[Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

The sprawling center for the two day event of Huttcon, open from Mid Morning to Late Evening both days.

[Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:39 pm

Event Type: Side Event
Participants: Anyone
Timeslots: Late Afternoon

Scrutiny: N/A
Description: Be the best at cosplay.

Rules: There are three steps to this event, any advantage rolled can be used to add a Boost die to your next roll at a rate of 2 advantage per boost die, and threat adds a setback at a rate of 2 threat per setback. Triumph allows a single upgrade on the next roll per Triumph and a Despair upgrades the Difficulty by 1 per Despair.

First before you roll you must decide how much effort you put into the costume.

Bare Bones: You just use whatever you have on hand, this increases the difficulty by 1 for all rolls in this event but any Triumphs rolled double the effect but any Despairs also double the effect.

It's a Hobby: You spend 300 credits and get a decent costume together, there are no modifiers for this.

Yeah the Leather is Authentic: You spend 700 credits and have put a lot of time in your costume, this grants a boost die to all rolls in this event.

Below are bonus steps:

Sex Appeal: This is a bonus step, you try to jazz up the costume with some sex appeal, this adds a free Advantage to the final stage.

I am Vera Hawke: Another bonus step, you decide to cosplay as Vera Hawke and get a free additional Success from Jin Vaya in the final stage. If you get a Despair or Three Threat on the last stage of the event you offend her and get no points from her.

  1. Suiting Up: This is either a Knowledge Lore check or a Mechanics check versus 1 Challenge die and 1 Difficulty die. Success here means you have a good costume, and failure means you... create something and upgrades the difficulty on the third stage by 1.
  2. Don't damage the Wings!: Now you need to transport your costume to the convention, this is either a Streetwise, Negotiation, or Coercion check versus 1 Challenge die and 1 Difficulty die. Failure means you have issues getting your costume to the convention and are rushed to get it on for the judges. This adds two setback dice to the final stage of this event if the roll is failed on top of any other threat rolled.
  3. Look Fierce!: Now you need to impress the judges this is the big reveal! The player may make a Charm check to strut their stuff and look impressive, or they could use Athletics to make a great show of their skills, or a Coercion check to look fearsome and intimidating on the stage. The difficulty on the Check is 1 Challenge die and a setback due to being on stage with the lights and glare! Count how many successes you get, for this roll only, as the player with the most successes will win first and the next wins second and the and after that, wins third. Advantage/Threat and Triumph/Despair is used as a tie breaker.

The Judges

Jin Vaya is an easy judge and she gives everyone that participates an extra point for their score. Though she deducts a point if you went Bare Bones for her score.

Dango the Hutt is an exacting Judge and is hard to please, she is impressed by Sex Appeal and adds a point to the score but she isn't a fan of the Boob Knight so knocks off a point if you cosplay as Vera Hawke, it's a terrible show.

Satele Shan is here... because of reasons. She offers no bonuses but she is impressed if one goes Bare Bones, and adds a point for that. Sex Appeal does not work on her, she knocks off a point for that.

Total each Judge and then take the average of the scores, round down. So for example if you get done and earned 4 successes for 4 points with Sex Appeal and dressed as Vera Hawke then Jin gives you 6 points, Dango gives you 4 points, and Satele gives you 3 points then you get a total score of 4 overall.

Rewards/Outcome: First Place wins 2000 credits, Second place wins 1500 credits, and Third place wins 900 points. All three winnerss will get a chance to be on the Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight show as well!
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Arali Zian » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:50 pm

After many hours in the enclave workshop working on her lightsaber, Arali remembers today is HuttCon!

She has to race to get her costume together. Thankfully, most of the work's done, and she already has her paintings packed and shipped.

Rush job though it may be, the work is solid and she gets her costume there safe and sound, and she gets changed, into...


Here's hoping the judges dig retro, though there's a remake coming out next season, so maybe bonus points for topical?

But regardless, Corrinne has a special place in her heart. It was a kids' comedy from back when she was a kid, but it took itself just serious enough. She always loved how Corrinne would solve her adventures with cleverness, diplomacy, and lots of SCIENCE! instead of violence, even when faced with violence herself.

With her trusty scanner ray in her hand, winged booster pack on her back, and practical low heels, Arali takes the stage and rocks the retro vibe and setting the standard for any contestants that follow.

((Spending 300c. No sex appeal. Not Vera Hawke. Note that I initially forgot to roll the setback from scrutiny. Added that in after, and accounted for impact.

