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Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:55 pm
by Thy Yulani
Thy nods to her friends and says, “I am going to sneak in see what the smugglers got and then be back out before you know it. Easy.”

Jae and Baz exchange glances, the two Republic soldiers knew better but shrugged and agreed. Jae kept the engine running on his speeder while Baz did another check of his weapon. He says, “Yeah just shout when the shooting starts.”

“There won’t be any shooting!” Thy snaps back.

“Yeah, okay,” the soldier replies calmly.

Thy rolls her eyes and scampers up onto the catwalk and crawls out to where the barge was. The Smugglers were loading crates… animals and people. She frowns and says over the commlink, “Slavers… I see, seven of them.”

“Copy,” Jae calls back.

“I am-”

Gm flips a dark side Destiny and Thy falls into the midst of the slavers! Combat starts, since Thy and her crew were not expecting this they roll Vigilance but the criminals are always on edge and roll Cool. Thy will begin combat prone.

Combat Order: PC, NPC, NPC, PC, PC, NPC

In this game initiative slots are variable and can change from round to round. So we track by PC slots and NPC slots, so one rone Thy may go first and another round Jae may go first.

Editor's Note I got the last two slots wrong, go with it the order stands!

Thy Yulani - Vigilance - Init: 1eA+1eP+1eB 2 successes, 1 advantage

Thugs x2 - Cool - Init: 2#2eA 1 success 3 successes, 1 advantage

Jae and Baz - Vigilance- Init: 2#1eA+1eP 3 successes 1 success, 3 advantage

gang Boss - Cool - Init: 3eA 2 successes, 2 advantage

Re: Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:57 pm
by Dapper Dog

Re: Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:20 pm
by Dapper Dog
Thy spills onto the floor and is staring up at several bewildered slavers of various species. The boss, a gruesome looking rodian, shouts in Huttese, “No witnesses!”

Thy spring to her feet Lightsaber in hand, it hums with power as she cuts down three of the thugs with ease. A spin roll and clean strike and three thugs are easily dispatched by the Jedi Knight!

Thy has a talent that allows her to stand as an Incidental, which is a very minor action that takes very little time. She has another to draw her Lightsaber as well, which usually takes a Maneuver. Every players get 1 maneuver and 1 Action, they can do a second Maneuver for Strain or with Advantage on a check but the limit is 2 Maneuvers on your turn no matter what. You only ever get 1 Action which she used to attack.

Thy - Lightsaber Minion group 1: 3eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

Thy got 1 Advantage on this attack which allows her to activate a Crticial Injury, critical injuries on minions, which these three thugs are, kills a minion outright. She does a total of 10 damage and her weapons has Breach 1 so it ignores their soak and kills the remaining 2 thugs.

The remaining thugs rush behind cover with weapons drawn, and unleash a savage torrent of blaster fire which the Jedi deflects with ease until a clean shot knocks her lightsaber right out of her hands and it rolls across the barge which is leaving the warehouse!

The Minion group uses a Maneuver to get behind cover and then makes an attack they miss but got a Triumph which is used to disarm Thy!

Minion Group 2 vs. Thy: 2eP+1eA+1eD 1 failure, 1 Triumph

The rodian sneers and fires on the Jedi but her defenses are too strong to pierce! His blaster fire though causes a large transport to block the path of Thy’s allies as they give chase, a most fortuitous event! The rodian barks orders to his men and they nod with glee.

Thy flips a Destiny die and this upgrades the difficulty of the Gang Bosses check, this turns a purple die into a red. Another failure on the attack but uses the Triumph to block the path of Jae and Baz, Jae will have an upgrade on his difficulty for on his Piloting Planetary roll. The Gang Boss uses 2 of his Advantage to give Thy a setback on her next check and 1 advantage to give his allies a Boot die on their check. He then uses a Maneuver to activate a talent to give his allies another Boost on their check.

Gang Boss vs. Thy (Thy flips a Destiny to upgrade the Difficulty): 3eP+1eC+1eD 0 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph

Jae veers around the transport only to smash through a floating noodle stand. Luckily the proprietor was not using the refresher but that does not help Jae as he fights to keep the speeder from losing too much ground!

