Drifting into the border between dreaming and tapping into the echoes of the Force, images began to float before her like snowflakes in a blizzard... which soon turned to the tropical rain of Dromund Kaas.
The Citadel loomed before her like a massive beast, with a deep unsatiable hunger lurking within its depths. But as she tried to approach, a female Sith stepped in front of her.
Her mother.
One of her blades ignited, her tone cold and authorative. "You will not go further. Death awaits within, and death awaits you if you stay."
Shaisha tried to raise her voice to protest, but it felt as dry as the wastes of Korriban and no sound came out. But she did not move either. And so Captain Sheliana advanced on her with her drawn lightsaber...
And Shaisha jolted awake, and the pain of the sudden movement sobered her up quickly from her vision. "Ow... right... time to crawl up the stairs to bed..."