Mechanics: 1eP+3eA+1eC+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Despair

Setback, roll 1: 1eS 1 failure
Image so 1 success, 1 boost and 1 difficulty die upgraded to challenge next roll.

Negotiation: 4eA+1eB+2eC 3 successes, 2 advantage
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageNote: Forgot to change skill name in the roll proper, but that's my negotiation pool.

Setback, roll 2: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat
Image, 3 success, no boost on final roll.

Charm: 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eS 2 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Triumph
ImageImageImageImageImageImage. Conveniently, I forgot to roll the boost the second roll would have given me if not for setback, so... works out?

Setback, roll 3: 1eS 1 failure
Image, 1 success, 4 advantage, and 1 triumph.

1 success.
Vera: 2
Dango: 1
Shan: 1
Average: 1, w/ 4 advantages and a triumph))
Last edited by Arali Zian on Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Arsele Girard » Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:38 am

Arsele doesn't know anything about cosplay; But at least she gets some points for her high quality materials and sex appeal.


((700c and sex appeal options))

D5 huttcon, suiting up, authentic: 2eA+1eB+1eD+1eC 0 successes, 4 advantage

((+1 difficulty to last roll, 2 boost dice to next roll))

D5 huttcon, don't damage, authentic, 2 boost from step 1: 1eP+2eA+3eB+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 3 advantage

((1 boost die to next roll))

D5 huttcon, look fierce, authentic, 1 boost from step 2, +1 difficulty from step 1, destiny to upgrade: 3eP+2eB+1eS+1eD+1eC 1 success, 3 advantage

((+1 advantage from materials))

Final: 1 point w/ 4 advantage
Neutral ¤ Lounge Singer ¤ Dancer ¤ Secret Life ¤ Alderaanian Noble <> Appearance; 19 y/o, 5'4", blonde hair in braid, blue eyes, pale skin
faces of Arsele: Lounge | Socialite | Around Town | Casual
Carries: concealment holster w/ 411 holdout blaster and shortened barrel, comm, datapad, stimpack.
Backpack (usually hidden on ship): static pistol, climbing gear, lock picking tools, utility belt, extra ammo, hunting goggles, fusion lantern.
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Alysele Cortess » Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:19 am

It's a Hobby: 300 credits spent
Sex Appeal: Sexy Possessed Evil Jedi Go!
I am Vera Hawke: Sexy Possessed Evil Vera Hawke Go!

Rerolled rolls 2 and 3 cause I suck at reading comprehension

1. Suiting up:
D5 LA Cosplay Suiting Up, Lore (Intelligence), Destiny for upgrade, Setback from Scrutiny: 1eP+1eA+1eC+1eD+1eS 3 failures, 2 advantage

1 Boost on next roll, 1 upgraded difficulty on last roll

Roll 2:
D5 LA Cosplay Look Not the Wings, Negotiation (Presence), setback from Scrutiny: 3eA+1eP+1eB+1eF+1eD+1eC+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage, 2 Dark Side

Roll 3:
D5 LA Cosplay Look Look Firece reroll, Charm (Presence), setback from Scrutiny, upgrade from failed roll 1: 2eA+2eP+1eF+1eC+1eD+2eS 3 successes, 1 Light Side

Using LS pip for +1 success, Sex appeal for +1 advantage, leading 4 success, 1 advantage

Jin Vaya: 5
Dango: 4
Satele Shan: 3
Final average: 4

Old, incorrect rolls for prosperity:

2. Don't Damage the Wings:
D5 LA Cosplay Don't Damage the Wings, boost from previous roll, setback from scrutiny, difficulty upgrade from previous roll, Influence Control: 2eA+2eP+1eF+1eB+2eC+1eS 2 failures, 3 advantage, 2 Light Side
Converting LS to advantages, 2 boost die on next roll

3. Look Fierce!
D5 LA Cosplay Look Fierce! Charm (Presence), 1 setback from scrutiny, 2 from failed roll 2, 2 boost from roll 2, Force Control: 2eA+2eP+2eB+1eF+1eC+4eS 3 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Dark Side
Last edited by Alysele Cortess on Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Cole Ormont » Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:42 am

Cole is unrecognisable as Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight!

Thank the Force for small miracles.


