such connections:

  • You're from the rather insignificant outer rim planet of Kaibara.
  • We're secretly family or something!
  • You were at one point captured by slavers (specifically the Jaw of Oblivion of the NPC cast here).
  • You were at one point a slave on Kessel.
  • You at one point dealt with the spice mines of Kessel and might have had cause to encounter a young slave there.
  • You might at one point have run into a deranged-now-dead Sith and his pet slave/pupil.
  • You were on Nar Shaddaa 5-6 months ago.
  • You were on Alderaan 4 months or so ago.
  • You were on Makeb 2 months or so ago.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:51 pm
by Layne Hoshin
Oh, and I guess if you're better than my standard NPC crew, or useful in some other way, I might consider you part of the Shifting Wound's crew. At least until plot reasons (might) cause me to kick you off the boat! :?

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:58 pm
by Eight
There are two ways you could potentially know Eight.

The first is in the past six years. He wanders around the galaxy a lot and has done a lot of odd jobs, ranging from the noble to the monstrous. You could have run into him during this period.

Before six years ago, you might know Eight, but he won't know you, as he's experienced a memory wipe. Contact me if you want to have some sort of connection.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:09 pm
by Remmington Thalalas
Neutrals are welcome for the Hutt Ball team.

Remmy has no issue playing with Republic... though cannot speak for other members of the team.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:33 pm
by Ashla Vyliis
Generally, there's four ways you could know Ashla:

Ashla's early life was spent with her father. A renown serial killer. They traveled in space a lot for some reason until he was caught and executed on Corsucant 5 years ago. Maybe you happened to meet them on some random planet. Or maybe someone you care about was a victim.

About 2-4 years ago, she was a slave on Nar Shaddaa.

The last couple years, she ran a medical practice unrestricted by the tyranny of paperwork and bureaucrats. Not as many people died as you would think considering she's had no formal (or informal) training.

Recently, it was discovered she was a Force user. The Jedi gave her an offer to join the Order or face the punishment for her crimes.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:39 pm
by Moyr Ahaya

Ryloth, 18 to 5 years from now, Moyr as kid.
Outer Rim (mostly), 5 to 1 year from now, Moyr as a smuggler, dealing with all sides.
Balmorra, 6 to 1 month from now, Moyr as Hwee the journalist on Balmorra, hanging out undercover with the rebels/Republic. If someone is with Imperial intelligence or was in the planetary forces on Balmorra, we could have met.
Imperial Space, last month, Mandalorians or Imperials.
Now, you are going to hit on Virginia (if you're a droid) or on Gunnie, if you're crazy. Or you like Darwi's music. Or something else entirely! ;)

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:21 pm
by Xierreau
Xierreau Starcross of Clan Besadii, Nephew of Dango the Hutt and Smuggler Pilot

He has been running jobs for all sides for the last 10 years, he never works against Hutt interests and rarely takes on unwilling live cargo. Other then that he will work for Imperials, Mando's Republic, whoever. Mostly works the outer rim. He does both legit and less then legit work and typically, except his Xo has a semi revolving crew. Longest crew man with him has been 4 years and other then that one underage pain in his tail (Hi Aphr) no one over about a year to year and a half.

His reputation includes keeping his deals, never betraying client confidentiality, and being really good at getting from point A to point B. A large percentage of his clients and fellow smugglers who have never met him in person might not even realize he is a hutt.

Definitly open for links of ex crew men or people who I have met or worked for...

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:11 am
by Arali Zian
General summary:
Arali is 25, from a sacked agricultural colony, rescued by Garrick Lorne, who took her as a padawan back before he was a Jedi master.

Washed out as a padawan because she failed to be Garrick Lorne 2.0. Was bitter about this for a long time.

Came to Nar Shaddaa quite a few years ago. Helps out Master Thun as she can, but otherwise, is involved in various logistical and humanitarian support projects.

Been on Nar Shaddaa for years. Has her fingers in a lot of pies, trying to make ends meet in the Republic for certain supplies, mainly with humanitarian and logistical focus. And also with focus on putting traders in contact with one another, rather than actually buying a shipment of X. But she absolutely values strong relationships with the locals.

Spends a lot of time at the Jedi Enclave, generally helping out.

Healer with fewer strings attached than most on Nar Shaddaa for Republic sorts.

Currently active on the local dating scene, looking for Ms. Right.

I like revolutionary agricultural techniques. Do you have revolutionary agricultural techniques? Let me show you this flower my parents developed to help aerate industrial-scale nutrient-enhanced algae cultures.

I do believe someone said amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics?

Arali is a strong example of how to have strong differences with the Jedi order and the Jedi code without being deemed a threat. Wanna bitch about Jedi stuff? You'll find a sympathetic ear.

Good cook!

Does assorted technical, diplomatic, and artistic odd jobs.

Also helping to get the Enclave ready for more residents, even though she doesn't live there herself.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:39 am
by Rumun Gol
If you are an alien. Or do have lots of money. Or you want to have a lot of money. Come to talk with the Blue.

Also if you want to have some discussion about general knowledge or lore, Rum is always willing to talk about those topics.

