Eight wrote:*Spreads rumors that Yslane is involved in a Sith money laundering enterprise*
Droids have a gossip function?
- Code: Select all
CONJECTURE: The tall meatbag that thinks it has skills with numbers has engaged in illegal activities involving numbers and other meatbags who wear black.
ASSERTION: You can trust me, all droids are superior with numbers and thus can discover discrepancies with far greater accuracy, roughly an increase of 10 to the 10 to the 10 over an inferior meatbag.
ASSERTION: If after that you still do not trust me. I wish to add a new angle(to use the inferior meatbag phrase): those displaying a lower trust coefficient will be disintegrated.
Moyr Ahaya wrote:But the exclamation mark means you are tempted. Because you know you have the skills to do it and that it would offer you a satisfaction from being awesome at riding the flawed system and getting away with it.

Besides, if droids gossip about it, why not make it happen?

Technically, upon further reflection, it is depriving the
Imperial government of funds for its war chest. So in a way it is the patriotic thing to do.
But I also suspect that tax evasion in the Sith Empire has a higher penalty then white collar prison. Or at the very least white collar in the Sith empire translates as: the color collar slaves working to death in the mines wear.
Baesal Zyn wrote:Yslane is not a petty empire bureaucrat!
She is a Galactic Republic bureaucrat...that...that is something else
That's right! I am not merely petty! But also the product of nepotism.