Yeah the Leather is Authentic: +1 Boost to all Rolls
Sex Appeal: Gain 1 Advantage on final Roll
I am MalVera Hawke: Gain 1 Success on final Roll

[D5 LA] Cosplay: Suiting Up (Lore): 4eA+1eB+1eD+1eC 2 failures, 3 advantage
+1 Boost to next roll
Upgrade difficulty on final roll

[D5 LA] Cosplay: Don't Damage the Wings (Negotiation): 1eP+2eA+2eB+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 advantage
+1 Boost to next roll

[D5 LA] Cosplay: Look Fierce (Charm): 2eP+1eA+2eB+1eD+1eC+1eS 2 successes, 1 Despair
Despair for 0 points from Jin Vaya

FINAL SCORE: 1 w/ 1 Advantage, and 700 credits out of pocket.
Last edited by Cole Ormont on Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:46 am

There was only one hero that Captain Alderaan could go as. The greatest hero of them all. Ja'red Foekiller.

Niall looked into the mirror. He squinted. He looked to the left. He looked to the right. He tried squinting some more. That was pretty much it, right? Besides combing his hair to stick up more, and wearing an orange shirt instead of a blue one, it all seemed to be about the squinting. Of course, pretty much all of his clothing was in either Organa blue, or in Republic blue, so that did necessitate a trip to the shops.

Similarly, it was easy to get to the event. Ja'ren wore a jacket, and so did Niall. It was hard to damage that, and any grime he did get on it would make him look more grizzled, like Ja'red Foekiller.

And then he was up on stage. Niall automatically smiled for the cameras.

"That's funny... he's dressed as Ja'red Foekiller. But shouldn't he be squinting and looking around more?" Niall winced. He knew he'd forgotten something...

Shaking his head, he went off-stage, passing by Aly. He leaned over, whispering something in her ear as he passed by.


Huttcon Cosplay! Suiting Up, Knowledge Lore: 3eA+1eD+1eC 1 success, 3 advantage

Suiting Up setback: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Huttcon Cosplay! Don't Damage Wings! Negotiation, +1 boost from first roll: 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+1eB 2 successes, 1 threat

Don't damage wings setback: 1eS 0 successes

Look Fierce! Charm, both setback dice cancelled from talents: 2eP+2eA+1eC 2 successes

Average of 2, went sexy because why not. 300 spent.
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Sylvain Torsin » Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:29 am

Being thoroughly bored with himself waiting to hear from any number of contacts about the progress of his reaching out to establish influence over Baras' disperse powerbases... Sylvain heard of the Cosplay Event in the morning and decided he'd work on a suit with what he had available. He elected to go with Lucena Darklight, beautiful and cunning spy of the Empire's hit propaganda show 'Luminous Darkness'. He had spent hours watching the show with Shaisha when they were younger, and Shaisha often teased him that with the right eyeliner he could look like Lucena.

Sylvain decided to give her words a shot, and put together a matching costume with a bit of money he had left over. He was well enough familiar with the show that he had no problem putting together what would appear to everyone to be a quality piece. He got the cape just right and draped it over his shoulder in the perfect way. Lucena had a certain appeal to her, but it was never overtly sexy. She was business first, business second, and passion third.

He enlisted the help of a carrier to get his costume there on time, and he was fortunate enough to have enlisted Vera Hawke's own roadie, so when he arrived everything was perfectly set up for him.

Sylvain was never intimidated by the lights and sounds of the spotlight. He strolled out with confidence and struck Lucena's famous pose, turning to the spectators to hear them 'ooh' and 'ahh' at his appearance. In his best imitated voice he repeated her catchphrase, "Lights out for the enemies of the Empire." He shot the audience a sultry wink and then exited the stage.

Lucena Darklight.png
Lucena Darklight.png (74.78 KiB) Viewed 9608 times


D5 LA Cosplay Round 1, Hobby, Knowledge Lore: 2eA+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 threat

D5 LA Cosplay Round 2, Hobby, Coercion, Influence, -2 setback for skill: 2eA+1eP+1eF+1eD+1eC 3 successes, 1+1=2 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Light Side

D5 LA Cosplay Round 3, Hobby, Charm, Influence, -setback for skill, Triumph from last roll, Bonus from 2 adv: 1eA+3eP+1eF+1eB+1eC 4+2=6 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Light Side

Vera: 7
Dango: 6
Satele: 6
Last edited by Sylvain Torsin on Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sith Empire | Human | Imperial Noble | Negotiator | Hero's Son | Baras' Apprentice
Carries/Wears: 'Cool' Mask, Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak (Low Friction Coating, Enhanced Optics (Vigilance Mod), Energy Dispersion), Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), 5x Stimpacks, 3x Stun and 2x Frag Grenades, Utility Belt, Holopad
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Niriti » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:08 am

Niriti decided that to get through the event she needed all the help she could get, so she spent money on her costume to make sure that all was going her way. She was not one to know about construction or anything, so using proper elements was essential to getting a better result, specially today that the Hutt were wary of the Imperials.

