by Sylvain Torsin » Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:30 am
They walked to the elevator in silence and to the door of his room. As they walked inside his apartment Sylvain allowed her to enter while he locked the door.
He motioned for her to sit and took a chair up next to her. "Layne... I don't know how to say this... and ever have you believe me. Our master is powerful... he has his hands in many of the most important matters of the day. He offers great reward and has great power which he can confer to his apprentices. But essentially of all the most powerful lords in the Empire... he is the worst master to have. His position is a vicarious one... especially at this moment."
He shakes his head, "Baras intends to kill the members of the Dark Council and set himself above them in a new position directly under the Emperor. He has hindered the work of our military throughout the galaxy for the past several years, allowing the Republic to take advantage over us in many sectors of the galaxy. He murdered my father and placed an incompetent fool as his Grand Moff who has done nothing but lose time and time again over the past year."
He continues, "He deliberately weakens those around him, leeches from them their strength, power, and ability to fight against him. He has done so with you as much as anyone else... leading you along, using you, and giving you nothing in return. His promises are great, but ultimately they are hollow. He has spent many years preparing his plots, slowly building the powerbases he will need to accomplish his aims. They are approaching a critical mass... just as he told us aboard the ship. It is possible that soon he may have the power to do what he has wished to do for some time... but that still does not mean that his promises are any less hollow. He will continue to enslave you, lead you along, and suck your power from you even more so if he succeeds in his plot. That is the man he is..."
Sith Empire | Human | Imperial Noble | Negotiator | Hero's Son | Baras' ApprenticeCarries/Wears: 'Cool' Mask, Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak (Low Friction Coating, Enhanced Optics (Vigilance Mod), Energy Dispersion), Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), 5x Stimpacks, 3x Stun and 2x Frag Grenades, Utility Belt, Holopad
"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a leader is to look at the people he has around him." -Sylvain TorsinDescription