by Zeno Deathwright » Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:08 pm
"Sometimes survival is achievement on it's own, depending on the situation you are in. But yes, thriving, victory and progress for the Empire is the ultimate goal. And my actions are towards that ends. And your previous council on that subject is poignant... considering if your actions are for the good of the Empire. I think with two like minded patriots like ourselves we would be able to accomplish much."
Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade
Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya)
Ship: The Umbral Vanguard