The result was okay, although she could tell that it was quite basic, she would have to pull through to make it work. At least there didn't seem to be any problem with transportation, since she was able to get a decent and proper transport for her and the costume.

She was not nervous, she looked deep into Dango's eyes and did her show knowing that the Hutt would not approve of her choice, knowing that and happy because of it.

Leather Dress of Vera Hawke, Extra Setback because of Scrutiny

Leather Dress of Vera. Lore: 0 successes

Leather Dress of Vera. Transporting: 3 successes

Leather Dress of Vera. The Show: 2 successes, 5 advantage

TOTAL 2 Successes, Jin Vaya 4, Dango 1, Satele 2 - Average 2
NIRITI: Force Sensitive | Human | Sith | Provocative Charm | Breathy Voice | Ministry of Logistics

Equip: Padded Armor, Hand Scanner, ComLink, Datapad, Glow Rod, Truncheon, Lightsaber Shoto, Backpack

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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Lt. Varra » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:01 am

Varra splurged on buying an authentic Imperial officer's uniform from a "military surplus" store in the bad part of town.

"This jacket is damaged! There's blaster marks on the chest!" Varra complained to the alien running the store. "You should mark the price down."

But the alien salesman only laughed its unnatural laugh. "Genuine battle damage," it grunted back in Huttese. "Vintage. Blaster marks in front, not back. That costs extra."

Varra grumbled as she paid up. She intended to dress up as an Imperial admiral for HuttCon, and getting a proper uniform was essential.

It wasn't too hard to fabricate a few fake medals to cover up the scorch marks on the uniform jacket. Varra was particularly proud of the "I survived 4 political purges and all I got was this lousy medal" medal. Soon, a small Imperial admiral covered in fake bling was waiting at the shuttle station en route to the convention.

The transport shuttle was crowded and some guy in a wookiee costume jostled Varra's elbow. "Hey, back off, furface!" Varra snapped, shoving him back. The guy turned around and...it wasn't a guy in a wookiee costume. It was an actual wookiee, in a Vera Hawke costume. Who even knew that wookiees had breasts? "Uhh.... nice costume..." Varra said placatingly, backing away slowly. The resulting melee lost Varra half of her fake medals, unfortunately including the blood-red "1000 Minions Executed" campaign ribbon that she had really thought pulled the costume together.

Despite these obstacles, Varra finally made it to the HuttCon parade where she strutted proudly down the catwalk for the inspection of the judges. Venturing an in-character monologue, the shortest Imperial admiral proclaimed, "I want those Republic scum executed! Don't disappoint me again!" But Varra had a tough time keeping a straight face as she delivered these lines, unable to stifle a giggle immediately afterwards. The effect was rather more Dark Helmet than Darth Vader, and the ushers quickly hurried her off the stage.


Authentic Leather: 700 Credits * 1.2 Scrutiny = 840 Credits spent
Not Sexy

Huttcon Cosplay, Suiting Up, Knowledge: Lore (Intellect) + Authentic Leather boost vs 1 Challenge 1 Difficulty - Scrutiny setback: 4eA+1eB+1eC+1eD+1eS 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Despair

Huttcon Cosplay, Don't damage the Wings, Coercion (Willpower) + Authentic Leather boost + 1 Boost (2 Suiting Up Advantages) vs 1 Challenge 1 Difficulty +1 Difficulty (Suiting Up Despair) +1 Setback (Scrutiny): 3eA+2eB+1eC+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 3 advantage

Huttcon Cosplay, Look Fierce!, Coercion (Willpower) +1 Boost (Authentic Leather) +1 Boost (Damaged Wings) vs 1 Challenge 1 Setback +2 Setback (Damaged Wings) +1 Setback (Scrutiny): 3eA+2eB+1eC+4eS 0 successes, 1 Despair

Jin Vaya: 1
Dango the Hutt: 0
Satele Shan: 0
Average: 0
Republic Military • Plucky • Heroine
wearing: heavy clothing, glittery earrings, goggles (usually raised)
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:15 am

The costume had been prepared ahead of time... sadly, Jitter had tinkered on the "rocketpack", so that the mechanism that would've given Shaisha small boost to show off (and be more authentic) was now broken. Great. At least Shaisha and Anthy got it to the convention center without any trouble though the detours they took did make them a little late and they had to wait far back in the line to get registered.