Jae rolls his Piloting Planetary roll he has an Upgrade on the Difficulty due to the Triumph and the GM says he has a setback as well due to traffic, he fails with a Despair! The Despair takes him and Baz from medium range to Long now to the Minions and Extreme range to the Gang Boss! He uses the Advantage to give his next ally a boost!

Jae Piloting Planetary Check - Average plus Setback plus Upgrade: 2eA+1eP+2eD+1eC+1eS 0 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair

Baz growls and says, “Keep this steady!”

He lines up a careful series of shots but does nothing more than buy Thy more time. But that moment of clarity gives Baz an idea and he gestures to Jae who veers off into an adjoining alley!

Baz uses a Maneuver to Aim and then flips a Destiny Point for an Upgrade, he is at Long Range and misses the Minions but he gets 1 Advantage and uses it to notice something critical in the scene, the GM rules it a shortcut!

Baz Ranged Heavy -Long Range Plus Diff. Upgrade Plus Boost + Destiny Upgrade + Boost for Aim: 3eP+2eB+2eD+1eC 0 successes, 1 advantage

End of Round 1.

Re: Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:42 pm
by Dapper Dog
Init: PC, NPC, NPC, PC, PC

Thy dives for her Lightsaber and the rolls behind a crate and ducks down as she taps into the Force and allows her Senses to feel everything around her, the world taking on a very slow motion quality as her senses heighten and she can see, hear and feel all things in the immediate area.

Thy takes the First slot again, a Maneuver to grab her weapon and another Maneuver to get behind Cover, she suffers 2 strain for this. She uses an Action to commit 1 Force die to Sense to activate that ability.

The slavers follow her movements with blaster fire which she is able to reflect with skill but still she grits her teeth as several blaster bolts singe her flesh. One of the bolts comes dangerously close to her eyes blinding and staggering her momentarily as she tries to gather senses!

The Minions hit this time for 12 wounds, they got 3 successes and add that to the 9 base damage for 12 total. She uses Reflect to reduce the damage by 4 and her Soak of 5 takes the rest for a total of 3 wounds done. But with 3 Advantage they activate a Critical Injury and roll a 35 Staggering Thy! They use the last Advantage to give their next ally a boost die!

Minions vs. Thy + Aim + Boost from Talent + Boost from ally: 2eP+1eA+1eC+1eS+3eB 3 successes, 4 advantage

Minions Crit vs.Thy: 1d100 35

The rodian sneers and shoots at Thy as well striking through her defenses ass he is momentarily blinded! More importantly his expert shots destroy her lightsaber in one fell swoop!

The Gang Boss uses Aim as a Maneuver, he hits for another 12 wounds and she uses Reflect again for another 3 strain to reduce the damage after soak to 3 wounds for a total of 6. But the two Triumph destroy her lightsaber!

Gang Boss vs.Thy + Aim + Ally Boost: 3eP+3eB+2eD+1eS 3 successes, 2 Triumph

Just as things looked bleak Jae zooms in from above weaving through the traffic giving Baz a perfect shot at the rodian slaver!

Jae flips a Destiny point and gets a Boost die from the shortcut and rolls a success, now he and Baz are at short rang with the slavers! They have the high ground!

Jae + Destiny Upgrade + Boost from shortcut: 2eP+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage

Jae Ability die: 1eA 1 success

Baz takes careful aim with the opening from Jae he unloads on the rodian raining down death on the slaver! The rodian looks up and says, “Kill them!”

Baz flips another Destiny to upgrade his attack and then Aims with a maneuver, he gains a Boost from Jae and then strikes for 13 wounds on the Rodian reducing that 8 wounds after soak!

Baz + Aim + Gm Destiny flip + Boost from Ally vs. Gang Boss: 3eP+2eB+1eC 4 successes, 1 advantage

End of Round 2

Re: Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:56 pm
by Dapper Dog
Init: PC, NPC, NPC, PC, PC

Jae seeing the opportunity draws his blaster pistol and fires at the minions but does very little to actually harm them but the dive for cover droppping their rifles as they scatter for safety!

