by Niall Organa » Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:51 pm
So, I don't really have a say in who the three other members of the team are.
However, I would strongly request that even if most people are good at the non-violent methods, we do bring along someone very good at violence, just in case that last roll fails. Because I'd rather not let this guy get away, and I also don't want a bunch more bystanders to get gunned down.
If I did have a say, Niall would want Aly, his old friend/Jedi knight, who would roll 2y2g for violence, I believe. But if there's someone else similarly awesome at combat, that's fine, too! And I really don't have a say, so whatever three others end up, that's who it'll be.
Republic Military Officer * Alderaanian Noble * Diplomat *
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ThemeCarries: Officer's Blaster Pistol, 4 stimpacks. Grenade when appropriate