Since Sylvain was going as someone from Luminous Darkness, Shaisha was also doing the same. Enter Lucena's nemesis: Grey Storm. Sure, Grey Storm was a man, and not a pureblood Sith, but the troubleshooting-merc-with-a-mouth thankfully rarely took of his helmet so it made it easier for her to pass the crossplay. And the armor padded down most of her sexy curves anyway.

Sadly, Grey Storm was also probably the most popular character from Luminous Darkness, and the convention floor had one at every corner, and there were at least a dozen Grey Storm costumes of various quality only before Shaisha in the competition, not to mention how many more there were after her. She showed off some of his signature moves on stage, but without the rocketpack to give her the needed boost it wasn't terribly impressive and



D5 Cosplay! Step 1 Knowledge. Real leather boost!: 2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 2 failures, 1 advantage

D5 Cosplay! Step 2 Streetwise. Scrutiny Setback - Negate Setback with Street Smarts. Real Leather Boost: 4eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 0 successes, 1 advantage

D5 Cosplay! Step 3 Athletics to show off! Conditioned ignores setback! Real Leather boost. Upgrade difficulty from failure at Step 1: 1eP+1eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 0 successes, 2 threat

Shaisha gets... 1 point from Jin Vaya! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Craw Toboga » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:52 am

Craw didn't usually play dress-up. He regarded it as a curiosity which other people did, but it didn't make much sense to him. But he was on Nar Shaddaa, and there was this con and the entry fee wasn't that bad... So he grabbed an old dress jacket and pants from the cargobay of the turtle, threw them on and went to strut his stuff.
His aim was to impersonate the famous intergalactic superspy Sterling Donb, from the famous holomovie series Sterling Donb. But the judges were... Less than impressed with his unbelievably fake Corellian accent, shabby coat, and his collection of the worst one-liners the movie had to offer.


Bare Bones supplies
No Sex Appeal
Lore/Intellect: 2eA+0eP+0eB+0eF+2eD+1eC+0eS 0 successes

Streetwise/Cunning: 2eA+0eP+0eB+0eF+2eD+1eC+0eS 2 failures, 2 advantage
2 Failures...

Charm/Presence: 2eA+0eP+0eB+0eF+2eD+1eC+3eS 2 failures, 4 threat
2 failures, 4 Threat...
|Mandalorian|Neutral|Mercenary|Totally Awesome|
Carries: [OK-98 Blaster Carbine (Slung over shoulder), Vibro-Machete (In Scabbard)], Mandalorian Battle Armor (Badass), Commlink, few Stimpacks.
[Where Appropriate]
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Yslane Tssilla » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:56 am

Yslane thought this whole thing was silly for her, but she had basically lived a pretty aesthetic existence for most of her life.....so her opinions were pretty skewed. But Master Yulani was enthusiastic and after threats were made about forcing Yslane into the supporting role for some Warriors of Justice show to Thy's staring role(though Thy assured her that said supporting role was actually really popular and would be absolutely awesome to go as, etc, etc).

So Yslane agreed to this bit of madness and after some research landed on some popular show about a noble pirate queen doing things noble pirates do. Which Tssilla assumed was the same thing regular pirates do only with more nobility. Sadly 25 minutes is not a good time to get a grasp on the character...especially not one surrounded by individuals who had written the equivalent of dissertations on how the character's actions in episode 138 were a callback to both the events of 15, foreshadowed episode 229, and referenced some other space pirate show. Yslane was didn't have time for that....so listen to the character's voice, watch her move, look at a picture, spend much of her petty cash or its back into the brightly colored spandex and ridiculous poses Master Yulani wanted....done!

The easy part was walking through the crowd, this was something she did surprisingly well for a generally cloistered Jedi. Every spilled drink and flying bit of food was deftly avoided. She did have to stop for pictures though and more then a few people tugged on the ridiculously long hair extensions she had to wear for this getup. Overall Yslane arrived intact.