If you are from the Republic, he is also willing to meet you as long as you treat him with respect and courtesy. He is a gentleman you see...

If you are a Jedi, he is willing to discuss the nature and theology of the Force with you.


Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:57 am
by Zanebry Varliss
Zanebry is originally a Core worlder, his home planet doing much to offer aide to the republic in these trying times. He first joined the military about 8 years ago and served on various republic fronts for two years.

That's the end of his official army duties though, about 6 years ago he was transferred off the books and remained there until his retirement from military service two and a half years later. Though during this period he could be met in the outer rim and perhaps even in Imperial space.

In the years since his retirement, he has spent his time in the systems around Nar shadda, taking mostly odd jobs to get by, he has something of a reputation of a gambler, and is known to have a fair hand with his pistol.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:42 pm
by Arsele Girard
Okay, pre-game connections that I am aware of for Arsele;

- Alysele Cortess; Childhood friend (8-10 years old)
- Niall Organa; Childhood friend (9-13 years old)
- Zanebry Varliss; Patron/customer (past yearish)
- Arali Zian; Patron/customer (past few months)
- Durasay Mixo; Conversation partner (past few months)

If anyone has anything else they want, based on Arsele's hooks or otherwise, please poke me!

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:19 pm
by Javagus Khan
Javagus grew up on Coruscant and has been around the Outer Rim for awhile.

Thirteen Years ago and longer: Various jobs on Coruscant
Twelve Years ago -> Ten Years ago: Flying a freighter on Anaxes
Nine Years ago --> Seven Years ago: Managing a spaceport on Allyuen
Two Years ago --> Present: Cruising around the Outer Rim, selling chemical weapons

Alternatively, I have a ship and am pretty comfortable with giving free rides to xenos.

Let me know if you're interested in a connection!

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:50 pm
by Galen Sol
Have you ever had an old hunter visit your planet to hunt down a viscous creature by baiting it with a young boy? Galen was probably the boy.

Have you ever had a young hunter visit your planet to help eliminate dangerous creatures or pests. Galen may have been that hunter.

Have you hired on part time crew over the past 5 years?

Have you worked with the Starcross in the past year?

Do you like to talk about strange creatures?

Have you unsuccessfully tried to recruit someone for your order?

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:57 pm
by Adrianaa Morindel
Now taking applications for neutrals in addition to republic characters to be part of the Night Saber.

Need pilot, astrogation, bidyguard, gunner...

I have 8k worth of spice to sell...

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:40 pm
by Kristal Serasai
There is plenty to know on both sides of the war for dear Kristal I imagine, depending on your interest in Imperials.

Kristal Serasai is the daughter of former Moff Serasai, an Honorable man by all accounts before the event that lead to his death.

- Moff Serasai was executed as a traitor for having a hand in the assassination of his old colleague and family friend Grand Moff Torsin, Former Minister of War.
- If you knew him, or served under him, before he was executed as a traitor perhaps you might have your doubts about the claims of him being a traitor to the Empire.
- Perhaps you know of his only daughter Kristal, who is said to have become apprentice to Darth Marr after her time at the academy.
- Prior to her discovery as a force sensitive Kristal was the daughter of an Imperial Noble Family, perhaps you met at an Imperial party somewhere sometime?

Kristal fought on Tattooine, sorta.

- While not in the main conflict Kristal had in fact removed a militia cell, a training center, supervised by a Jedi Knight. Both the Jedi Knight and most of the Republic Soldiers there died with the exception of Private Kotchnek.
- Jedi Knight Vell, trained by Orgus Din, was slain on tattooine by Kristal Serasai, perhaps you knew him?
- Private Kotchnek was given Vell's lightsaber to return it to the Jedi's Master, perhaps you heard of this and found it strange?

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:02 pm
by Durasay Mixo
So. You're looking for an outlaw folk hero? You looking for someone that cares about the downtrodden and the defeated?

You probably have the wrong guy. Or maybe not.

Durasay served with the Pantoran Military, serving aboard a patrol boat that interfered with pirates and smugglers around Pantoran space and the surrounding systems. Maybe you crossed paths, or were a pirate/smugger/ne'er do well that was taken in, and detained by Captain Mixo.

Did you spend time on Socorro? A den of scum and villainy, Durasay worked as gun-for-hire there for a few years.

He's generally a good guy, that happens to get his hands dirty. But he's known for his silver tongue. Sent in to find peace where others thought there wasn't, he's been responsible for a few gang wars NOT starting.

He enjoys gambling, but he also enjoys fine art, wine, music, opera, and a good game of Huttball. He may or may not bet on games. He's also found of watching Podraces. Want to talk the merits between different pilots? He'd love to chat.

Are you a member of the Republic? Pantora has a long history with the Republic, and a few joint operations between the planetary forces and the Republic Military makes for a great introduction.

Just get at me, if you'd like.

Re: Forging Connections (Organization Thread)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:55 pm
by Alysele Cortess
People might've met Aly:

- On Alderaan, through her family. Aly had spotty contact with her family during training as well
- She trained on Coruscant, so we might meet there?
- Some Imperials might have been assigned house cleaning to troubleshoot some annoying Sith, only to find out Aly has been lightstabbed by Aly