(D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

The Premier HuttBall Arena

(D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Herresh Seir’oto » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:14 am

Senator Seir'oto stood outside the arena for his address. "Greetings, denizens of Nar Shaddaa and the rest of the galaxy! This is Senator Herresh Seir'oto, here to present to you the following clips!"

"I would like to start with my peer and friend, Senator Morindel." He put on the display of her giving her own speech earlier in the day. "And if you'll look here, she's showing off her boxing technique! How neat is that?"

"The Republic possesses a strong and capable military force." Niall was on the big display, showing that smile. His winning shot on the dummy made the Mon Calamari smile. Next was Cole was presenting his case on the way to his healthcare clinic, a fact Herresh was sure to point out. Although as soon as the shots started going awry, he sped forward from the recordings of the doctor. Lt. Varra was next, at the cantina gambling and establishing her authority. "As you can see, officers of the Republic are capable of many duties, both social and martial."

He went forward to Nunki trying to talk up some big shots on Nar Shaddaa. The Mon Calamari coughed and then sped up to clip to her showing off her lightsaber skills. "The Jedi are the peacekeepers of the Republic. They dispense justice." He clicked the presentation forward to show Baesal delivering her talk. "They also are skilled diplomats." When her shoddy lightsaber work came up, he again skipped forward in a hurry to Ashla. "She too has been offering a relief effort to the people of Nar Shaddaa." He nodded approvingly at her work and next was Arali. "She too offers aid and relief to the system! And finally, if you liked Captain Organa's winning smile, then how about Lady Cortess?" He gave an approving nod to both women's Makashi work and general charm.

"But that is not all! Who would I be if not to give you a show?!" He tore off his uniform and revealed a Huttball uniform! "I've gathered with me several talented Jedi and we are eager to show you a great game. So come on in!"
Republic | Senator | Dependable | Peacemaker

Played by Nekoinu
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Re: (D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:22 am

Senator Seir'oto took his place among Jedi Master Lyshea Mersl, her padawan Zuraa, the enigmatic Fes A'vuto, newly appointed Jedi Knight O'nera Aeser, and finally the illustrious Garrick Lorne.


"I cannot believe you convinced me to attend," the hulking Jedi remarked to his fellow Master.


"I predict you will have... fun."

Master Lorne scoffed. "We will see about that."

The bell soon rang afterward. Senator Seir'oto, by some sheer luck, charged forward with the ball and scored a goal immediately. He bowed to a crowd of onlookers. "Thank you, thank you."

He rejoined his team and smiled. "That went well. We can do it again! So follow my lead!" The Senator ran forward and went for the enemy ball carrier. Unfortunately, when he charged forward, all he managed to do was get pushed aside and tumbled away like a fish out of water.


OOC: I didn't feel like rolling the dice perfectly/might not accurately represent capabilities/doesn't exactly follow Huttball. But I thought this would be a fun little spectacle for the fluff. Will also edit in anyone's propaganda later!

D3 LA H Cool: 3eP+2eA+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

D3 LA U Leadership: 3eP+2eA+3eD 0 successes, 3 advantage

1 Success, 1 Goal from Seir'oto!
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Re: (D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:25 am


"Wow I cannot believe he just got clobbered like that!"


"Hey, treat the Senator with some respect!"

"I do! Maybe you're the one who needs to learn to respect others!

"I do respect others. Wait, is Master Mersl..."


In the time they had spend arguing, the Miruluka managed to walk past all the commotion and score two goals. "This is fun," she concluded with a soft smile.


D3 LA T Perception: 2eP+3eA+3eD 4 successes, 3 threat, 1 Triumph

D3 LA T Vigilance: 3eP+2eA+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage

5 Successes, 1 Goal -> 1 Success, 2 Goal from Lyshea
2 Successes, 3 Goals so far
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Re: (D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:31 am


The Falleen smirked. "Alright, Master. Time to show you what I can do." She ran forward and took advantage of the earlier goal set-up her comrades had set up. When the goal was made, she exclaimed, "Yes! All me! Yeah!"


"Your pride is unbecoming of a Jedi."

She gave a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I guess so." She took a breath and went in for another score. "Uhuh, right, whatever Master Lorne."


D3 LA B Deception: 1eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes, 2 threat

D3 LA A Cool: 1eP+3eA+3eD 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph

3 Success, 1 Goal from Zuraa
5 Successes, 4 Goals -> 1 Success, 5 Goals
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Re: (D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:34 am


In the meantime, Fes stalked the edges of the ring, simply watching everyone go by.


"Hey, catch!"

The ball landed next to him and was easily intercepted by an opposing player.

"Come on! Get in the game!"


D3 LA L Stealth: 3eP+2eA+3eD 1 success

D3 LA L Skulduggery: 2eP+2eA+3eD 0 successes, 2 advantage

1 Success from Fes
2 Success, 5 Goals thus far
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Re: (D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:37 am


"Alright, time for me to shine!" The Jedi Knight rushed forward weaving through the tackles with a surprising amount of acrobatics. She was able to make a goal completely on her own merit. "Phew."

Her next moment of glory was not so inspiring. She threw the ball directly into another player's hands.


"I have made better passes," she said and then proceeded to muffle a laugh in her sleeve.

"I know you're trying to make a blind joke but you're not even really blind!!!"


D3 LA HUTTBALL! Coordination: 4eA+3eD 4 successes, 1 threat

D3 LA HUTTBALL! Ranged (Light): 4eA+3eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

4 Successes, 1 Failure -> 1 Goal, 1 Failure
2 Successes, 5 Goals, 1 Failure
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Re: (D3 LA) Senator Seir'oto's Grand Speech?

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:45 am


Garrick Lorne powered up his mechanic fist for a blow against his opponent. However, the circuits overloaded for a brief moment. The opposing player laughed and tried to do a counter maneuver. The hulking Jedi didn't budge. Instead, he merely channeled the Force into a finger flick and then walked to the goal with the ball unopposed.


"Come on, Master Lorne. I know you can get another."

"Fine. If this is truly such a good PR move, then I will do it." He went up to the opposing ball carrier and seized him by the jersey. It was then a simply exercise to carry him back to his own goal and then shove him in.


D3 LA HUTTBALL! Brawl: 3eP+4eA+3eD+3eF 1 advantage, 4 Light Side

D3 LA HUTTBALL! Athletics: 3eP+4eA+3eD+3eF 2 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

8 Success -> 2 goals
2 Successes, 7 Goals, 1 Failure is the Final Total!
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