Jae uses a Maneuver to draw a weapon and then another to Aim for 2 strain. He misses with his attack at Short range with a setback for their Cover but with the 5 Advantage disarms them and has their rifles move to Short Range as they scatter!

Jae Ranged Light vs. Minions + Aim: 2eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eS 2 failures, 5 advantage

The slavers draw blaster pistols and fire back they fail to hit Jae but puncture several holes through the speeder causing terrible damage as Jae loses control and spills Baz onto the barge!

The Minions attack from cover after using a Maneuver to draw blaster pistols they miss but use the 5 advantage to cripple the speeder and spill Baz onto the barge, he is now prone!

Minions vs. Jae: 2eP+1eA+1eD 1 failure, 5 advantage

The rodian grins and fires at Baz striking him in the leg and shoulder, the soldier’s armor protects him but he will be feeling that tonight assuming he does not die here!

The Gang Boss hits for 12 wounds reduced by soak to 7 wounds, he then uses a Maneuver to take Cover.

Gang Boss vs. Baz: 3eP+1eD+1eS 3 successes

Setback for Prone: 1eS 0 successes

Thy looks around and sees a blaster rifle in range and snatches it up as blaster fire flows all around her in slow motion. The Force was her ally.

Thy uses a maneuver to grab a Blaster Rifle, she is Staggered and cannot take an action.

End of Round 3

Re: Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:11 pm
by Dapper Dog
Init: PC, NPC, NPC, PC, PC

Baz does not like his spot at all and rolls to take cover behind some crates and opens fire on the slavers focused on Jae. The blaster bolts rip through them and then hit a drum of fuel causing an explosion that atomizes the trio of thugs but the heat singes his armor as he smirks.

Baz uses a Maneuver to stand and then a second Maneuver, suffering 2 strain, to get behind cover. He gets a Triumph and although not usually enough to kill them all rule of cool says there needs to be explosions an the Gm allows them to be dispatched with the Triumph.

Baz vs. Minions: 3eP+1eS+1eD 4 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph

The rodian growls seeing the tides turn, his blaster bolts rip through the cover for Baz and give him another nearly mortal injury! His life for the Republic… yeah that wasn’t how he wanted this to end.

Baz uses a Destiny point to upgrade the difficulty for the Gang Boss, the Boss uses a Maneuver to Aim and hits for 12 wounds, 7 after soak for a total of 14 wounds! He uses the 2 Advantage to destroy Baz’s cover.

Gang Boss vs. Baz + Aim Baz uses Destiny to Upgrade Difficulty: 3eP+1eB+1eC+1eS 3 successes, 2 advantage

Jae opts to abandon his speeder and dives for the barge, he hits hard but is able to hold onto the edge while the speeder goes down in smoke over the Nar Shaddaa skyline with dying whine!

Jae makes an Athletics check, the GM uses Destiny to upgrade the difficulty which is Average with a setback and succeeds with a Threat, he suffers one strain!

Jae Athletics check + GM used Destiny for upgrade: 2eP+1eA+1eC+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat

Thy smirks and takes careful aim as everything is going to hell and fires a deadly shot right between the eyes of the rodian slaver. He drops to the ground as she rises and checks on Baz.

Thy uses Aim and then Aims again for 2 strain she is very low now, she flips a Destiny point and hits, this ends the Rodian!

Thy vs. Baz + Aim x2 + Destiny flip for Upgraded attack: 1eP+2eA+2eB+1eD+1eC+1eS 2 successes

Baz grits his teeth and says, “You’re buying drinks, master Jedi.”

Thy shrugs and says, “It sort of worked?”

Jae pulls himself up and scoops up a shiny crystal and says, “Well they say diamonds are a woman’s best friend, right?” He tosses her the lightsaber crystal.

She laughs and catches it as her senses return to normal… just another night on Nar Shaddaa.

End of Combat

Re: Slavers are the Worst - Sample Combat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:25 pm
by Dapper Dog
If there is something you have a question on or need clarified feel free to ask in the GM Question thread.

Since someone asked, this incident is Canon.