With the showers past, Zeno tries to think of something to do, so he calls up Jani Gwenz to see what she was up to and if she was free to meet and talk.
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"Doing well. Just wanted to call and see how you were doing," he says as he strolls along the street. "Currently out for a stroll in the commercial district and I thought of you."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"Nothing that's happened on the news has affected me directly. I try not to get caught up in explosions," he replies. "Have those headlines and events affected you? I imagine security contracting may be seeing increased business right now."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"I love to talk," he says with a laugh. "Don't let that stand in the way of your image of danger though. Just because I enjoy a pleasant conversation doesn't mean I don't love a pitched combat more."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"The Deathwrights? Loyal, skilled pilots. Elite among the Empire. Been a part of the Empire for around a thousand years. I'd dare say you couldn't find stronger bonds in the empire than those shared by our family. And it has been a wonderful life growing up among them, even if difficult compared to other Noble houses. We are more austere than most others because we focus more on our skills than political games."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"Many noble families maneuver and engage in politics, trying to gain favor and trade resources. Mine focuses on military accomplishments and capabilities. Our political aims tend to be aimed at resource gathering to ensure we have sufficient, high quality equipment."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"Not really. I would help my family however I can, but I'm a warrior. Resource management is not my specialty. I'm here to support the empire as I can."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard
"I'll try to be done there as early as I can," he confirms. "And be back in the afternoon. Thanks for the heads up. Shouldn't take too long once I get planetside."
Sith Lord| Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade Powerbase: Death's Shadow Squadron (led by Lt Carza Hilya) Ship: The Umbral Vanguard