by Vec Gunnar » Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:38 pm
Vec really meant the Republic and the Alderaanian, along with any other allies he might have behind him. "Your friends, generally. Even if you didn't do all of the legwork, I'm sure you led some sort of grand coordination, Captain."
"Not strange, just not efficient," he shrugged. "I understand it's rather poetic to have the bastard face the music and get what's coming to him in front of everyone the proper way, usually how it goes in high-class worlds. It also allows him to make his peace if that was your intention too. You're pretty sure that you have the right guy. So after all of the hard work you've done, if by some miracle of the Force, he gets off're okay with that?"
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422Carries on Duty: Heavy Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Combat Knife, Grenades, Laminate Armour, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Stimpack x2, and likely even more.