Then came the judging part. Yslane blushed at this, mainly at the sight of Master Shan's gaze. She made a small nod to where Thy stood, wearing her own costume, which brought a small nod of understanding from Satele. With that Yslane gave her performance, which was pretty mediocre by all accounts. A few dashing waves of whatever a laser rapier was, a few cliched lines, and surprisingly few ridiculous poses(which is why Yslane had chosen this character to begin with). All in all it was pretty bog standard and got the reviews to match. Except from Jin....who apparently was one of those aforementioned people who had once written a dissertation on this character Yslane was suppose to be playing.....who took the fact that someone dared to give a mediocre performance of this character on her stage as a personal affront.

Oh well, at least she was not having to dance around on stage in those silly poses Thy wanted.....


Blew most of my money on this....I blame Thy
300 Credits - Average (Poor Monk Jedi is Poor)

Knowledge Lore Check For Cosplay: 2eA+1eD+1eC 1 failure

Knowledge Lore Check For Cosplay: 1eP+3eA+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 4 advantage
ImageImageImageImageImageImage - Incorrectly labelled because I am lazy and forgot to change it....that's Cunning/Streetwise

Charm Check For Cosplay (Rerolling again, this time with the correct dicepool of 1D and 1C not too 2C): 1eP+1eA+1eC+1eD+2eB+1eS 1 success, 2 threat, 1 Despair

Jin: 0(despair)
Dango: 1
Satele: 1

Average: 0....reread the rounding rules....curse you Jin and your love of Crimsonia!
Last edited by Yslane Tssilla on Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
Republic • Force Sensitive • Jedi Shadow • Shien Student • Thy's Padawan

Equipment: Comlink, Datapad, Hold-Out Blaster, Lightsaber(usually hidden)
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Col. Hala Moraal » Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:28 pm

A Huttcon cosplay contest? Fah, a meat market. She was too old to show so much flesh, had done too much to afford her positions being misconstrued.... but perhaps she could leverage all that. Quickly, she set about collecting scrap metal from the quartermaster along with expended ammunition and the fragments and shards of wrecked scrap metal. Using all this, she built a crude exoskeleton which would certainly give her the look she needed, but was far more bulky and ungainly than she was used to. By the time she noticed though, she no longer had any time remaining to correct it and decided it would have to do.

Contacting the desk sergeant, she liaised with hutt security to have a side-door open and ready for her usage. Along with her protective detail, after what had happened the night before, she was given a wide berth on her way into the convention center with plenty of time to set up. She stepped into a private room, slipped on her exoskeleton, grabbed her salvaged "sword", and began the thumpy, plodding, uncomfortable trek to the hall where the contest was to be judged.

In her turn, she waited. Considering the nature of her costume, she was forced to keep it on and yet unable to sit in the rows of flimsy chairs the Hutts had furnished for the contestants. She handed a small disk to the organizers containing a rearrangement of the Empire's national anthem and pressed herself against the wall for some support until her group was called. Stomp, stomp, stomp she moved through back hallways, down stairs, and through the backstage corridors usually off limits to the public. Once again she waited, now able to hear the stage and presenters. She contented herself to watch on the vidscreen, willing the strain in the small of her back to kindly go away for another 20 minutes. 25 more minutes, or 30, and it would all be done.

Quiet thud, quiet thud, she edged along in line. When asked how she wanted to be introduced, she merely replied "The Angel of Dromond Kass". The producer nodded and scurried off and she edged even closer. Finally she planted to tip of her sword against the metal plating of the stairs up to the stage and used it to help force her awkward way up the first step. Then... then it was time.

"Our next contestant has an original creation that the showrunners at 'Vera Hawke' may want to consider licensing.... She is your Angel of Dromooooond KAAAAAAS!"

The music began and all need for subtlety ended. She started quickly clomping up the last few stairs and her black-on-grey-on-silver costume stepped into view. At first, the dark colors muted what people could see, and instead they were left with the sounds of heavy footfalls echoing through the open air of the hall from the hollow underside of the stage. And then an armored foot, a knee, a rough hewn sword, and she stepped fully into view. She started by striking moving around the arena, showing off the front, back and sides of her costume. She gave an amateur but serviceable flourish of her ungainly weapon, and then she settled into a pose worthy of a recruitment poster.

"I've seen the Jedi.... oh yes. And I know of the Knight they call Hawke. I know, too, of her willingness to serve at the beck and call of a corrupt Galactic Senate. I know, too, that the Senate is greedy. It covets worlds, it covets your livelihoods. It gives you what it calls 'freedom' and all it demands is your utterly silent consent to whatever they call normal - but no more. A thousand years ago the Republic burned my homeland to ashes. A thousand years ago, the Jedi at best did nothing while my ancestors were slaughtered and at worst were a party to genocide. Three hundred years ago, they did it again, to the Mandalorians. But no more. No more will we sit in silence and allow our consent to be presumed. No more will we sit idly by while they creep, and encroach, and insinuate their judgments and their sensibilities on our lives. Who? Who are they, who think themselves worthy to tell others how they must live? Well I'll tell you what I know. I will not sit idly by any longer. I will stand against them and hold back the forces of the Republic and the cursed Vera Hawke with all that I am. And who am I? Captain Kiratta T'von. The Angel of Dromond Kass."

300c on a costume

Hutt-con: suiting up: 2eA+1eC+1eD 1 failure
upgrade stage 3

Hutt-con: transportation: Coercion, Intimidating, +2 advantage, negate 1 setback: 2eP+2eA+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage

Hutt-con: the big show: Coercion, Intimidating, +2 boost from previous roll, negate 1 setback: 2eP+2eA+4eB+2eD+1eS 3 successes, 4 advantage

Jin: 4
Dango: 3
Satele Shan: 3

Average: 3, with 4 advantage.
Imperial * Human * Military * Intelligence * Credentialed Diplomatic Attache
Dress uniform, assortment of ribbons and medals, code cylinders, comm link, data pad, species database, holdout blaster
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Col. Hala Moraal
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:04 pm

Putting together a costume at the last minute, no matter what your costume budget, was a trial. Especially when you were going for sexy. She didn't think it was too bad... top was high cut but the zipper closing it was undone... definitely farther than was typical for the character, and it clung to her rear (in her opinion, her best feature) appealingly. She managed to get it to the convention easily enough, too, with plenty of time. Donning it went well. She was going as a secondary villainess in a show she'd seen before she was completely buried in her duties. She wasn't really... chesty enough for the character, but it was impressive what some tape and extra material could do to create the illusion.

Unfortunately, such an ensemble wasn't really suited for the sort of athletics she was actually good at at. Some time during a flip or a turn, some of the tape came loose, and... well, it was sheer luck she caught it before revealing too much. She finished her set, and hurried offstage, as red as her hair.


(Spending 700c, Sex Appeal, no Vera)

Suiting Up! Knowledge: Lore/Intellect + Boost: 2eA+1eD+1eC+1eB 0 successes, 2 threat
Setback 1: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Suiting Up! Streetwise (Cunning) + Boost: 2eA+1eP+1eD+1eC+1eS+1eB 2 successes
Setback 2: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Look Fierce! Athletics (Brawn) + Boost: 1eA+1eP+1eD+1eC+1eS+1eB 1 success, 2 advantage
Setback 3: 1eS 0 successes

Average Roll: 1 success
Vera: 2
Dango: 2
Shan: 0
Advantage: 3
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force Sensitive
Carries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds

"One shot can end one life and save millions more."
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Luth Khalan
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Galen Sol » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:16 am

After this morning's events, Galen needed something fun to do. Huttcon had proven to be a pleasant distraction so far and the cosplay contest seemed like an interesting challenge. He quickly cobbled some things together and made his way to the convention.

"Whiteout" was his favorite episode. Actually, it was the only one he'd ever seen. And, he really only remembered one thing from it.


D5, LA, Bare Bones, Suiting Up: 3eA+2eD+1eC 1 success, 1 threat

D5, LA, Bare Bones, Don't damage the Wings!, Streetwise: 3eA+2eD+1eC 2 successes, 1 threat

D5, LA, Bare Bones, Look Fierce!, Athletics: 1eA+1eP+1eD+1eC+1eS 1 success, 2 threat

Jin Vaya: 1
Dango the Hutt: 1
Satele Shan: 2

Total: 1
Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Neutral
Wears: Heavy Clothing, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Datapad, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Other Gear as Necessary
Pet: Navi
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Galen Sol
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Re: [Day 5 - LA] Huttcon Cosplay Contest!

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:08 pm

The Winners: Sylvain wins first, Alysele wins second, and Hala wins third!

All three will be able to film a scene for the show on Day 7.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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